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Stickymayhem got me arrested

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:13 pm
by CrunchyBullettin
So I arrived on the station, went to xenobio. Seen that Fizzle hasn't setup the xenobio effectively so I took the wrench and unwrenched the processor and all that stuff and brought it closer to the pens. As I started doing it, that person started cursing at me and saying that I fucked shit up, telling me to get the fuck away from the lab and shit like that. I ignored him and went straight to the slime pen. Fizzle starts slashing me, locking me in the slime pen. I die, tell that to admin, expecting that fizzle is an antag. I get ressurected and teleported to the bar. As I enter the xenobiology lab, Fizzle continues with the insult, even calling the security, saying that I beat him with an extinguisher. I am tired of that shit so I take a toolbox and start smashing his skull in, promptly mashing him in the lockdown pen doors. I get a pm from the admin: stop that. Security comes, looks at me, undamaged and takes me to brig. I have never had that idiotic situation happen, and if he was an antag, I can still remember that he locked the doors behind me and slashed me because I said that over the radio and he didnt kill me, the slime did. Sorry for whining, just that the message "Stop it" from StickyMayhem got to me.

Re: Stickymayhem got me arrested

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:24 pm
by Stickymayhem
Yeah that wasn't me mate.

EDIT: Also use the template.

Use this template when posting an complaint:

[admin name] player name - fluff text
[GeorgeMelons] Pubbie - admin gib me

Post Content:
Byond account and character name:
Time incident occured:
Detailed summary:

Re: Stickymayhem got me arrested

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:49 pm
by CrunchyBullettin
Damn, sorry if I put the wrong name. You can delete this thread now if you want, ignore my complaint.

Re: Stickymayhem got me arrested

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:50 pm
by peoplearestrange
Moving to FNR trash as requested by OP.