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Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:09 am
by Timbrewolf
Want to play through this game as glorious luftwaffe but think I should probably get some graphical mods and maybe some other doodads first.

I know a few people have played the everloving shit out of this so I'm looking for recommendations.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:21 am
by Timbrewolf

Kinda answered my own question. We could be fighting it out in bi-planes. That's nuts.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:29 pm
by tedward1337
I have this actually, I got it with GoG, anyone feel like hosting? Its a barrel of fun to go and shoot your friends.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:31 pm
by Timbrewolf
I haven't installed any of these mods yet. If people are up for playing just the basic install we could get something together.

I'm up for just some WW2 1v1 goodness if you're down. This game is so ancient I doubt hosting while playing will be an issue.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:34 am
by tedward1337
Well ill play right now, im idling in the teamspeak

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:45 pm
by Timbrewolf
I'm not going to install any of the mods yet, I'd like to play the game through stock first and see how it is.
I stopped putting off setting up all these control surfaces and just did it, so we should be all set to go whenever.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:38 pm
by tedward1337
Im idling in the ts if anyone wants to host right now!

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:54 am
by Silavite
Here's what I sent to tedward

Firstly, you need to get the game updated to 4.12.2 or 4.13, as that is what almost all servers use. I'd make one unmodded version of each.
4.12.2 Megapatch -
4.13 update from 4.12.2 -

There are two main mods used online. SAS mod activator, and HSFX mod.
SAS 5.3 for 4.12.2 - ... 662.0.html
SAS 6.0 for 4.13 - ... 614.0.html

HSFX 7 for 4.12.2 - ... 309.0.html
HSFX 7.03 auto updater for 4.12.2 - ... 797.0.html

I'd recommend making a version for each modpack and vanilla installs.
Finally, after you finish getting all your game versions, you can download the program for finding servers, called Hyperlobby.
Hyperlobby site -
For changing the game version you want to use in hyperlobby, you right click on the connect button before you login.

The server I fly on most of the time is called Battle-fields 1, it's fun and has a good group of players.
The server website can be found here:
TS info for Battle-Fields (you'll need to make an account on the forums first): ... eak-Server

A lot of the time no one will be in the TS channel, but I'd recommend getting the TS info first so you can get someone to talk to if you are having install issues.
That's pretty much everything! Just one last thing, DON'T use HSFX on Battle-Fields or weird stuff happens.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:13 pm
by Timbrewolf
I'm not modding the game yet. I just wanted to play multiplayer.

If I really want to play a WW2 flyan game with modern graphics I'd just buy the new IL-2 and go with that.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:26 pm
by tedward1337
I seem to have a problem with catching up to, or staying with friendly planes. I read its about trimming, however I'm not sure how to use it properly. Any tips?

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:38 pm
by Timbrewolf
tedward1337 wrote:I seem to have a problem with catching up to, or staying with friendly planes. I read its about trimming, however I'm not sure how to use it properly. Any tips?

When in doubt just enable autopilot and use time compression. Your wingmates shouldn't be flying around at full WP all the time, if you're redlining your engine and still falling behind it could be a lot of different things.

Your radiator might be open some unneeded amount, increasing drag and decreasing speed (but remember to open it somewhat at least, and periodically you will need to open it up all the way or else your engine will blow up from overheating).

Your flaps might be set incorrectly, also increasing drag (but increasing lift, which is a good trade in certain situations).

You may have somehow accidentally opened up your air brakes.

Your fuel mix might be shitty and innefficient. I'm not really sure how this works or what's optimal. All I can remember is that it was standard practice to turn the engine off by decreasing the mix until the engine died.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:23 am
by Silavite
Co op missions are also a blast. Nothing like level bombing with a pilot + gunners as friends defending from AI while in formation 8-)
Just flew this mission, wasn't the one recording though

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:47 am
by Silavite
Alright, tomorrow I'll just put up the 4.12.2 file.
But at least get hyperlobby, that's practically an essential.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:31 pm
by ThanatosRa
I should probably get this again. I used to be a Boss in any of the YAKKs, and I even successfully dogfought in the titular plane.(though it was an earlier variant without the gunner). This shit was my Jam back in high school.

Re: IL-2:1946

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:36 pm
by Silavite
ThanatosRa wrote:I should probably get this again. I used to be a Boss in any of the YAKKs, and I even successfully dogfought in the titular plane.(though it was an earlier variant without the gunner). This shit was my Jam back in high school.
I should finishing uploading the game onto my google drive in about an hour. I'll edit this post with the link to download.

Here it is: ... lZnNktZbHc