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[The System] Beardbeard - Tyranny #BringOurBoyBack

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:55 pm
by Beardbeard
Post Content: Unban appeal
Byond account and character name: Beardbeard
Banning admin: The System
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Blacklist
Ban reason and length: Blacklist
Time ban was placed (including time zone): Blacklist
Your side of the story: See the words after this
Why you think you should be unbanned: See the words after this

The tyrannical administration (referred to hereafter as HITLER II) would not even allow me to see my people unless I follow their format.

The time has come once again for a hero's return. A hero to you, to me, to the people. Long has he fought the good fight against tyrants in the adminhouse. Difficult has been his struggle. 25 times was a permaban placed on him and for the 25th time he will return. Head Administrator Tsaricide, once a good friend but now suffering a rift, has granted one boon to this great man: If I can get the support of every admin, I can return. And so I stand before you, men of /tg/station. Men of honor, of valor, of actually pretty awful memes. Will you stand beside me, and tell your admins what you think? Will you tell them that this wounded veteran can be denied entry no longer? Will you rise up and tear down the tyrants who still refuse to offer support? Anyone may post in my thread. Dissenting admins will step into the circle of honor with me, and God will determine how just they truly are. Supporting admins may rally behind me. And you, the common folk, may do as you please. For when the hero returns, a golden age will be ushered in. An age of freedom from HITLER II's tyranny. An age where Kor will break up with his fucking girlfriend and stop getting whipped. An age of enlightenment. Thank you.

Re: [The System] Beardbeard - Tyranny #BringOurBoyBack

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:04 pm
by Miauw
is it ok to post memes in this thread

Re: [The System] Beardbeard - Tyranny #BringOurBoyBack

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:06 pm
by Beardbeard
The common people are free to do as they want. Especially the Clown Maintainers such as yourself.

Re: [The System] Beardbeard - Tyranny #BringOurBoyBack

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:19 pm
by Jordie0608
Jordie0608 wrote:We agreed in #adminbus this isn't happening.