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[hydre] Dr Nice Guy - Shuttle grief?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:16 am
by Dr Nice Guy
Byond account and character name: Dr Nice Guy - No clue?

Banning admin: hydre

Ban type (What are you banned from?): TGstation servers

Ban reason and length: "Shuttle grief, spashed someone with acid on t he shuttle and DCed before I could talk to him about it" - Doesn't say?

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2015-06-13 22:32:21

Your side of the story: He was a janitor, and I was a chemist. I went through the round trying to do every request people asked of me at the medbay entrance, and this guy cuts a hole through the glass to come in and make space lube. I tell him to stop and get out, but he still manages to make a beaker or two and table me long enough to wirecut the door, though he returned multiple times when I left to deliver things. I finally scared him into the disposal bin using a spraybottle of C3F when he broke in later, but he held one hell of a grudge and made various rude comments towards me in the hallways and threw space cleaner grenades when I went to get food / lubed the walkway out of chemistry.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I tried my hardest not to be a random griefer, as I've had multiple games ruined by people doing much worse and I'd hate to be seen as one myself. I don't metagrudge or randomly kill people after the shuttle leaves, but this guy was an absolute ass and I felt it was appropriate in both roleplay and meta to take a very small act of revenge in the final 30 seconds of the game, though I've only played for a week so maybe that's too much or something? Also, I didn't DC till the next round started (Sometimes Byond freezes when the map restarts, which is what happened), so I'm not sure why you took so long to confront me about it. I've talked to admins before, they seem reasonable.

Re: [hydre] Dr Nice Guy - Shuttle grief?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:01 am
by Vekter
Wrong server - Hydre is a Yogstation admin.

Re: [hydre] Dr Nice Guy - Shuttle grief?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:07 am
by Dr Nice Guy
Wow I'm retarded, sorry. I've always used your wiki and just pressed replay to join the same server.