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Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:17 pm
by Timbrewolf
Within 24 hours of unlocking this thread we've had people nominating their dogs, announcing campaigns like "ban white people" and more. So I'm going to add some requirements in order to run to filter through all this garbage people are posting.

1) To run for headmin a candidate must be at least 18 years of age. To play here you should be at least 18 years of age anyway. Somehow I think some people are forgetting both of these.

2) To run for headmin a candidate must be at least a GameAdmin on our admins.txt Special exceptions could be made in the case where someone makes a really compelling argument, but I'm not going to allow someone to run for headmin if they have no actual experience enforcing rules and administering players. It's like asking to be made a head coder when you don't even know how to code.

Something to keep in mind as well when reading people's campaign platforms:

Headmins have no oversight or control over the codebase. Anyone telling you they're going to get anything reverted or changed, unless they're actually also a coder themselves or has good friends in coderbus, is probably lying to you. Server/coder relationship and such is an issue for the Host and Coderbus. Adminbus is not involved there. As a headmin I tried a lot to do things and stick my nose in it but with minimal effect. Now that I'm the host and becoming SySAdmin over the server it's an issue for me to chew on, not you guys.

NOTE FROM QUARTS: Many of you also didn't even follow the basic rules, which is, be nominated in the general thread then make your own separate candidate thread. If you can't follow the most basic of steps why should you be even considered to run the admin team?

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:27 pm
by Stickymayhem
Do dog years factor into the age limit?

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:30 pm
by imblyings
wasn't the last headmin election open to all, including players. Of course only existing admins won that election but players were still free to enter.

I do actually believe in a headmin being capable and fully knowledgeable in the duties of his underlings before taking up the position but a few of the player nominations were serious and well-intentioned enough to have deserved a spot in this election. Is it entirely out of the question to give a crash course in handling adminhelps and investigations to a newly elected player headmin to bring him up to speed with the administration process?

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:32 pm
by danno
Somehow this had the inverse effect of turning this whole thing into even more of a joke

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:34 pm
by Loonikus
I would like to point out that I do have a rudimentary grasp of most admin tools through experimenting and testing on dream deamon. In addition, as headmin I believe I would prefer a more hands-off approach, with more of an emphasis on policy discussions and conflicts than simply banning people.

Disregard. Evidently I'm too much of a pleb commoner to run anyway. I can't say I'm surprised, only disappointed.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:35 pm
by Mandurrh
Last election also required being approved by the host to run.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:36 pm
by danno
An0n3, you have to reinstate my thread. During NT I was a GameAdmin. I am elligible.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:37 pm
by Timbrewolf
...says the guy putting his dog into the election.

If you really believe that you have what it takes to be a headmin, and you aren't currently on the .txt, you should start asking to be candidated and move up through the trial process like everyone else did.

If you think you can only be a headmin and nothing else, it tells me you don't have any work ethic and can't put in the time to actually learn the ropes first. The headmin election is not some magical opportunity for you to skip over the entire process by which admins are educated and vetted to jump to the end game of being in control over everyone else.

If you want to be an admin, you can be. Ask to be candidated and go through the training process.

If you can't do that you already don't have what it takes to be a headmin.
danno wrote:An0n3, you have to reinstate my thread. During NT I was a GameAdmin. I am elligible.
Read the requirements. You're not on our admin.txt

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:38 pm
by fartman
but to be fair, after anyone goes through the process of becoming an admin they're going to be a terrible, twisted, broken human being.
are those really the people you want to entrust your headminship to?

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:38 pm
by danno
Alright, can I be candidated please An0n3

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:45 pm
by Timbrewolf
Ask any admin trainer when you see them on server. It's up to them at any given moment.

I should point out now that admin candidates aren't added to the .txt. It's a temporary round-to-round appointment. If the trainers and admins present think you've done well in that role they can recommend you get put on the .txt as a trial admin. To pass that requires approval from the current heads and host.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:50 pm
by QuartzCrystal
An0n3 wrote:NOTE FROM QUARTS: Many of you also didn't even follow the basic rules, which is, be nominated in the general thread then make your own separate candidate thread. If you can't follow the most basic of steps why should you be even considered to run the admin team?

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:13 pm
by OliveOil
An0n3 wrote: 2) To run for headmin a candidate must be at least a GameAdmin on our admins.txt Special exceptions could be made in the case where someone makes a really compelling argument, but I'm not going to allow someone to run for headmin if they have no actual experience enforcing rules and administering players. It's like asking to be made a head coder when you don't even know how to code.
wasn't it ikarrus who said that you don't really need to have experience in order to be an admin, I don't get it

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:17 pm
by Loonikus
Ya, na. You can cower behind legalism and bureaucracy all you want but your not fooling me. It's a fucking game man, this isn't a race for a spot on the US Senate. All your doing by putting up these arbitrary rules is locking out perfectly viable candidates to ensure your style of administration can continue. Good job, you've turned what could have been a fair, smooth election into a shitshow, but that seems to be your specialty An0n3.

I know when I'm not welcome anymore. I'll be on /vg/station if anyone needs me. Ciao.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:21 pm
by DemonFiren
I am mildly saddened by the fact I have to agree with Loonikus here, partially. Most of the candidates that I'd actually vote for had their threads deleted because of the admintxt requirement, despite being rather serious about their efforts.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:23 pm
by Bluespace
Lol at the salt.
>I have no administration experience but I can definitely make rulings on grey area admin decisions.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:25 pm
by Man_Shroom
Last year's election anyone could enter. And I thought that the point of the triumvirate was to have a player rep, an admin rep and a coder rep. Not two admin reps and a coder rep.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:26 pm
by Tsaricide
Bluespace wrote:Lol at the salt.
>I have no administration experience but I can definitely make rulings on grey area admin decisions.
If you've played on this server for a few years and have little bans it's not hard to admin.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:29 pm
by QuartzCrystal
All the candidates that were considered for the player vote had game admin experience. Host has always had the final say on who can run.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:37 pm
by Timbrewolf
Loonikus wrote:Ya, na. You can cower behind legalism and bureaucracy all you want but your not fooling me. It's a fucking game man, this isn't a race for a spot on the US Senate. All your doing by putting up these arbitrary rules is locking out perfectly viable candidates to ensure your style of administration can continue. Good job, you've turned what could have been a fair, smooth election into a shitshow, but that seems to be your specialty An0n3.

I know when I'm not welcome anymore. I'll be on /vg/station if anyone needs me. Ciao.

>smooth, fair election
>people shilling "kill coderbus" and nominating their dogs
>someone running on the "lynch white people" platform

Yeah nah. If that's what a smooth fair election looks like we'll have this instead.
Man_Shroom wrote:Last year's election anyone could enter. And I thought that the point of the triumvirate was to have a player rep, an admin rep and a coder rep. Not two admin reps and a coder rep.
That's not true. Everyone needed to have SoS' approval. There was a ton of hubbub over Bluespace even being allowed to run because he was deadminned previously.

So yeah that's not true at all.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:39 pm
by QuartzCrystal
I'm locking this thread. Thank you An0n3 for cleaning up the forum and making this thread. There is no need for extended discussion, if you have a serious issue come chat with me in in #electionbus.

Re: Candidate Requirements

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:53 am
by Timbrewolf
I'd like to add one last thing since my argument with Dannos may have given people the wrong impression:

I'll approve people to run in the election if they're not on the .txt as long as they have some kind of relevant leadership or adminning experience elsewhere.

It's tough though. "I hosted a minecraft server for me and my three friends" isn't going to cut it.
"I was a GM for a really popular MMO" would. "I'm a community manager for X company/game." would.

Even "I'm an assistant manager at my job." would be something. "I'm the president of my school's curling team." would count.

Adminbus and Coderbus are alike in that neither need "idea people". It's great that you think you have a bunch of solutions and new policies that you think will be fun and fix rules conflicts and shit. But headmin is not the kind of position where you can "lead from behind". You don't get to just dictate policy changes and then sit back and watch everyone else do your work. You have to lead from the front. You have to argue everything you come up with with every admin and player who doesn't agree. You have to put these bans in yourself. You have to review all these requests and appeals.

Headmin is not a fantasy job where you just tell people how you want it to be and then it happens.
If you don't have experience setting the standard and getting others to follow it you aren't going to make it.
This is a leadership position and you need to have some kind of admin/leadership experience on your resume or we're not going to consider you for it.

It's also got a lot of grunt work involved that you're expected to put in the time doing. You shovel a lot of shit. You double-check every ban, every person who wants a second opinion is asking for you directly. You will need to be comfortable getting your hands dirty getting all up in that grey area and trying to come up with fair answers.

If all you think a headmin does, and all you need to be able to do, is come up with a bunch of new rules, you don't even know 1/10th of what you're asking to be allowed to do.