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[Sawu] Alicia Rivers - murder/metagrudge

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 2:51 am
by smittn
Byond account and character name:
Mine: smittn/Terry Mcfall
theirs: sinviras/Alicia Rivers
Admin: Sawu
Time incident occured:
5-29 roughly 2:00 server time
Detailed summary:
This is me disagreeing with an admin decision / ban requests being down.
tl;dr I got metagrudged roundstart and murdered by a non-antag and sawu only gave her a warning/note. She spaced me and I was never cloned.

Backround first because this is about metagrudge:
The previous round I had arrested Alicia for having the HoS ID, all of sec was dead to a rogue mulebot with a pAI. Alicia entered the brig with the HoS ID and thaddeus was in there too, I heard a syringe gun and rushed in and tazed thaddeus for shooting it at Alicia. cuffed him and confiscated the syringe gun. It was at this point I realized Alicia had the HoS ID (who was dead) so I tased and handcuffed her too. I searched thad and let him go warning him to stop that syringe gun bs. He leaves the brig. I start searching Alicia and she tells me she was turning the ID in, I search her anyway. She stole some cuffs but whatever, as soon as I start to empty her pockets there is a rad storm and I drag her into maint. It ends and I bring her back to the brig, put all her stuff in her bag and toss her out of the brig. She of course, immediately runs back into the brig and beepsky arrests her for not having an ID and wearing a gas mask, I throw her out again. She says she wants her ID back and I tell her its in the bag. She runs in again and gets arrested again and I take her bag and see her pda in it. I figured her ID was in her pda and I threw her out of the brig again. She comes back with an engiborg and orders it to search me for the ID, it empties my pockets and my ID isn't in there. I kick both of them out again. Then she orders the borg to bolt open all the doors into security and he obeys, she rushes into the wardens office probably trying to get into the armory or get a taser and as I finally flash the borg she gets stuck in the wardens office, I fire disablers at her and she suicides. I order the borg to unbolt all the doors in the brig and the rest of the round plays out.

During this entire incident she is absolutely pissed that I cuffed and searched her. I told her the ID and everything else she had was in her bag. Near the end of this incident she says:
Alicia Rivers (as Unknown) says, "Im killing you on sight every shift from now on you fuck"

Ok so now the round in question (the very next one)

I was the Roboticist working in my lab and Alicia runs in with a syringe gun and starts trying to shoot me with it, she hits me with a shot and I call for help. We scuffle but eventually I pass out and get dragged around and kicked to death while I'm sleeping and then she tries to space me, and spaces herself in the process.

I ahelp it and in deadchat she's still around. I figured she was an antag and a warning was shitty but whatever. Later at the end of the round I found out otherwise and I would like someone else to pass judgement.

Re: [Sawu] Alicia Rivers - murder/metagrudge

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 3:17 am
by Okand37
We aren't taking ban requests anymore. If you really feel persistent to continue, contact a headmin to look into the situation.
As well, we try not to remove players from the server unless it is really a drastic and reoccuring thing, the player might have been newer and had no previous warnings on this matter.

Re: [Sawu] Alicia Rivers - murder/metagrudge

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 4:06 am
by Shaps-cloud
Alicia Rivers (as Unknown) says, "Im killing you on sight every shift from now on you fuck"

If this wasn't taken into consideration in how it was initially handled this really should be looked at, that's pretty fucking awful

Re: [Sawu] Alicia Rivers - murder/metagrudge

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 5:34 am
by Saegrimr
It was taken into consideration, and it was noted and the player properly warned. This is not the place for your not-so-thinly veiled ban requests.