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Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:46 am
by Ricotez

Bottom post of the previous page:

The only games I really regret buying are the abandonware ones like StarForge, Towns and SpaceBase DF-9. It feels like I enabled shit developers to continue being shit.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:20 am
by onleavedontatme

First time I got burned by early access.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:39 am
by Timbrewolf
A lot of the stuff in this thread people regret playing I liked.

I called out a lot of people for it similarly on discord but your guys' standards for what you expect out of 4X games and other grand strat stuff is pretty fucking ridiculous. You regard any game that isn't a 10/10 exactly what you wanted as total shit.

Hearing people bitch about the combat in Endless Space is always a favorite, for example. When they appealed to that complaint in Endless Legend and made a combat system more in line with what the haters wanted they moved on to complaining that it was too much like Civ or other nebulous gripes.

Then Stellaris came out and it's cool to hate it now despite everyone loving it at first.

You guys, man.

I own a million fucking games, or somewhere near that amount as I had to rent a fucking storage unit at one point to keep them all in. Not to mention my steam library and other random digital purchases across the different marketplaces. My list of games I regret purchasing is:

Star Citizen (but only a little bit, since it's looking like it's finally making fucking progress, might end up striking this off the list eventually)
MechwarriorOnline (I had a lot of fun with this but HOLY FUCK WHY DID I PUT $400+ INTO IT WHY)

outside of that I guess I regret spending so much damn money on Force of Will cards because I don't have anyone to play it against anymore. On the plus side if it keeps building popularity steadily I may end up with a decent investment in cardboard gold someday but we'll have to wait and see.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:53 am
by TheColdTurtle
Starboard still hurts man, still hurts

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:39 am
by dezzmont
I would contend that Endless space's combat pretty much distills tactical combat in games like MoO2 down to near perfection. Yeah, MoO2's overall better and more interesting tech does mean that the weird tools on ships that often decided fights like tractor beams or whatever are gone, but in the basic 'rooty tooty shooty' bit space fights in X4s like SOTS 2 and MoO2 was 'Pick a gambit, does yours counter theirs? You fight as if you had a fleet that was X% stronger.' It was almost like divekick in that it removed most of the pointless BS to focus on what actual choices you made.

I will say it is fair to say that in Endless space your empire never really changes, nor does how you fight, and that does really suck, but the combat system was great, and this is from a MoO2 vet. I would prefer tactical combat if you had some of the great shit like ion blasters in the game, but because it doesn't, it doesn't need tactical combat. It really gave the x4 genre a kick in the pants too, so I am glad it was successful even if it wasn't perfect.

I think it is fair to say Stellaris is not really that great an X4. I don't regret buying it, I sunk enough time into it, but it failed to meet my expectations. It tried to be an X4 more than something like CK2, but failed because there is so much temptress in the game you know was meant for a CK2 style game. Like so many features clearly were designed with a pseudo RPG system like CK2 where you really need to manage your own personal regime that did not have a 1:1 level of control with the empire, with stuff like factions, sectors, ect, but it just fell flat because they decided to focus more on the X4 resource management bits which would be harmed. Unfortunately because the game is just not fun to actually win, due to the insane victory conditions that are nearly impossible due to how your empire will crumble apart if you try to get too big too fast like CK2, you need some intrigue. I hope it will become a good game and don't regret having it but I understand 100% why people do.

Civ Beyond Earth and StarDrive were the two games that I really regret getting. They weren't just not as good as they could be, they were downright boring in their lack of ambition and polish.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:46 am
by XSI
Ricotez wrote:SpaceBase DF-9
Why did you have to remind me?
It's bad enough every time I see double scam's logo

Honestly, my gripe with Stellaris is that it doesn't have the content to fill its galaxies with. But if we take a closer look at that, it's mostly just that it doesn't have the content to be a 4x, and it also doesn't have the content to be a grand strat
It has the very beginnings of both, sure. But it doesn't actually follow through on any of it.

It tries to be both, and in doing so delivers a very mediocre experience that is worse than a dedicated 4x(Like Endless Space/legend or civ games) at what they do, as well as being worse at grand strat than a dedicated game(Such as EU4 and CK2) at that field. It's very clear that they just plain did not have the time or funding to actually make enough content for the game to be both, so we got a watered down version that hints at things being much more complex and finished than they are, but it never delivers.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:46 am
by dezzmont
It isn't even a grand strategy game at all in my opinion. Like none of the features push it in that direction. It is just a bad X4 with features missing or done poorly in order to support future grand strategy stuff.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:51 am
by XSI
Thus, missing content

Because they marketed it as being sort of grand strat. Which I suppose is technically kinda true if you count 4x games as being very, very light grand strat
Honestly though, in the end it's all probably going to be fine for me so long as they do it like they do CK2 and EU4 with DLC

As long as a host of a multiplayer session has it, it works for everyone
Because I only play it multiplayer. There's no reason whatsoever to single player that. And I'm not paying them for DLC because they haven't even delivered 30bux worth yet

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:59 am
by dezzmont
CK2 earns a lot of points by essentially being an RPG, which means the goals of the AI are different than just defeating you and they instead are more your enviroment. Programming AI for macro level strategy in an X4 is notoriously hard which is why almost every X4 cheats and just gives the AI more resources to represent the efficiency a human player can bring to the table, and in CK2 you don't really need good and challenging AI for the most part due to the nature of the game.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:41 pm
by captain sawrge
to make a serious post, overwatch

the maps are all shitty checkpoints and mostly feel boring, some characters just feel like gimmicks (bastion, symmetra) and others don't seem to be very relevant (why play reaper when mccree can practically guarantee a close range kill on anyone), balance is super wonky and it seems like all they've done is just nerf or buff characters massively in accordance with whichever one the masses scream is op/up

A big gripe for me is the moba-style skills. I was super excited at first to see how each character had a unique mobility option, because my favourite thing about arena FPS is going fast and getting around. What instead happened was that characters are each limited by their skill and its cooldown and there aren't many mobility options outside of these skills. It's placing a low skill ceiling intentionally so skilled or creative players have a harder time taking advantage of the movement skills. In TF2, there were a lot of unique shortcuts you could find by double jumping the right way, or crouch jumping, or rocket/sticky jumping. Splatoon also did mobility very well imo with its ink and swimming mechanics, and those made it one of my favourite shooters ever.

Overwatch just feels way too simple, catering to casuals with pretty colours and character designs while having pretty bland gameplay. It's enjoyable enough but every time I played it I usually just got frustrated when another game ended because no one could push past a checkpoint, or the same bastion/reinhardt combo I'd seen for the past 30 games once again slaughtered every 13 year old and battlefield player that entered their line of sight, etc. The balance is shitty, the maps are nice and simple so any retard can figure them out, the characters stopped being that interesting to play for me and I mostly just wished I was playing something else.

in summation, splatoon rules fuk the haters

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:46 pm
by Jacough
Kor wrote:>StarForge

First time I got burned by early access.
I can honestly say that with the exception of Divinity OS and Steam Marines I regret every Early Access game I bought.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:53 pm
by Reyn
TheColdTurtle wrote:Starboard still hurts man, still hurts
It has steam workshop

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:39 pm
by tedward1337
Rico, I'm on the same page as you with spacebase DF-9
If you want something similar, I'd say planetbase is your best bet. It's a base builder on a planet instead of empty space like DF-9

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:46 pm
by DemonFiren
I got DF9 as gift.
I immediately elected to tell Steam I don't wanna own this piece of crap.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:53 pm
by XSI
tedward1337 wrote:Rico, I'm on the same page as you with spacebase DF-9
If you want something similar, I'd say planetbase is your best bet. It's a base builder on a planet instead of empty space like DF-9
Oh right, that game

I regret playing it because it was shit, but I don't regret buying it because I got a lot of people following my reviews since that one. Maybe they fixed it, maybe not. But when I played it and reviewed it several times(Because the devs kept stealthily marking all negative reviews as being horribly out of date two or three days after they got put out), there just wasn't a lot of gameplay to it. They skipped playtesting and QA on that one
I regret my time investment on that one, not my money investment
Even if most of my time investment was spend browsing 4chan in the steam overlay browser because the game is pretty crap at actually letting you do stuff

Big quote
captain sawrge wrote:to make a serious post, overwatch

the maps are all shitty checkpoints and mostly feel boring, some characters just feel like gimmicks (bastion, symmetra) and others don't seem to be very relevant (why play reaper when mccree can practically guarantee a close range kill on anyone), balance is super wonky and it seems like all they've done is just nerf or buff characters massively in accordance with whichever one the masses scream is op/up

A big gripe for me is the moba-style skills. I was super excited at first to see how each character had a unique mobility option, because my favourite thing about arena FPS is going fast and getting around. What instead happened was that characters are each limited by their skill and its cooldown and there aren't many mobility options outside of these skills. It's placing a low skill ceiling intentionally so skilled or creative players have a harder time taking advantage of the movement skills. In TF2, there were a lot of unique shortcuts you could find by double jumping the right way, or crouch jumping, or rocket/sticky jumping. Splatoon also did mobility very well imo with its ink and swimming mechanics, and those made it one of my favourite shooters ever.

Overwatch just feels way too simple, catering to casuals with pretty colours and character designs while having pretty bland gameplay. It's enjoyable enough but every time I played it I usually just got frustrated when another game ended because no one could push past a checkpoint, or the same bastion/reinhardt combo I'd seen for the past 30 games once again slaughtered every 13 year old and battlefield player that entered their line of sight, etc. The balance is shitty, the maps are nice and simple so any retard can figure them out, the characters stopped being that interesting to play for me and I mostly just wished I was playing something else.

in summation, splatoon rules fuk the haters
This is pretty much what I say about Overwatch as well and it got people to ask me why I am so salty, complete with "Sounds like someone's hero got nerfed". It's a load of crap that people's first idea on seeing criticism is 'this guy must be butthurt'. I don't regret buying it because it's still fun to play it with friends. They knew exactly what they were doing when making the game, and designed it perfectly for their target audience. But neither you nor I am that target audience.

The maps are fine, really. They did about as well as they could with the characters using them. But that's the point. The characters are at the point where it's not "These iconic images of our game", and more at "This kinda crowd of people". It becomes difficult to care about them when there's that many, and the nerf/buff cycle will never end because they're set up for countering other characters, so who is OP varies depending on the meta. And Blizzard, as seen with World of Warcraft, relies on players to tell them what's OP. Players who do not understand this whole meta thing. Aside from that, with the very limited mobility it is not really possible to design a map every one of them can do well on, at best you will find a few flank routes with huge pits to pass over.

Moba style skills are needed to keep the game simple, which is the entire plan for Overwatch. In the same way the 6v6 format is completely uninteresting(To me at least) but at the least it's easy to understand for people and it's easy to figure out what you should be doing(And yet people fail at this). The whole thing just feels like they made it as slow as possible without becoming turn based. If you have played TF2 before it went free to play, you're overqualified for Overwatch and you will likely hit the skill ceiling both for mobility and for shooting in a few weeks of casual play.
I too find myself thinking "Why am I even playing this?", but often this is followed by "Not like there's any better alternatives"

It's intentionally casual and slow, but designed to give the illusion of skill for most of the game.
Sure, you can be really skilled at say Junkrat and airshot people. But you're still not going to do noticeably better than the junkrat who just spams at a chokepoint. Similarly for most other classes, you can become really good at them. But there is no point to it since being skilled at one and being just okay at one is roughly equal in most situations
It's well designed to do that, and they did good at that. The end result is exactly what they wanted, but it's just not what I want to play most of the time

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:35 pm
by captain sawrge
Yeah, that's a much better way of saying what I was trying too. I don't think it's poorly made, but it's very much a game for a casual audience which is the exact opposite of what I wanted out of it

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:10 pm
by Drynwyn
Got to disagree on casual players being the sole target for OW. You're absolutely correct that the individual skill ceiling is deliberately set lower than TF2 and such, but to my analysis, that design decision is made to force people into mastering coordinating with their teammates, which has a much higher skill ceiling than the run-and-gun. Similarly, the slow pace means that there is more time to communicate.

Solo queue as a result is absolutely a fairly casual experience, but there is significantly more skill involved in ow than you're crediting it with. It's just a different skillet than most shooters, and one that is often ignored in solo queue games.

Note that I'm not making a value judgement on which skill type makes the better game, just saying that ow deliberately places it's high skill ceilings in different areas than games it would appear to be similar to.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:34 pm
by XSI
The problem with the whole 'master coordinating with team' thing is that unless you're with a full group or a nearly full group, nobody is going to even try. Even in competitive I've found that most people just plainly don't give a shit. It is very much a game you have to play with a premade group, because more often than not your team will not give any shits about communication.

There is skill involved in that, sure. But it is a very different kind of experience than what a lot of people look for in games. It's a skill that is involved in ALL team games, so to say it matters more here is pretty pointless and all that tells me is that skill at the game does NOT matter.
Communication skill always matters. In every game with other people as your team. It is not unique to Overwatch and as such it's not a thing to judge Overwatch skill with.
Every single genre out there, FPS, turn based strategy, boardgames, RTS - All need you to communicate if you have teammates.

What matters for Overwatch skill is a slight bit of aiming, and then mostly memorising what class does what and what counters are good in what situation. Then doing those counters as needed. For some it's also timing of when you press Q because some of those ults can get you killed for bad use.
If that's what people want, then sure. Let them have fun. It's never a bad thing for people to have fun and that's the entire point of games. But don't pretend Overwatch is a game where your skill at actually playing the game really matters once you figure out the basics

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:24 am
by DrPillzRedux
That's what frustrates me in OW; you can't carry your team. Meanwhile in Siege, it's common where in pubs I'll carry a team or clutch a round where it's just me left. It's difficult to win a 1v3 or more but I've done it plenty. The adrenaline from it kills me after that round though.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:25 am
by onleavedontatme
Jacough wrote:
Kor wrote:>StarForge

First time I got burned by early access.
I can honestly say that with the exception of Divinity OS and Steam Marines I regret every Early Access game I bought.
Early Access is some horrible hybrid of investing/preordering where you assume all the risk of investing but get the "reward" of maybe having the thing you preordered delivered some day.

I've definitely enjoyed some early access games but in general it's just painful to watch people get scammed by it over and over. I can't imagine this would fly in any other industry, but I guess gamers have a a long industry of being happily fucked over by publishers and devs.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:26 am
by DrPillzRedux
Do research on devs of EA games, determine how likely they are to be finished. Only one I've been burned on is Starbound.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:34 am
by onleavedontatme
Only one I've been burned on is Starbound.
Yeah, they intentionally muddied the waters around that one with "these guys worked on Terraria!" when it was one guy had done some sprites for one patch or something.

I got a refund for the friend who bought me Starbound though.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:23 am
by Drynwyn
XSI wrote:The problem with the whole 'master coordinating with team' thing is that unless you're with a full group or a nearly full group, nobody is going to even try. Even in competitive I've found that most people just plainly don't give a shit. It is very much a game you have to play with a premade group, because more often than not your team will not give any shits about communication.

There is skill involved in that, sure. But it is a very different kind of experience than what a lot of people look for in games. It's a skill that is involved in ALL team games, so to say it matters more here is pretty pointless and all that tells me is that skill at the game does NOT matter.
Communication skill always matters. In every game with other people as your team. It is not unique to Overwatch and as such it's not a thing to judge Overwatch skill with.
Every single genre out there, FPS, turn based strategy, boardgames, RTS - All need you to communicate if you have teammates.

What matters for Overwatch skill is a slight bit of aiming, and then mostly memorising what class does what and what counters are good in what situation. Then doing those counters as needed. For some it's also timing of when you press Q because some of those ults can get you killed for bad use.
If that's what people want, then sure. Let them have fun. It's never a bad thing for people to have fun and that's the entire point of games. But don't pretend Overwatch is a game where your skill at actually playing the game really matters once you figure out the basics
Just because all team games reward teamwork doesn't mean teamwork counts the same in all of them. For example: In Siege, tf2, and many RTS's, a team with bare-minimum coordination and high individual skill can beat a well-coordinated team that just doesn't have as good aim/APM/other individual skills.

Overwatch is designed so that the opposite is true- because individual skill gaps are deliberately made less significant than in other games, teamwork necessarily counts for more. If you were correct, and skill truly didn't matter, certain teams could not consistently achieve victory as they have done.

Saying that "skill doesn't matter" because you cannot by yourself ensure victory doesn't follow. It's a different skill set than the norm for overwatch's style of game. That doesn't mean it doesn't count.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:22 am
by XSI
Except that much of Overwatch is low skill overall.

The great majority of players just plainly do not communicate, or listen when their team communicates. And they still manage to get good scores and even decent ranks in competitive mode. A few even who have the idea that 'communicating' means insulting their team for being bad.
Teams win consistently if they know the meta, and how to counter what the opposing team picks and this is far more important than any team based communication or individual skill.

If you are a tank and get zenyata's discord orb on you, then no matter what you or your team does, your health going to be shit and you're not going to tank effectively.(Reinhard excluded as his shield doesnt get the discord orb drawback)
If you are a pharah and the enemy team has a halfway decent mccree or soldier on it, then you will die almost every time you do anything and it is better for you to switch to something else.
If you are symmetra and the enemy team brings a winston, say goodbye to all your turrets, and just switch to something else because you're useless now.

The counters and meta is what determines who wins, with a slight amount of personal skill in aiming and using these counters correctly. Team coordination matters about as much as it does in TF2, which as I may remind people of, is TEAM fortress 2. Going in alone or ignoring your team is a great way to get killed in that too, and that happens frequently until people figure out that they need to work with the team rather than as their own independent entity.

I suppose you can call meta knowledge and meta prediction a skill, much like you can be 'skilled' at rock paper scissors and there are legit RPS championships out there. But this is not skill at the game itself, but rather an understanding of psychology and how people act.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:59 am
by dezzmont
ITT: People who know nothing about overwatch complain about it.

McCree and Reaper do entirely different things, McCree is actually considered far more situational because almost everyone he is terrible against, which is most of the cast, Reaper is good against. McCree focuses on taking out soft targets flanking his own team, Reaper focuses on flanking the enemy team and tank slaying. They are almost polar opposites of characters, which is deliberate considering their lore. Long range vs short range, defensive vs offensive, supporting vs selfish, good against lights vs good against heavies, immobile vs mobile. The only reason to think McCree is similar to Reaper is if you are legitimately terrible at the game and think that you are supposed to be fanning the hammer outside of super specific situations.

Symmetra actually counters Winston due to having better damage at Winston's range and being able to pre-damage him. Her turrets are a tiny part of her kit and she should 1v1 Winston more often than not unless Winston is clever and flanks. There is a reason she is a prime Ana target for her ultimate, she has one of the best weapons in the game for close range combat.

Phara is only hard countered by long range characters if she goes as high as she can. Basically, the low skill option. Good Phara players dip and weave around objects and stay relatively low. If you stay at max height all the time not only is your aim thrown radically off because you increase total transversal movement against you making it easier to dodge your attacks, but now anyone with a long range gun can trivially kill you.

Zenyata orb only counters the tank if the tank ether overextended or if they are too stupid to break line of sight for 2 seconds. If you have any sense at all you just cycle out for a sec and the orb becomes meaningless. Also, 4 of the 5 tanks have a way to make the orb completely irrelevant, and one of the tanks in a 1v1 scenario where you can't ditch the orb kills Zenyata anyway.

Overwatch has a lot of characters where individual twitch shooting skill is less important than understanding where your team is and what needs to happen, but it has plenty who are only good based on your twitch ability such as McCree, Genji, and Widowmaker. If you feel like you are an MLG pro, be a dickhead to your teammates, lock Genji every game, and get destroyed because you aren't as good as you think you are. You need to think of ability cooldowns similarly to the opportunity cost of switching weapons in CS:GO to get a flashbang out. Just because it is a skill that doesn't involve twitch play doesn't make it dumb down the game, there is a reason good grenade play in CS:GO is associated far more with high skill players than low skill players, they understand the situation on the map far better than anyone else. Saying that this being a primary skill in a shooter devalues it misses the fact that it is the primary skill in most team based shooters, and makes it clear you never watched high end shooter play in your life, because the good players in CS:GO aren't running around bunny hopping getting 360 noscope headshots with their AWPs outside of pubstomp matches where the skill gap is super high.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:52 am
by Malkevin
ARM: Asteroid Resource Miner

I just wanted an autistic spess miner sim, instead I get a big glitchy ugly steaming turd.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:24 pm
by captain sawrge
I wish splatoon had a pc release and better marketing so everyone else could recognize it as the shooter of the decade instead of Overbotched...

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:54 am
by ShadowDimentio
Overwatch, AKA 'press Q to win'.

At least in TF2 there isn't a fuck you I win button

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:09 pm
by Ricotez
ShadowDimentio wrote:Overwatch, AKA 'press Q to win'.

At least in TF2 there isn't a fuck you I win button

Ults are highly overrated. They're only really effective when you get the drop on a group of enemies, or if you chain several in a row.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:55 pm
by ShadowDimentio
The fuck you I win button needing all of one second to wind up before it genocides isn't much better

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:29 pm
by XSI
Some ults are garbage except in a few situations
And some are great at almost all times
And some are in between

In the end, just learn how, where and when to Q and your Q will be good.

Even if you're pharah and you die a second into your ult, it's worth it if you took out that mercy who has her ult ready- If this is happening while your team is pushing.
Similarly, if roadhog, you're an easy target when you ult. It's easy to get killed with it but in a few situations it's really useful. Like inside a building where you will push your victims away from the doors(The damage up close is pretty good, so if you push someone against a wall with it then they will die), or if you push enemies over a ledge into a death pit

It's not like Blizzard doesn't have a history with these things though, Warcraft 3 heroes had 3 abilities and 1 'ult' ability, sort of. So you can see how Overwatch fits that trend. I didn't actually like that part of Warcraft 3 either and prefered straight up RTS(Bring back fucking walls!) over the micromanaging special snowflake heroes, but I'm putting this here so nobody can say they just pulled the whole ults thing out of their ass. They probably have been building this sort of idea for a long time now, but with Overwatch they finally cut all the pretense that the non-hero units mattered and just made it an FPS so you can feel like a hero while playing.
Sort of. I mean, I just feel vaguely bored when I play but I can see how people would feel great about these things

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:04 pm
by Jacough
Also Dead by Daylight
What I hoped for:
Slow and methodical game of cat and mouse
Game that requires coordination and cunning among the survivors
Killers slowly stalking their prey while laying traps and ambushes for them

What I experienced so far:
Killer immediately bum rushing the survivors at the very start
Game that does require coordination but doesn't have a chat system outside the lobby (fucking why)
Buggy match making
One fucking survivor who almost always just plays hide and seek by crouching in a bush the entire match until the killer finally finds him

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:15 pm
by Xhuis
Jacough wrote: One fucking survivor who almost always just plays hide and seek by crouching in a bush the entire match until the killer finally finds him
You mean Dwight.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:23 pm
by Davidchan
ShadowDimentio wrote:Overwatch, AKA 'press Q to win'.

At least in TF2 there isn't a fuck you I win button
Demospam, chargin targe, random crits [crockets], ubers, backstabs that still work when they are facing you, anything to do with ping and headshots...

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:58 pm
by Cuboos
The Forest: A spergy friend of mine convinced me to buy this, after one day of playing, we switched to ARK: Combat Evolved. Ark was better but i'm still a little salty that spent money on a game that no one plays anymore.


DayZ Stand alone: it's actually a great game... but by the time i bought it all my friends got bored and now i got no one to play with.

Morrowind: I just couldn't get into it... Oblivion and Skyrim spoiled me and i'm too autistic and dyslexic to do that much reading.

Crysis 2: Mediocre game... graphics are nice... but if i gave a shit about graphics i wouldn't be playing 2D spessmens

Planet Explorers: Another wanabe minecraft clone voxel game.

Force Unleashed 2: i got it for $1 off of humble bundle and i'm still let down.

Sims 3: Sims 2 was better.

Wolfenstein: The New Order. Doesn't work on my computer, i exceed all the specs and i can run more resource intense games than it, but it doesn't wanna work... more sad than salty.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:44 am
by Wyzack
> too autistic to play morrowind instead of skyrim

That is not how it works lad

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:17 am
by ColonicAcid
Mommy the writing gives me a boo boo....

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:18 pm
by Reyn
Why does nobody realize the beauty of starbound's steam workshop

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:28 am
by Cuboos
Wyzack wrote:> too autistic to play morrowind instead of skyrim

That is not how it works lad
I'm also dyslexic.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:36 am
by ShadowDimentio
Davidchan wrote:
ShadowDimentio wrote:Overwatch, AKA 'press Q to win'.

At least in TF2 there isn't a fuck you I win button
Demospam, chargin targe, random crits [crockets], ubers, backstabs that still work when they are facing you, anything to do with ping and headshots...
Don't step on the bombs, don't stand in front of a targe, can't control crits, ubers are balanced you troglodyte, don't get in melee with the class that can instakill, git gud

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:18 pm
by Jacough
Biggest thing I still regret buying was the Overgrowth alpha. Don't get me wrong, it showcases some amazing things and some awesome combat but that's all it's been forever at this point and it doesn't really feel like it's making any progress towards being an actual game, which is a shame because with all the things it brings to the table now it could actually be a good game.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:29 pm
by Malkevin
I got Overgrowth with a NS2 preorder.

I've barely played either.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:38 pm
by aranamor
Steam Dragon's Dogma. Technically speaking my bf got it, but I had a physical copy and was pretty psyched about port. So we played it and it ran absolutely terribly and kind of just reminded how annoyed I am with my irresponsible little cousin losing it on me because he doesn't recognize the value of other people's things.

Kya Dark Lineage for PS2. It looks honestly super fun and kind of like a genderbent Jak, but I bought a new copy from the store and it didn't even run. My playstation being like 11 years old probably doesn't help.

Re: Games I wish I'd never bought

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:09 pm
by TehSteveo
There's too many games over the years to list. Especially in the MMO department. Of course then there's games that are good, but I just really don't like them for personal taste.

Most recent regrets I've had:

Dragon Age 2 - Loved Dragon Age Origins and Pre-Ordered DA2. Needless to say, I kinda stopped pre-ordering games after that one kick in the balls

Star Wars Battlefront - While it was a pretty good take on Star Wars...the game itself suffered too much from balancing issues and just stupid way of handling vehicles. Maybe I'll install it and look at it again to see if they changed anything.

The Division - Bought it with whole bunch of my friends. Have 112 hours on record according to Steam. Had fun for awhile, but the way they managed the game was horrendous with their changes and handling of the hacking.