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Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:04 pm

Bottom post of the previous page:

Been playing Morrowind recently, this is the furthest I've even gotten since first playing it in middle school. A different beast from Oblivion/Skyrim for sure.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:18 pm
by DemonFiren
THE MIGHTY GALVATRON wrote:Been playing Morrowind recently, this is the furthest I've even gotten since first playing it in middle school. A different beast from Oblivion/Skyrim for sure.
Try Daggerfall on for size.

Daggerfall's character customisation is the best I'Ve seen in any Elder Scrolls game, though.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:27 pm
by ThanatosRa
dezzmont wrote:
An0n3 wrote:I have put over $400 into MWO.

The game still sucks.
It is really fun when you have a full lance of players working together and planning stuff out really well.

It isn't really good for casual solo play, or for Wild Hogs style goofing off. It is try hard all the time.
AIn't that the fucking truth. That's why Unless I'm running my SRM stormcrow in skirmishes I run with a group. Hell I've even pugged CW in the past and did the shot calling myself. Not that I'm very good.

Hell as a Clanner I technically play hard mode in cw because Pirhanna is biased against Clan stuff and only added it in after player demands and then took the nerf hammer to a bunch of stuff the clans are traditionally good at allowing the IS to Curbstomp the fuck out of them.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:37 pm
by dezzmont
It is actually because the clans were space marines to the IS imperial guard, their tech and training was just all around better and even once the IS started using hybrid tech they still really didn't do too well. The clans needed a weakness or else clan teams would have to be much smaller than IS teams. Clan mechs were designed to have a better than even chance fighting 3 times their forces own tonnage.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:40 pm
by ThanatosRa
Which is true. And I do agree balance was needed. BUt the problem became that until this last week, 2-3 out of the four clans had their Homeworlds. THAT'S IT. It may have been an imbalance of organization, but there were some significant advantages that allowed IS to stat-wise OUTCLASS the Clans.

A nerf to balance things was needed. My point was that the nerf went Too far. Things do feel better though.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:34 am
by Timbrewolf
dezzmont wrote:It is really fun when you have a full lance of players working together and planning stuff out really well.
That's kinda my point.

It's only good when you have a dedicated group of people who are all taking the game super seriously.
...a situation in which even the worst games become at least playable.

If you enjoy it god bless. I don't want to get in an argument about how you shouldn't be enjoying a game that you obviously are. More power to you.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:58 am
by dezzmont
Oh I am not really enjoying it because I cant find a group of tryhards, the people I used to play it with basically all vanished. I gave up on it a month or two ago.

Not every game has the mechanical depth to it to support that sort of weird obsession and number crunching either. MWO is just kinda weird because it isn't even fun to play with friends on a friendly level, which I would argue is more game pancea than having a group of people taking the game very seriously. You can't get awesome situations like you can in something like Arma or SS13. The only thing there is mechanical complexity and frankly there are probably better outlets for that to spend money on.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:01 am
by ThanatosRa
Meh. I'm having fun with it regardless.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:13 pm
by Zilenan91
Installing Dungeon of the Endless. I'm excited to see how it's changed.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:17 pm
by Wyzack
After watching them play Dead Rising on Game Grumps i got a burst of nostalgia and decided to play it again. Holy christ i had forgotten how pants on head retarded the survivor AI is. Anyways i beat it and then picked up the second one. For all its problems it is actually a pretty fun game

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:25 pm
by dezzmont
The AI is bad at following you but has a good time going places. Always order the AI to go ahead of you rather than to trail behind you and they actually can tear through zombies.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:46 pm
by Zilenan91
Dungeon of the Endless is unplayable. My scrollwheel doesn't work on pressing it down, and I still can't power rooms after rebinding the keys.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:50 pm
by Zilenan91
Nevermind there's some stupid fucking shortcut to powering rooms, left control + left mouse when it says only left control in the controls options ad ofnosunadu fsapodi

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:41 pm
by dezzmont
I am too amped for Endless space 2.

It looks like all the Endless legend factions are coming out to play, minor factions are coming out, and it looks like the empires wont be single species universally anymore.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:47 pm
by DemonFiren
Didn't Endless Legend have a glorious reptilian master race?

Yeeeah, hype.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:18 pm
by Ikarrus
The EL races are joining Endless Space?

Fuck yeah, Space Cultists

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:26 pm
by dezzmont
We know some are, not that all are.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:39 pm
by Zilenan91

The pixel art in this game is fucking gorgeous. Also I beat the game, and yes, that is the Engineer, he's probably one of if not the best character in the game from what I've found.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:18 am
by Incomptinence
Orcs expansion is out for tome 4. Well also stuff like yetis, guns and AN ENTIRE NEW CAMPAIGN WAAAGH!

Edit: Mister Nailbrain shooting giant ants with dual pistols then they explode 4 times now that is pleasing

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:37 am
by Takeguru
Mount and Blade

Playing with mods I haven't touched before

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:20 pm
by ThanatosRa
Decided to try the first xcom remake to see if i want xcom2

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:25 am
by Timbrewolf
I tilted on my second match at the tournament. Ended up placing third overall.

I'm going back to the drawing board with the intent of building decks that are less expressive and more completely fucking degenerate because that's what won the day and I'm still a bit mad about it.
No fun allowed, only tier-1 decks.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:57 am
An0n3 wrote:I tilted on my second match at the tournament. Ended up placing third overall.

I'm going back to the drawing board with the intent of building decks that are less expressive and more completely fucking degenerate because that's what won the day and I'm still a bit mad about it.
No fun allowed, only tier-1 decks.

You were in a tournament man, fun has no place there. ONLY WINNING!

Finished Morrowind finally, I'm tempted to play Daggerfall but that combat system looks worse than Morrowind and I don't know if I can handle that.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:46 am
by Timbrewolf
It was a weird mix where a lot of people were playing homebrews for their runners and then resorting to over-used bullshit for their corp decks (aka playing RP Jinteki).

The scummiest part about that is that there's a time limit on matches, and playing against RP takes the most amount of time of anything.
So matches have a potential to come down to whoever won the initial die-roll picking their Jinteki deck and playing corp first, winning game 1 and forcing game 2 to go to time.

I'm going to netdeck up some hot garbage and just roll that for a bit, until everyone in my local area is fully aware of how un-fun that is to play against.

I should be happy for placing as well as I did, I was a very near tie for second.
I can't help but just be angry at the current state of the game that 50% of the corp decks that showed were the same fucking thing.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:42 am
by Zilenan91
Good lord Dungeon of the Endless is hard. There's only two difficulties, Too Easy, and Easy. On Easy you get doubled monster spawns and good lord my eyes are melting from trying to defeat that. I'm gonna need to check out some different heroes for this, because as it turns out the Engineer is pretty shit. Troe is still great though, dude starts off good as fuck and only gets tankier the later it goes. The Medic is also incredible. He just gives sooo much defense and healing. If you can kit a nigga out with the I'm First! skill he'll tank damage for days while medic takes zero. I gave Troe the Ahrrrrmani Suit and he just wreks fucking face, shittons of defense and regen from the medic, thousands of HP, it's almost impossible for him to die.

However, I have a huge problem with this game. For later floors, it doesn't fucking let you save midway through a level, only after you beat one. I had to abandon a rather successful game because I wasn't able to save and quit and that's stupid as fuck.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:08 am
by Ikarrus
Are you sure it wasn't just because you didn't kill those super strong stationary monsters?

They prevent you from returning to a non-combat state while they're still alive, meaning you can't heal, build fast, or save.

Also Elise Ness is best hero.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:31 pm
by ThanatosRa
My soldiers will become MORE. Transhumans for all!

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:15 pm
by dezzmont
Engineer is ok s a front line based module defender, who can cause a room to tank by using the major module to soak things. He isn't really amazing but he is one of the few legitimately module focused heroes in the game. While I would argue the others are better, engineer is the only "tank" out of the bunch, so if you want a 3 operator team he is going to be your defender.

In reality though, for practical teams, you want defenders like Nes, Gork, or Ken to be your front liners, because all 3 of them can just tear through enemy waves without risk of death with some proper module support. Raka is much stronger at fighting with offensive moduels and even she is more a second stringer and fallback position rather than front liner.

I think the medic is worse for your spot player than Max or Deena. The issue with the medic is that you are basically forced to pair him up with a buddy, and he can't get anything done alone. The way the game flows means that you will be fine up until you are forced to have multiple incoming unpowered rooms and your spot player needs to actually be able to take care of problems solo while also buffing anyone who he happens to be with rather than Gork, who likely is fine alone anyway. As a bonus Max comes with one of the strongest passive skills in the game and functions like a free science module, which early on allows you to rush out a powerful level 2 major or minor module that closes out the game.

My advice for getting better is to focus on getting as much industry as you can on the first floor, and then industry and science on the second. Too many people play this game like an RPG, but in reality it is a tower defense. Science production becomes extremely important rather fast and if haven't researched by the end of the 2nd floor or can't constantly be researching by the 3rd floor you probably have lost. If you can afford to place whatever modules you need in every room you set up as a chokepoint, you are in a good position to win.

Also, Ken is the best hero by far, but after they wiped the cloud saves when they switched from Opbot to Gork for default characters I haven't yet run into him once.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 1:13 am
by Zilenan91
Yeah I can reliably beat the game, just the Easy difficulty is hard. Also for my specific build I had Troe running with the Ahrrrrrmani suit paired with Medic, being our dedicated door-opening and fighting team, with Troe tanking the damage, and Medic supporting him, while Opbot and Engineer stood back operating. However, the problem I found with Engineer was that because of his gear check skill, he tended to focus on repairing modules rather than actually killing the things killing both him and his modules, so if he ever got attacked by a relatively big wave in a room with few minor modules he just stood there and took the damage rather than killing them. I think Opbot is just a better character than he is because Opbot is not only faster, but also gets more wit and actually attacks things in the room unlike Engineer who ALWAYS prioritizes repairing over killing.

Also yeah I did kill the stationary monsters, or at least I think I did. Those things give you a screen prompt like the exit does, and I didn't see any, even opened 2 or 3 doors and my heroes were healing like normal. Just said fuck it because I didn't want to rush for the exit that I hadn't found yet.

I've found that the only characters that are complete garbo are the ones who are way too versatile and the ones who can't equip weapons. Versatility is good, Max shows it, but having operate as well as decent combat skills but poor stats like some of the starter characters do are not good combos and tend to make them lose. Weaponless heroes are dogshit in general because they do precisely zero damage without items, and their skills almost universally do not make up for it.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:17 pm
by DemonFiren
Done with Superhot.

It's not as innovative as the endgame screen compels me to tell you it is, and at the very least the hitboxes are fuckin' retarded.
Also, they have double-barreled shotguns with unlimited ammo, until you pick one up.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:27 pm
by Ikarrus
Zilenan91 wrote:I've found that the only characters that are complete garbo are the ones who are way too versatile and the ones who can't equip weapons. Versatility is good, Max shows it, but having operate as well as decent combat skills but poor stats like some of the starter characters do are not good combos and tend to make them lose. Weaponless heroes are dogshit in general because they do precisely zero damage without items, and their skills almost universally do not make up for it.
I've found Pyro to be pretty useful. He's just so good at killing larger swarms of enemies, and he makes a pretty good tank in a pinch with his skills.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:43 am
by Zilenan91
Pyro didn't seem to do any damage for me. He just sat in a room, maybe took all the monsters down to half health, then died almost every time because his stats were so terrible.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:51 am
by ThanatosRa

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:02 am
by Wyzack
Been playing Stardew Valley. This game is fucking amazing. NeS Harvest Moon meets minor dungeon crawl meets waifu simulator meets methamphetamine. I literally cannot stop playing this shitty farm game it is so good send help

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:26 am
by ShadowDimentio
Harvest Moon is pretty great, I think it's just been so long since anyone's played a Harvest Moon game that this game scratching that itch feels euphoric

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:03 am
by Saegrimr
Wyzack wrote:Been playing Stardew Valley. This game is fucking amazing. NeS Harvest Moon meets minor dungeon crawl meets waifu simulator meets methamphetamine. I literally cannot stop playing this shitty farm game it is so good send help
Diagonal movement needs to not be slower than straight.
I really fucking hate swinging my axe at nothing in the middle of town and still wasting stamina.
Instant fainting and going home at a certain time, at least in harvest moon I could blow the rest of my stamina bar when the world froze at 4 am.
Only good girl is Emily and she's not even available.

I dunno pretty good otherwise.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:00 pm
by TheWiznard
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Been playing Stardew Valley. This game is fucking amazing. NeS Harvest Moon meets minor dungeon crawl meets waifu simulator meets methamphetamine. I literally cannot stop playing this shitty farm game it is so good send help
Diagonal movement needs to not be slower than straight.
I really fucking hate swinging my axe at nothing in the middle of town and still wasting stamina.
Instant fainting and going home at a certain time, at least in harvest moon I could blow the rest of my stamina bar when the world froze at 4 am.
Only good girl is Emily and she's not even available.

I dunno pretty good otherwise.
I started Django farms early this morning, so far my trusty hound Wyzguy has ran face first into a wall more times than I can count. On saeg's points I do agree for the first hour or so I was wasting all my stamina doing nothing but that only made me learn quick that right click is for everything else, and now I seem to be doing fine. I've only fainted twice, once while I was trying to water my crops so there wouldn't be two plants out of 15 that would be a day behind, and once when I was literally 2 tiles from my bed after running home from the mines... both times I had to pay 200 fucking coins. Diagonal movement could maybe use a speed up, but I don't find it very bothering at the current moment. I'm really starting to hate these jaja corporation or whatever the hell it is. maybe it strikes me more than the average person because I live in a smallish farming town too?

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:14 pm
by Wyzack
I am honored to have your totally not useless animal named after me. Seriously though, the dogs and cats don't really do anything as far as I can tell which kinda sucks.


Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:18 pm
by TheWiznard
Wyzack wrote:I am honored to have your totally not useless animal named after me. Seriously though, the dogs and cats don't really do anything as far as I can tell which kinda sucks.

the tail wacking sound is so immersive

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:24 pm
by Ricotez
playing Deponia Doomsday

I always hoped for another Deponia game but I never expected it to happen

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:58 pm
by Laz0rgrunt
Finally decided to go pick up Farcry 4. It's pretty enjoyable if a little grindy.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:14 pm
by IrishWristWatch0
Laz0rgrunt wrote:Finally decided to go pick up Farcry 4. It's pretty enjoyable if a little grindy.
I owned FarCry 4 once. Ubisoft took it away from me.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:42 pm
by ThanatosRa
More XCOM 2. Restarted my campaign because I fucked up.
Started in north America this time(east coast). Had a thing in the southeastern states(namely florida) for rookies. Made the 4 three Americans and an Australia. Gave them Florida names. If this one Ranger dude manages to make it to Sergeant, then the Legend of "Florida Man" taking on the alien empire will begin.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:47 am
by TheWiznard
been playing stardew valley nonstop for 2 days pls help. It's fall and I had just bought about 200 misc seeds to fit into my 25 improved sprinklers (the ones that water 8 spaces) and I finished planting all of them and crafting the gold for the sprinklers (gold takes fuckever btw) placed them all down go to open my house door to sleep...
>STARDEWVALLEY.EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING fUCK I mean it's not so bad but I have to do all of it over again and just really killed my buzz.

I don't know how powerful weapons really are considering I used one sword for pretty much the entire mineshaft. I'm currently on floor 80 and have been using a level 5 forest sword the entire time. I found level 9 dagger but it's like a jabby dagger and I just couldn't get used to it so I went back to my swipe sword. maybe spoilers about where gold spawns:
level 80 and below
. I built a coop and now have 2 chickens at the moment, one called Benny and the other called The Jets. animals in this game are omega cute not gonna lie. The sound the dog makes when it's whacking it's tail on the ground is 2cute.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:17 pm
by Wyzack
Literally every time I shell out money for a new sword I find a better one right away. About a week in to fall and I just hit dungeon level 100. Working on getting good shit for the fair now.

Also my stupid chickens Djingle and Django are playing hard to get. I need more hearts for bigger eggs you shits

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:47 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Wyzack wrote:Literally every time I shell out money for a new sword I find a better one right away.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:33 pm
by DemonFiren
Mark of the Ninja for me.

It's like Gunpoint, except with swords and without hacking.
You know, except for hacking people with swords, obviously.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:31 pm
by EndgamerAzari
I got Batman: Arkham Knight deluxe edition for like $20 recently and I've been playing that. I know it was buggy as hell when it came out, but I haven't had any problems with it. The forced Batmobile parts are a bit annoying and eye-rollingly dumb, but they're not diminishing my enjoyment of the game.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:35 pm
by Drynwyn
Far Cry Primal. I have a sabertooth tiger, and the sabertooth tiger SOLVES PROBLEMS.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:19 pm
by TheWiznard
Drynwyn wrote:Far Cry Primal. I have a sabertooth tiger, and the sabertooth tiger SOLVES PROBLEMS.
can it solve it's way face first off a cliff?

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:40 pm
by Ricotez
Drynwyn wrote:Far Cry Primal. I have a sabertooth tiger, and the sabertooth tiger SOLVES PROBLEMS.
name it diego
