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The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:53 am
by John_Oxford
jesus h fucking christ on a shit stick.

rip kenny

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:44 am
by Armhulen
John_Oxford wrote:
rip kenny

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:21 am
by Anonmare
rip in rest kenny

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:22 am
by Quanti
I already shot him in the last one

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:32 am
by Armhulen
i will not be checking back in this thread

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:42 am
by capi duffman
They should add a "Your choices won't matter in this game"

For a company who prides on allowing choices, they have a hard time creating consequences.

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:03 am
by DrPillzRedux
It was the same with part 2. Both are shit.

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:03 pm
by John_Oxford
Quanti wrote:
I already shot him in the last one
fucking degenerate

>picking someone with no back story over someone who has been in the game with the man who saved your life and more or less raised you since season one episode one

you shouldn't be allowed to play story games, your choices are to bad.

the ironic part is if i didn't choose to go with kenny/stay in wellington it doesn't show his death scene.

kenny return season 4 when?

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:52 pm
by dezzmont
The problem is that Kenny was clearly a dangerous violent person and there is no indication he would change during the story. In fact, during the point where you have to make that choice you are really choosing to allow him to commit one of his more vile acts in the story or not.

Jane meanwhile, despite being damaged, was really stable and throughout the story actually looked out for Clem the whole time, where as Kenny had so many failings in that regard and really failed to protect Clem in major ways. She shares a legitimate bond, like Kenny, but despite it being newer it is a lot less volatile. She never just nopes out on you or yells at Clem, she is always trying to help and she respects Clem far more than Kenny does. She also went through a lot of the same trauma as Kenny, but instead of becoming a broken screaming wreck she focuses on helping out this person who deserves her help.

You were basically choosing between a good history with someone who isn't even Kenny, and a good present, because Kenny was not at all good to Clem for most of the story in 2 and really held the group back in a lot of ways, where as Jane had a much more equal partnership and was much more interested in Clem's wellbeing rather than being addicted to her own sadness and anger. He also wasn't that great a guy in 1, and his irrationality and... frankly violent rage were a large part of why the group fell apart. Yes Lilly was a paranoid jerk, but Kenny was constantly challenging her in the worst ways that justified all her fears. In the end he recognizes this if you side only partially with him throughout the story.

While Kenny does realize what a huge fuckup he is in the ending of 2, it comes at a huge cost to someone who absolutely didn't deserve what happened to him, so it definitely was not his redemption, even if it showed that Clem would be ok. Kenny was kinda just a bad person in the end, and allowed his fear and loss to totally destroy him.

Re: The Walking Dead - Season Three

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:43 am
by Quanti
.Kenny actually won the fight in mine, I shot him after he'd already killed her. I picked all the options that either attempted to break up the fight or not get involved and he eventually wins, then you get the option to shoot him after he says something. He wasn't even mad, guess he kind of realised how much of a wreck he'd become. Though honestly I did regret it because he was the only person left by then, just left Clementine on her own again. I guess it's kind of thematic for walking dead game endings.
There was something missing from the second one that I don't know if I'll play this one. I barely remember half the characters in season 2 and all the petty group drama where everyone blames shit on Clementine was just annoying. Whereas I walked away from the first one thinking it was one of the best games I'd ever played.