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Duncan Strange and Simon Mathews shuttle shoving.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:51 am
by Falamazeer
Your byond account:Wootanon
Your character name:Crash Zealous
Their character name:Duncan Strange and Simon Mathews
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):
Server and time:Just now, terrible event that nothing happened with.

Description of what happened:Deliberately shoving an officer and others trying to enter the damn shuttle which the entrance was blown up to. Managed to draw and fire at the two before dropping into crit allowing others to make it in, hopefully those who made it through can speak up in witness as pushing isn't logged. Simon mathews may or may not have been the originator of the slippy grenade, halfway through sure looked like it was his, but I cannot say for certain. Suffice to say, they were both shoving like hell, I started in help intent, but quickly clicked over when strange was help intent swapping with me trying to keep me in space. This went on for long enough to kill me with just pressure as I was at full health and had just had coffee to wake me up from a dosing earlier. I was at full health when my attempt started and my internals were running. so it was a lot of shoving over an extended period of time. Simon was already in and had no reason to even be at the door, so his attempt was even more obvious.
Why they should be banned:
You fire the hybrid taser!
[Common] Lance Steele says, "Save everyone"
You fire the hybrid taser!
Duncan Stange is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Gazes-Skyward-Nightly makes a strange noise.
You fire the hybrid taser!
Lance Steele says, "What the fuck"
Simon Mathews is hit by an electrode in the chest!
You fire the hybrid taser!
Gazes-Skyward-Nightly makes a weak noise.
You put the hybrid taser into the security satchel.
Charles Barkley gibbers, "I GOT METH"
Crash Zealous has grabbed Duncan Stange passively!
Crash Zealous has grabbed Duncan Stange aggressively (now hands)!
Greytider Khan says, "AAAAAAAAA"
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...

Re: Duncan Strange and Simon Mathews shuttle shoving.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:59 pm
by Vekter
Okay so, Strange and Matthews were making a concerted effort to keep people off the shuttle, right?

Re: Duncan Strange and Simon Mathews shuttle shoving.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:54 am
by Falamazeer
Oh shit, sorry I forgot this thread, delete it, space wind, this was recently after the change and I could easily have been mistaken.
I didn't know it was such a clusterfuck to walk away from space unless you were at full health/food.

It might have been deliberate, but later after learning how much worse space wind became. I'm thinking It wasn't now.
edit:unless simon actually did throw the nade, then fuck em. but the pushing might not have been what it seemed in retrospect

Re: Duncan Strange and Simon Mathews shuttle shoving.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:35 am
by Vekter
Space wind is a bitch.
