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Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:34 pm
by Wyzack
So you all know how i love shitting up the Video Games boards with piles of threads about Dwarf Fortress, and there was some interest in running a succession game in the other thread so that updates are not held hostage to my whims.

For those who may not know, in a succession game of dorf fort a player runs the fortress for a year, uploads the save and another player takes over. This cycle continues until we get bored (hah) or until the fortress is run in to the ground (far more likely). While a fun narrative style for posting about your updates is encouraged, it is not required. Take for example Boatmurdered, where each player named a dwarf after themselves and posted updates as though that dwarf was in charge for the year.

"Oh but i am not very good at the game, i dont think i should play" Shut the fuck up with that attitude soldier! This is a great opportunity for you to get better, and if everybody dies of dehydration/is eaten by trolls while you are the supervisor well then hey, we have a good story to tell and we can try again. Seriously if super leet DF players like myself run it the whole time shit gets pretty boring pretty fast. We need fresh blood to burn down the house.

As for game version we have recently been using the 34.11 version of masterwork, which has a shitload of bells and whistles and a pile of cool races to play as, as well as tons of secret fun. I was thinking we could do something cool we have not tried yet like Warlock Fortress, Orc Fortress or even Succubus Fortress. However if we want to make it more entry level and with less shit we could use the latest DF 2014 instead. Keep in mind that while masterwork is harder in some ways, it is also easier in a lot of ways, such as increased abundance of iron and multiple different pathways for obtaining certain resources.

Let me know what you guys think, start signing up and discuss what version of the game we wanna play. If possible i would like someone else to take the first year just because i have had pretty substantial creative control on the last forts, and it would be nice to see how other people play year 1.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:22 pm
by Mister_Doc
Put me down, but I don't want to go first either.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:47 pm
by Thunder11
And of course, this thread gets started when I'm just about to go on holiday...

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:51 pm
by Wyzack
Thunder when are you leaving on holiday? you could crank out year 1 really fast if you want to

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:17 pm
by Grazyn
succubus fortress sounds like something really naughty

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:22 pm
I tried succubus fortress once, I had no idea what I was doing and one of the succubi acquired the power to shoot fireballs from one of the buildings I made. Then I accidentally flooded the fort trying to make a well.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:30 pm
by TheWiznard
I'm up for this, I'm fine with going as soon as possible :^)

I've been playing around with gnomes and you don't want to know how many deaths are related to machinery.
I kinda enjoy kobold fortress. In my mind the races we could do easily are dwarf/human/warlock/kobold.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:40 pm
by Wyzack
I really fucking love warlock fortress, but it is a little more difficult to get in to. What do you guys think?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:06 pm
by Thunder11
Wyzack wrote:Thunder when are you leaving on holiday? you could crank out year 1 really fast if you want to
Early Saturday morning, so I've got a full day tomorrow and most of the day Friday.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:13 pm
by Mister_Doc
I'd be down for Kobold or Dorfs

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:22 pm
by Wyzack
I actually have yet to play masterwork dorfs, they look fun. Kobold are good too, but you need to pick the embark carefully. How about kobold fort?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:25 pm
by TheWiznard
I'm fine with either, can't wait for the fun to start

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:25 pm
by Stan_Studnick
Too bad it's Masterwork, or else I'd totally be down for this. :(

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:38 pm
by Wyzack
Don't be a goober Stan, give it a try

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:44 pm
by Wyzack
Also can we all agree on Kobold Fortress? Thunder you can go first if you need to, otherwise the Wiznard can do the first year. Any objections?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:50 pm
by TheWiznard
I'm down for kobold fort, I'll check the thread every couple of hours til thunder replies

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:31 am
by Mister_Doc
TheWiznard wrote:I'm down for kobold fort

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:56 am
by Wyzack
Alright then Wiznard why don't you start us off then. Just give us a heads up as to the embark and what items/skills you are taking

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:01 am
by TheWiznard
aight I'll gen the world and find an embark then post again before I start, or do you want me to just find something and start my year i'll just do the first thing

edit: redacted I'm just gonna do it first then post

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:30 am
by TheWiznard
Alright doublepost but who cares.

This is and welcome to you who have come to
Anything is possible at
you can do anything at
the infinite is possible at
I decided to embark on a cave, I didn't see any other good looking caves and this one is apparently on a brook. It doesn't really matter if we're on an aquifer because we're not really diggers. in retrospect probably should haven't invested 5 points into mining then, oh well.

group name
Antoshanty Chonty
Redones of Quickness

fortress name

meat 32
copper choppers 2
ironbone blowgun
copper blowdarts 33
wood stalk bulbs 6
wooden banjo
cotten fiber ropes 2
leather quiver

1 male shalswar 2 female 1 hunter female
1 ogre (shrek)
2 male jackrat 12 female
1 psyco toad male and 1 female
1 male kea 4 female
1 male honey badger 1 female

I took the Ogre embark profile, we needed shrek's power. It had like 970 points left so I bought some misc stuff like the other pets an the banjo.
I forgot to screenie the skills page, but I think this will do
the tempfish guy has fish skills it's just offscreen
I named everyone but me tempnames because I'm sorry but that's how I remember what kobolds do, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to name anyone else so if you need to remove their names when you get to here go ahead it's just so I can remember what's what.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:42 am
by Thunder11
>Go to bed, nobody's decided on what race to play
>Wake up, we've already started
Am I the only person here who has a life?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:45 am
by TheWiznard
it's only been 7 hours or so thunder I don't have a life :^(

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:50 am
by Thunder11
Better finish your turn quick then, so I have time to do mine before I leave

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:54 am
by TheWiznard
Thunder11 wrote:Better finish your turn quick then, so I have time to do mine before I leave
I'm almost done with my winter as we speak.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:38 am
by TheWiznard
We've arrived! The scouts spoke of a cave entrance at this location but those fools must have thought a few holes in the ground were caves; those dumbasses.
While my friends begin to set up camp I begin to hunt these huge boulder crabs. My blowgun hardly pierces their shell.

FUCK. My hunting pet was crushed to death by these horrid creatures. I couldn't even kill the fucking thing; I don't know how I'll ever get over this. Today sucks.
A month has passed since my pet died, and when we arrived. Things have gone smoothly so far. We aren't starving and haven't been attacked by anything. It amazes me that our digger can even dig at all, half the time he should be working I catch him just staring off into the sky; He's such a dolt. We've set up a pen for the jackrats, tasty bastards. When our digger is actually digger he should be looking for a way down past this damp soil. I still detest those scouts that told us there was a cave here. Well if all goes well by the end of the month I'll report back in.

migrants arrived and our camp is now up to 13 kobolds. None of them were too skilled except for one of 'em, looks like a real fighter.

a caravan arrived shortly after the migrants settled in. we don't have much to trade except serrated bone spikes, but I hope our broker can net us a good deal. -- We didn't buy much, a metal bar, a few darts, and some more rope. Maybe in the future we'll have more to offer?

Autumn arrived, nothing much as been happening around here, it's starting to get colder.

Some more migrants came over...and by some more I mean three. only three.
There seems to be another good looking fighter by the looks of things.

Winter has arrived. Fucking boulder crabs, you'd think it'd be easy to kill some stupid crab, but no it isn't. These things are fucking huge and they can tank our superior kobold weapons and punches. If we could take their shells our warriors would be unstoppable. The brook seems to be slowly freezing over, I don't think it should be too much of a problem. I've been going on missions the past few weeks. So far I've managed to steal a few bars of silver from the dwarfveses and a few gems from the goblinses. I'm a master of disguise with my invisibility cloak. That's what I've taken to calling my thief cloak, that is.

Looks like a dwarven caravan is stopping by, looks like I won't be stealing from them for a while. They seem to be willing to pay high coinage for silly bucklers and shields next year, also for amulets.

Spring has come, I decided to take a look at the camp to see how far we've come. I can't believe it's been a year already. I think I'm gonna just stare up at the sky like the digger for a while.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:45 am
by Thunder11
Alright, I'm going out for a bit, then I'll get started

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:15 pm
by Thunder11
The second spring of Shijinta has come, and I have been elected leader of the outpost for the year. The camp is a mess of half finished buildings, with workshops all over the place. I quickly set to work completing the western section of wall, but the project is delayed as all the inhabitants continue to pile up huge mounds of rotting creatures. I tell them to stop it, but they keep finding new sources of remains. Eventually I give up and just tell some of the people to stop hauling anything at all.The spring passes quickly, and summer sees us stepping up our raiding, stealing coins and gems from the goblins, and meat from the werewolves. Soon a group of kobold traders show up, we end up giving them some coins and gems in exchange for bags of plump helmet dye.

Autumn begins with us expending our selection of workshops, and fending off a few werewolf thieves.The month of sandstone sees fell tidings from the scouts, the cursed dwarves are marching on our camp with an army, intent of wiping us out. We hide the children and civilians in the rat infested shed, and send our few soldiers out to face the attackers. The battle is a disaster. Half of the outpost's inhabitants are felled, with head kobold Wiznard among the dead. To make matters worse, succubus snatchers start to appear as we're preparing memorials to the dead, and some of the children are lost. Thankfully some migrants soon show up, to bring our numbers back up.

Winter arrives with a hard decision. I decide that an offering should be made to appease the gods. I order the construction of a wooden pyramid just outside the camp, and decorate the interior and exterior with statues of bone. When construction is complete, I order three of the children inside, and seal the entrance, leaving them to their fate. The gods seem appeased, and no further attacks occur afterwards.

Spring is here once again, and I am still haunted by that damned pyramid. However hard it is for me to accept it, however, I know that seeking to appease the gods was the only way to protect my people. No longer protected by my position as leader of the outpost, I think it best if I leave quietly before I am lynched for what I have done. I hope the gods' blessing lasts into the next year. I hope for the continues sanity of whoever replaces me.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:37 pm
by Wyzack
Neato! I am liking the amount of FUN we have. Mr doc do you want to take the next year or shall I?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:02 pm
by Thunder11
I wonder if more sacrifices will be made next year, in a grander pyramid...

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:52 pm
by Mister_Doc
You go ahead Wyzack

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:13 pm
by Wyzack
Finally it is my time to shine. These last couple years have been grueling, and we have payed a heavy price in kobold lives. My first act as overseer is to get this goddamned wall completed. Next time the dwarves show up i would not have them waltz right in to butcher our children and destroy our homes.

Some migrants show up. I immediately draft a bunch of them into a squad of warriors. They are a bunch of weaklings to be sure, but i will drag them to glory if it kills me.

We have a bunch of weapons and armor left over from the last dwarf attack. We make some coal from logs and melt it all down back in to usable bars. I also have a few kobolds burning spare bodyparts into ash so we can get some ironbone produced. The next time the shortbeards show up they are gonna have one hell of a reception!

A few kobolds are still injured from the last conflict, with not enough supplies to mend them. We collect webs from the area, making threads and cloth to dress their wounds. Next caravan we really need to buy some more, lest more of us get wounded.

The jackrats were getting a bit too dense, so we culled a few of them for their delicious flesh. Used the hides to make the kids some clothes too, they were getting a little upset about that.

A few of our kind are still insistent upon pilfering the possessions of the lesser races. We obtained a stock of bows, some arrows, and an angry pack of marauding elves. I was out gathering wood when they hit us. arrows and sling bullets started flying. I drew my blade and set upon one of the beasts, slicing off its disgusting hands and drowning it in its own blood. A few other elves were wounded by slingfire, and the rest ran off. Pathetic creatures, afraid to fight a real warrior in single combat.

I recieved a mere fleshwound but many of the others were not so lucky, with about 7 or so badly injured. With the elves ran off we retreaded within the new walls to lick our wounds and recouperate

shot of the base

((It is early summer now, i will try to be done my year by tomorrow i hope you do not mind the more verbose updates.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:19 pm
by TheWiznard
man I love this, I'm pretty sure it's my fault the dwarves came for us in the first place but damn this is turning out so cool. I love seeing how the mismatched little camp I started with it turning into something else

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:33 pm
by EndgamerAzari
>all those feet and leg stabs

All trees are felled at ground level.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:40 am
by Wyzack
I manage to stave off the kleptomania of my fellows in the summer, and focus on raising our military might. We forge a pile of sling bullets from silver, make a few new traps and create some armor from ironbone and leather.

We make a dedicated hospital zone and a large dining hall underground. This Is designated as a meeting hall, to help our kobolds keep out of the rain. Speaking of kobolds, our population has grown to 63 with migrants and births. We can barely keep up clothing production with the new younglings running around.

The yearly caravan comes around, we trade them some prepared meals and crafts for metal and some much needed cloth and yarn, as well as miscellaneous stuff like new dyes. the camp is getting pretty crowded, so we expand the wall a great deal in order to make more room for tents and workshops.

And autumn rolls around again. This season i hope to build a metallurgist's forge from some plans we stole from the dwarves, and perhaps send out some theives once again.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:36 am
by Wyzack
Almost done my year, will finish and upload it tomorrow. Reminder we need more players, ideally someone new will pick it up after mister doc. If we don't get anyone then I guess wiznard can have another go and we can start over.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:02 am
by Balut
Man I haven't played DF since the big huge military system thing was added. I would fuck up literally everything and fuck it up in the least interesting manner possible.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:08 am
by Wyzack
It is settled! Balut takes the fort after doc. We need some real FUN

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:11 am
by TheWiznard
How did you get the bolds to actually dig? For me I had 1-2 diggers and I kept making shovels but they never used them ever until they broke. idk what was wrong with them, they we're just idling and I made sure to try disabling their labors

bring the in the FUN train, choonkoo choo

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:13 am
by Wyzack
I didn't really do anything, just designated the dig sites and they dug.

Side note we really need to get some more dye so we can tat up our kobolds

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:16 am
by TheWiznard
When I was making the world and playing my year, I honestly had this running in the background the entire time; with the dwarf fortress music off.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:27 am
by Balut

Alright, I've downloaded Masterwork, but shit doesn't change when I try to change my tileset back to the normal-DF ASCII preset aaa. Howe2.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:01 am
by srifenbyxp
Is it possible during the hand-me-down that one can retire the fortress and go in at it for adventure mode? Possible settle down in the fortress it self too.

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:16 pm
by TheWiznard
srifenbyxp wrote:Is it possible during the hand-me-down that one can retire the fortress and go in at it for adventure mode? Possible settle down in the fortress it self too.
I'm not even sure you would make it a 1/10th of the way there in adventure mode playing a kobold lol

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:30 pm
by Wyzack
You can retire a fortress and join it as an adventurer in the newest version of masterwork, but this is an older version. Also balut you need to update your saves to use the new tileset

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:44 pm
by Wyzack
The second half of the year is somewhat uneventful. The expanded camp allows us to make many new tents and workshops. most notably we stole blueprints for a fletcher's workshop, and are now making composite bows for a better ranged attack. We also stole plans for a tattoo parlor from the tall horsefolk. They sent some thieves of their own to steal it back, but it did not go so well for them.

I myself did not get to kill anything but a black bear for the rest of the year, bit of a drag. I suppose our folk could use a little peace. Word of our prosperous camp has spread fast, and our population is now at around one hundred kobolds. More space is dug for another dormatory, and the clan leader is given proper quarters.

With the coming of warmtime i am to step down as overseer of the tribe and leave it to another. I will however continue to train tirelessly and strike down my foes to protect our home

Having some trouble uploading the save, mediafire seems to be hanging when i try to upload it

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:12 pm
by Thunder11
When's someone gonna break the pyramid open to dispose of the corpses?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:21 pm
by Wyzack
Got it! had to zip it first, duh doy ...

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:50 pm
by TheWiznard
so who's up next in line for the FUN train?

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:54 pm
by Wyzack
I believe that is Mister Doc

Re: Dorf Fort Succession Game! All Welcome!

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:49 am
by Mister_Doc
Shit, I hate to be that guy but I don't think I'll have time to participate just yet. Balut can go ahead and take it