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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:51 pm
by bman
  • >they called it the fucking XBOX ONE X
    >500 dollars for the brick
    >EXCLUSIVE games (not exclusive just "plays better")
    >it's 4kay fourkay FOUR K


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:17 am
by Ricotez


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:55 am
by Armhulen
XBOX 1X??????????????????????

I'm genuinely angery


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:29 pm
by Remie Richards


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:14 pm
by Xhuis
People talk about how buying consoles lets them not have to spend time or money on a PC, but a decent PC would be cheaper and longer-lasting to put together than having to replace your console every few years when it inevitably breaks or a new generation (or in this case, minor improvement) comes out.


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:17 pm
by Wyzack
I always thought the draw of consoles was the supposed ease of use. None of the finnicky bugs that come with setting up your own rig, everything should just plug and play properly. But i borrowed an Xbox 1 from a friend while he was away on vacation and holy shit. It was a buggy mess, shit randomly would screw up or not work properly, and the couple games i played (mostly DOOM) had really poor framerate. It feels like consoles are losing their edge


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:22 pm
by Xhuis
For people not experienced with gaming or not savvy with PC's I definitely see the appeal. But at the same time, it's a lot easier to maintain a PC than it is a console. I have a PS4 to play Bloodborne on and it has constant heat problems and terrible screen tearing and discoloration because I'm playing it on a monitor and not a TV.

I think that they have their niche, but the old reasoning they use to sell them isn't working as well anymore with how many things a good PC can do that consoles can't.


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:58 pm
by Ikarrus
Niko is a cute


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:38 pm
by Qbopper
I already had a thread for this stupid fucking turtle

anyways I think it's neat, even though I won't buy one
People talk about how buying consoles lets them not have to spend time or money on a PC, but a decent PC would be cheaper and longer-lasting to put together than having to replace your console every few years when it inevitably breaks or a new generation (or in this case, minor improvement) comes out.
I'm a shill for pc gaming but this is just factually false by now

like, yes, PC gaming is cheap, if you're content to play with relatively low settings and upgrade every couple years - last gen lasted nearly a decade, and though it may have started to buckle near the end framerate wise I seriously do not believe someone with a low/mid tier GPU from the start of the generation could have comfortably used it up until the end

I'm canadian so my dollar is atrocious so let's say I pay $600 for a Scorpio (I think they were going for X.B.O.X. because XB(ox)O(ne) X but fuck that)

that comes with all of the cables, input solution, etc. all I need is a display and games, and I don't need to set anything up beyond the cables

building a PC requires buying each part yourself (which is still a little scary for inexperienced people even with help), assembling the parts (again, simple for us, not for normies), and troubleshooting issues you run into (is the computer not booting because I fucked up or is it a dead part?) which can be extremely difficult for non-tech savvy people

the recent GPU generation has helped things but I would be genuinely amazed if you could get an RX 480, halfway decent CPU, 12GB of RAM, a 1TB HDD, mobo, case, display, input, etc. etc. for less than the price of a scorpio, even if we assume you won't pay for shipping at all

saying PC gaming is cheaper than consoles is only true if you're really scrounging, and at that point you're better off with the scorpio

this disregards all the other reasons to play on PC mind you, and I'm never going to outright switch to a console as my main device, but let's not spread the ebin pc gaming masterrace circlejerk when it's false - I would be AMAZED if you can achieve equal performance for less than the asking price of this thing


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:20 am
by XSI
Wyzack wrote:I always thought the draw of consoles was the supposed ease of use. None of the finnicky bugs that come with setting up your own rig, everything should just plug and play properly. But i borrowed an Xbox 1 from a friend while he was away on vacation and holy shit. It was a buggy mess, shit randomly would screw up or not work properly, and the couple games i played (mostly DOOM) had really poor framerate. It feels like consoles are losing their edge
They lost their edge after the PS2 became outdated
PS3 and that generation were just similarly priced PCs with a few exclusives
Anything after that was just flat out inferior to PCs. Especially now SSDs are a thing. Starting up your PC is faster than starting up a console now

Quality and easy of use wise, PC will always be better from here on out.
Just keep in mind consoles, especially xbox stuff, is just a standardized PC running a custom OS that specializes in games
Qbopper wrote: saying PC gaming is cheaper than consoles is only true if you're really scrounging, and at that point you're better off with the scorpio
Console games tend to also be very expensive, if you include game price then there is no doubt at all that PC gaming is cheaper. Not to mention all the digital sales on games that consoles can't take advantage of. You're stuck using your local store's bargain bin for a mix of old games and Battleborn copies that will never sell


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:52 pm
by Qbopper
XSI wrote:
Wyzack wrote:I always thought the draw of consoles was the supposed ease of use. None of the finnicky bugs that come with setting up your own rig, everything should just plug and play properly. But i borrowed an Xbox 1 from a friend while he was away on vacation and holy shit. It was a buggy mess, shit randomly would screw up or not work properly, and the couple games i played (mostly DOOM) had really poor framerate. It feels like consoles are losing their edge
They lost their edge after the PS2 became outdated
PS3 and that generation were just similarly priced PCs with a few exclusives
Anything after that was just flat out inferior to PCs. Especially now SSDs are a thing. Starting up your PC is faster than starting up a console now

Quality and easy of use wise, PC will always be better from here on out.
Just keep in mind consoles, especially xbox stuff, is just a standardized PC running a custom OS that specializes in games
Qbopper wrote: saying PC gaming is cheaper than consoles is only true if you're really scrounging, and at that point you're better off with the scorpio
Console games tend to also be very expensive, if you include game price then there is no doubt at all that PC gaming is cheaper. Not to mention all the digital sales on games that consoles can't take advantage of. You're stuck using your local store's bargain bin for a mix of old games and Battleborn copies that will never sell
XSI wrote:easy of use wise, PC will always be better from here on out.
sure, for people who have half a clue how to use a computer already, this is absolutely true, but you're really underestimating how technologically incompetent the majority of the population is

most people don't consider how a computer works, they don't think about it at all, they just learn how to do the things they want andi f something goes wrong they often don't have any idea where to start


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:05 pm
by XSI
They don't have to though.
Slap a bunch of icons on the desktop, click icon, receive game

Maybe set it to automate backups once a week and when shit goes wrong just roll it back


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:29 am
by Lumbermancer
Qbopper wrote:price
I'm not saying I've done calculations, but have you considered the fact that PC has many more sales, games are somewhat cheaper, there's more f2p titles and you don't have to pay a shake down fee to play your games online? That's all beside the fact that PC has more uses than just playin vidya.


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:48 pm
by XSI
Only a bit, but you are right that most people don't give a shit and just want their games
They might not give a shit there's a better way either, but if you're bringing over a bunch of drunk friends you're going to want a console because local multiplayer on a PC tends to be a pain
They wont care about the specs of that thing. They won't give a shit that the controllers are terrible compared to mouse and keyboard, not a shit given how much it costs. They just want to play their games and want it to be easy and quick to get going so they're not standing there with a beer and three friends looking at them growing bored

PC stuff can be easy and quick, it's not complicated, but it has the idea of complexity around it so people think it is. And then they don't want to try or learn about what these things mean.
That's the console's target audience. If some guy in a suit tells them at E3 "Our new console is the most powerful ever!", they'll believe it, because they have no idea how to measure that


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:40 pm
by Qbopper
Lumbermancer wrote:
Qbopper wrote:price
I'm not saying I've done calculations, but have you considered the fact that PC has many more sales, games are somewhat cheaper, there's more f2p titles and you don't have to pay a shake down fee to play your games online? That's all beside the fact that PC has more uses than just playin vidya.
I think you didn't read my post, I addressed this

I'm not trying to say I think consoles are better or cheaper but I'm saying that most people who buy a console don't really give enough of a shit
XSI wrote:That's the console's target audience. If some guy in a suit tells them at E3 "Our new console is the most powerful ever!", they'll believe it, because they have no idea how to measure that
I just want to point out that this is technically the most powerful home gaming console ever made, they aren't wrong

you're right, but still, gotta nitpick


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:56 pm
by PanzerIV
I believe it mostly depends on taste and what the person want with there console. Look at the xbox one s it can stream and play 4k movies for some real die hard movie fans, that can sell it for them.


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:17 am
by Qbopper
speaking of movies why is it so fuck damn hard to get blurays working on pc



Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:53 am
by XSI
Specifically so you go buy their own player and don't use your PC

Gives them more money if you have to pay for that too


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:59 am
by ColonicAcid
that was one of the draws for the ps3 when it was released

that shit could play bluray


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:43 am
by PanzerIV
Im pretty sure they sell blue ray drives some where for pc, but if you think about it there not much of a market for that I mean most of us are going to watch a movie on our TV not our on our computer.

With that said how ever, I believe Samsung has a external blue ray player that plug into your pc much in the same way you plug in an external hard drive.


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:04 pm
by Qbopper
I have a bluray drive but I tried to watch the ALien anthology on it and it turns out the DRM is super fucked and it's way more work than I care to do to get blurays working

itt: yet another company encourages an otherwise legitimate user to pirate shit