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Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:00 pm
by TheWiznard

Bottom post of the previous page:

Tripes flips a throne out of his sack and slides it onto the counter near the other throne and says

"It's not a good meeting unless we're all drinking! I'll take whatever cromwell is having, bartender."

While waiting for his drink Tripes turns to Cecil and quietly asks "So old timer, got any good stories about the supernatural? I'm always in the mood for a tale 'em"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:50 pm
by Deitus
Jonathan carefully removes a ratty waterskin from the folds of his clothing, uncorking the stopper to allow for a quick sip before stowing it away again. He half-listens to his peers exchanging their tales as he studies the knobs and cuts in the old table, lost in thought of nothing in particular aside from a sneaking notion that the informant may not be coming.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:49 am
by DaemonBomb
Cecil turns towards Tripes with a toothy grin. "A ghost story, eh? Well.... Let me tell you about an island off the coast of Fausteqine
I was a youngin', workin' a cargo ship headed back home to Anthia, and I was helpin' the Second Mate on his watch. It was raining ice, I swear, a stormy cold slush falling from the sky. We were a small little boat, so it was me and his job to watch for ice floats, and make sure the ship didn't drift off in the storm.

With the rain and the dark, you could barely see your hand in front of your face, so we stayed close and double checked each other, prodding out into the darkness with these little lamps on the ends of sticks. In the darkness out there, though, I saw an island, with a big, old looking light house.

I pointed to it and asked what was out on that island.

He shook his head and said "Nothin'. It's bleak, nothin' there that'd be of interest to you, at the least."
Now, this peaked my interest, of course, but when I asked him what he meant by that he said that he 'didn't wanna be spookin'' me into uselessness.
Being the headstrong lad I was, I demanded an explanation. He told me that nobody had lived there for decades.
But the light in that light house was on, so that didn't make a lick of sense to me, "How could it get turned on if there was no one to light it?" I asked him.
"I said nobody. Didn't say no one."
Then a most curious thing occurred. That lighthouse went out.
And I heard a creaking.
And a ticking.
and a horrible scratching from under the ship.
I looked over the edge, and the sea around the ship was cracked up ice, shiny and black. It groaned as it grinded into our hull. I ran to ring the bell, but I felt the chill overtake me. I could hardly move for the ice that was pricklin' my skin.
I screamed over the howling wind for that second mate to warn the crew, but when I looked at him, he was grinning, larger than any man had grinned before, and grinding his teeth to the tune of that devil's symphony of crackling, screamin' ice.

I blacked out, and when I woke, we were in the warmer waters of Western Tritte. The second mate was gone.
They said that I probably got knocked out during the storm and that the second mate probably fell overboard, and maybe it's true, but I don't believe someone that had been through as many Faustian storms as that man would've fallen that easily.
Either way, not a bad story, eh?"

Cecil took a drink of his whiskey, sliding a throne the barman's way.


Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:03 am
by Wyzack
(does table turning know we have started?)

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:37 am
by TheWiznard
Tripes chuckled as he finished the last of his drink as the story ended.

"That sure sounded spooky to me, old timer!"

((not being mean this is a sarcastic ooc message | Maybe table turning couldn't get his fat ass out of his chair to get over here [Insert our last forum DnD experience here] ))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:55 am
by Maccus
((He does, but I think his internet's out. We'll find an opportunity for him to join in later. Mine's been out all day, speaking of, sorry!))

The air in the bar hangs stale as Cecil finishes his story, the odd patron turned around to conspicuously eavesdrop. An old, weary man seated near the entrance jumps with a start as the door swings open. A man in a long, muddy cloak strides in, his head covered with a wide-brimmed hat. Rudely, he doesn't bother to take the hat off. Behind him, two men lug a decently-sized chest, and without even stopping to look around, the group finds themselves at your table, the men dropping the chest with a deafening thud!

The man in the hat turns to Cromwell, the brim of his headwear covering identifying mark on the man's face but a tiny jagged scar on his chin, and smiles. "Marston," he says, with an accent you can't quite place, "Are these the people you've acquired for this... task?"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:04 am
by Wyzack
"Yup. Ready and willing. You the folks here for the full brief? You sure this is private enough?"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:12 am
by Maccus
"No need for a briefing, everything you will need to know is in this chest. Burn the note after you read it. Do not attempt to contact my employer or myself, we will find you when the task is complete. You have a month," he says, standing up. "I would recommend not attempting to take the money and running. Eyes are everywhere, Sir Marston."

And with that, the man walks outside, taking his two henchmen with him. The chest lays at the foot of the table, and many a patron eyeballs it suspiciously. In a normal part of town, nobody would dare try to steal a man's chest in broad daylight, but in the Hovels, you can never be sure.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:23 am
by TheWiznard
Tripes grabs the chest up with both hands and sits it on the table. His sword is fully visible as his cloak rustles during the motion.

"Cromwell, is this for me? You shouldn't have" Tripes chuckles before saying "Well you're the boss Cromwell, you get the honors"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:28 am
"Well he sure was an delightfully direct man, wasn't he?" He turns towards the chest. "Well let's see what's in the chest, any time you're ready Mr. Cromwell, sir!"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:56 am
by Wyzack
"Not here. Not now. Too many prying eyes. I say we find another tavern, rent a room and hole up for the evening. All in favour?"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:08 am
by TheWiznard
"There's only a bartender and a few weak hovel-men. What's there to be afraid of here?" Tripes questions as he looks around. He then turns back to the table and says with a smile "Then again...I guess you are the boss this time around, you had reason enough to call for me so I might as well indulge you a bit this time."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:14 am
by Wyzack
Cromwell leans over. "Loose lips sink ships as they say. I just want to open it away from prying eyes is all, maybe there is a back room."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:57 am
by Maccus
"'Ere is, fer a fee of course," the innkeep says as he plops your drinks down upon the table. "Ten thrones fer an hour," he says bluntly, as you realize he's been listening in on you. "I wouldn't stay the 'ole hour, yeah? Someone might go back 'ere to see what's in that trunk." He holds one hand out, awaiting gold, and points the other hand towards a hallway behind him.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:40 pm
by DaemonBomb
"Now, Mister, 10 thrones is a bit steep, aint it? Maybe so steep we'll be opening that chest out where anyone could see..." said Cecil, leaning in towards the innkeeper.
"See, now, if your patrons were to learn what was in this chest, the people who own this chest would be pretty upset.
If our employers were upset, I'd say they'd do what anyone'd do and... remove what is upsetting them.
Now, I know it's bad business sense to undercharge, but a burned down bar only puts it's owner in the mood to drink. Trust me, I know."

Cecil leans back away from the Innkeeper, and offers 4 thrones.
"I'm a reasonable, old man, and I don't want you getting hurt."
(I'd like to roll felicity to haggle down the price to 4. Also, one throne is approximately worth 10 USD, right? That's what it looks like based on the books. )

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:11 pm
by Wyzack
((money is kinda weird, this prices and stuff in the book are for a space age society so all the primitive stuff is super cheap.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:15 pm
by Maccus
((I'd say so, yeah, but I'm no economist (I'm not even sure economist is a word) so don't quote me on it.

As for rolling, go ahead. Use whatever dice app you like, I trust everyone enough to not cheat in an online RP. For the benefit of everyone here, rolling checks works like this: You roll a d100 (or two d10s, if you're old school), and try to shoot BELOW your characteristic. Say you got 30 FEL, you roll 19, that's a success! You roll a 80, that is not! You roll a 95, that's a critfail and oh no there's blood everywhere and Cromwell's splattered against the walls and why did this happen what did I do

Having skills and training helps with this, of course. If you have a skill in Medicae, for example, you'd get +5 to your roll, making it so that the target number you gotta roll under is your characteristic+5. We'll get into that as it comes up.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:58 pm
by DaemonBomb
((Rolled a 25. My felicity is 37.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:19 pm
by Maccus
The innkeep rubs his chin, and you can see gears turning in his head as he slowly pieces together that it may be in his best interest to let you by with a discount.

"Four thrones 'tis. We don' want no trouble here, yeah?"

He slides a key across the table for the door, and turns back to his bar.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:20 am
by TheWiznard
"Good going old timer." Tripes says as he picks up the chest and carries it into the back room, motioning with the chest for the others to follow.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:24 am
by Wyzack
Once everyone is in the room, Cromwell locks the door and walks up to the table where the chest is now resting.

"Alright, let's see what they have for us hmm?"

And throws the trunk open

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:40 am
by Maccus
You can hardly believe your eyes as you pop the lid open. Five hundred thrones fill the chest, along with a letter and a small locket in the shape of a shield.

The note is simple, its wording very blunt and professional.

"You are given a very daunting task, but understand that this is but a fraction of the payment you'll be receiving. Understand also that it is not our job to rescue you if you fail and are captured, and any attempts to expose this task will be met with a quick, harsh silencing.

What you must do will change the world as you know it, and it is more than acceptable to be a little worried, but it is absolutely unacceptable to back out upon taking this gold.

The High King of Sechringia, Protector of the Kingdoms of the Star, and his family are hosting a feast with all the lords of High Sechringia and several of the Kings of the Five Points within the next month. It is important that High King and his family do not continue to draw breath after this banquet. For every member of High King Armetz I's family slain, you will receive five hundred extra thrones. Once all of them lay dead, you will receive an extra two thousand for a job well done.

At at least one of the assassinations, it would work very well for everyone if you could leave this locket at the scene. It will implicate someone other than yourselves and my employer, making things much easier for you.

Do not attempt to find us until the task is finished. We will find you. Burn this letter."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:53 am
by Wyzack
Cromwell regards the note in silence for a few moments before turning to look at the others.

"There you have it lads. Enough to set us up for a lifetime. I dont think i need to explain the severety of what it is we have to do. But we have all this, and there is no backing out now. Before you start thinking of spending any this here is for the task at hand. We are going to need to grease a lot of palms and buy some specialised equipment if we are going to make this happen. Now this is not the time or place to discuss terms or methods, we need a more secure place for that. Everyone divy up the contents of the chest so that we can move, and there had better not be a piece missing. Any questions before we proceed?"

(also is it well known how many members the king has in his family?)

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:03 am
by Maccus
((You can make a Common Lore (Imperium) (Int) check to see how well you know the King's family.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:13 am
"Just one question Mr. Cromwell,sir." Roux lowers his voice to something like a whisper. "How would you like to deal with these uhh... potential witnesses?" He points at the walls with his eyes. "I have this feeling the walls aren't as thick as we'd like them to be and I and our client I'm sure, would prefer not to leave any loose ends." He gives a warm smile at the last part of that sentence.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:48 pm
by DaemonBomb
Cinders leans into the group and speaks in a hushed tone. "Now, now, these walls aren't so thin to be seen through, and we haven't spoken a word on the contents of this note. I'd even say that... silencing anyone in this bar could be a bit of an issue going forward. It's easier to discount the ramblings of drunkards than it is to discount their corpses. Now, I know a few things about the... targets, but we can talk about that later. Let's burn the note."
((I rolled for knowledge and rolled a 28. My intelligence is 36 and I have Common Lore(imperium)))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:18 pm
by Deitus
Jonathan regards the note with empty eyes as it burns. "I'm not much one for murder," he says sadly, "but i get the feeling that having heard the message i don't have a chance to back out. I'll help how i can, but i'd appreciate leaving the actual deed to you gentlemen."

With a dry rustle of clothing, he gets up from his seat. "What do we need?"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:45 pm
by Wyzack
"He is right, and that is exactly why I chose such a place."

Cromwell struck a match from his pack and held it to the corner of the note, yellow flame spreading and licking across its surface. He then reaches into the chest and grabs the amulet.

"Like I said, we need a better place to discuss the specifics, for now we should focus on leaving."

He drops his voice to a hushed whisper

"Empty the chest between you, we will hold on to it for now as a decoy"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:58 pm
by TheWiznard
While reading the note Tripes seems to get hung up on one sentence.

-his family do not continue to draw breath after this banquet.

After a moment he snaps out of his daze and looks around the table. Tripes slowly murmurs "I'm in" with a solemn look on his face.
He turns to Cromwell and gives him a nod before turning back to the table. Speaking a little louder than his murmur Tripes says

"I'm not very good with money so I'll only take 80 thrones."
He reaches into the chest and pulls out about 80 thrones, putting them in his sack.

"Roux. You wanna help carry this empty chest out with me after all this? Maybe it'll be more convincing that something is still inside it if two people are carrying it." Tripes suggests.

((EDIT: I drew this shitty little stick figure thing during one of my classes the other day, see if you can guess who you are. also sorry deitus I think I forgot your guy when I was doodling.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:38 pm
((That's pretty cute Wiznard. Good work.))

Roux takes a good chunk of thrones out of the chest (100 to be exact). "Should be enough for what I need, and if not I can easily obtain more." Upon hearing his name he turns to Tripes. "I'll certainly help you carry that load, friend. It's heavier than it first appeared am I right?" He says in a playful manner.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:12 pm
by DaemonBomb
Cecil inhales sharply, and lets out a nervous raspy laugh, looking over at Tripes and Johnathon. "Well, I guess with this price tag we shoulda' known it'd be somethin' unsavory but... well, look on the bright side. If we do our job right, we're giving them the greatest gifts of all. An intriguing end, and a fascinating mystery." he whispers, before picking up 5 thrones. "This old man already has more than enough for a pickpocket to yank. I'll just reimburse myself for the drink and the room."

Cecil gives out a grunt as he pulls himself up with his knobby cane. He reaches for the chest, but then thinks better of it.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:34 pm
by Deitus
Jonathan glances down at the remaining crowns and shakes his head. "You gentlemen take what you need. I'll make due with whatever's left for my equipment."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:46 pm
by Maccus
((Alright, lemme get Daemon's roll done. Daemon, you know that the High King's family has 5 members. The High King Armetz I, his wife, Queen Alpaida, the Crown Prince Martel, the High King's brother, Duke Segisel, and his son, Pepin. Past that, your knowledge on the High King feels a little hazy. What you're pretty sure of, at least, is that the High King is rather old, at at LEAST fifty-five years of age, and that his brother, Duke Segisel, is known to be a fearsome and temperamental fighter.))

As you leave, you revisit the wonderful sights of the Hovels. A boy sits in the street, leaned up against a house, ferociously digging into a rat. The town crier still stands at his post, his face straining a deep purple. The burly, mustachioed men seem to be a lot less polite with their old man than they were before you entered the Slug and Lettuce, their brows drawn low and their hands on cudgels at their sides.

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:05 pm
by TheWiznard
((I'd like to check perception to see if I can hear what they are talking about; rolled a 58 :^( ))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:10 pm
by Maccus
You hear nothing, sadly.

((Also, made a map of the city you're in, and by "made a map" I mean "traced someone else's map really lazily." I'll add more to it as you discover more in the city, but until then, I've marked some places you'd know about just from walking to the Hovels.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:50 pm
by Wyzack
"Lets not tarry here lads, rather be rid of this place as soon as possible. Reminds me too much of home. Any ideas where we could go about renting a private room for the month?"

Cromwell begins to walk down the street as he talks

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:57 pm
"I'm not from around here so I wouldn't know, maybe there's an abandoned house somewhere around?" Roux asks, readjusting his grip on the chest. "Cheaper than a private room and less chances for prying eyes."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:50 pm
by TheWiznard
"Maybe we should ask the kid beating the shit out of that rat over there if he knows anywhere good for a coin or two?" Tripes suggests. "Else, I agree with Cromwell...although I'd just rather be out of the city altogether. It's too crowded here."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:12 pm
by DaemonBomb
"I know of a book store in the area... I used to do business with 'em. They have lots of private little nooks and crannies, and it's not exactly uncommon to hear people talking about... famous figures, in there." said Cecil, wary of the passerbys, before quickly adding "They'd probably have a lot of extra information that could be helpful for planning, too."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:15 pm
by Wyzack
"A bookstore? Interesting concept, but probably not an option unless they can guarantee us a completely private room. Still a useful source of information though. In any case, lets move on to a more reputable area of town, we can ask around there."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:37 am
by Maccus
((So is the plan to get out of the Hovels for now?

If you don't agree on a plan/want to Scooby-Doo it and split up to cover more ground, that's A-Okay, by the way.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:24 pm
by Wyzack
((kinda want to get out asap just because of the dudes who saw us get a big ol chest, wanna ditch this heat. I really think we should rent a permenant base of operations ASAP so we can actually discuss our plans without fear of being overheard))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:44 pm
by TheWiznard
((I'm fine with leaving the hovels too, I don't really like the city anyway. and I was just really following the boss (cromwell) right now))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:16 pm
by DaemonBomb
((I agree with Wyzack, we really just need to be alone so we can talk about what we're doing a bit.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:21 pm
by Maccus
((Decide on a place to go to and we'll get moving, my friends))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:38 pm
by Wyzack
"Lets head to the bookstore first anyways i suppose. Need to start somewhere, perhaps the folks there will know a place."

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:42 pm
by TheWiznard
Maccus wrote:

((I think we should head to the [2], the wagon station. I don't think going to the bookstore or the library is gonna be helpful atm. I'm assuming the station is like a trade depot/travel station? Probably more chance to find information about a house/room/warehouse thing we could rent/buy easy))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:52 pm
((Why don't we just split up as suggested by our gracious overlard, Maccus? Some of us can go to the bookstore and gather info and info accessories and another group can handle finding a private spot to settle down. Also I think the chest still has some thrones left so there's that.))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:53 pm
by Wyzack
((I will grab whatever is left, wiz should probably mention wanting to split IC))

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:14 am
by TheWiznard
After walking down the streets for a few minutes Tripes looks around the party before asking "I think we should split up to cover more ground, what do you guys think? I think Roux and the old man should head over to the library in the town; Cromwell, and myself can head over to the wagon station and see if we can find somewhere to hunker down at. Jonathan do you want to come with us or head to the library?"

Re: The Kingmakers - Tabletoppan

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:26 pm
by Wyzack
"Seems reasonable to me, but we should at least travel together till the edge of the hovels"