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The Story of Judas Lionhart; Holy hand of Leviathan

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:24 am
by Dunham
( Before I begin, I want to thank this Magnificent crew that made this shift possible. It was honestly one of my favorite SS13 Experiences)

Judas wasn't an ordinary chaplain; he was the right hand of the Scaly God of the Seas, Leviathan. With this endowed to him, Judas took his time blessing a lot of the water on the station and smacking people with his healing tome of Leviathan.

It was an ordinary shift until Judas Lionhart changed his Null rod to a Possessed Blade and began to work...

He made his way to Med bay to bless it in the name of his God when a chemist lured him to the chem table.
"I got some really good potent shit for you, It'll make you see your god alright.." The Chemist whispered
He swung his beaker back and forth making a strange brew for Judas to consume. For a while, Judas blessed
the Med bay with his water and soft tome smacks on the doors. The Chemist beckoned Judas once more.
"Here... Take this"

Judas, ignorant of actual medicine and drugs agreed and injected the brew. It took a while for it to take effect,
but Judas began seeing his visions, and then leading the crew to worship his Mighty God! Judas ran around the
Station, hearing explosions, Seeing Leviathan himself as a large orb swallowing the crew, being caught on fire
that was never there. His ramblings took him to call the A.I a heretic, for it was powerful in controlling the
Station, but it did not control the actions of Judas and his crew. He blessed the Janitor and ran to the bar
and made the Bartender drink his holy water. To Judas' surprise, the Bartender dropped dead. Truly he was
a heretic to Leviathan and couldn't take on the power himself. The time grew tiring and Judas as well, saddened
that his God only communicated in explosions and a large Orb eating everything.

However.. Judas looked at the Possessed blade in hand. It was time to resurrect the blade
and find out the true intentions of Leviathan himself.

He ran to his chapel room and began to chant. The Possessed blade quivered in his hand, but it failed to speak.
Saddened, Judas tried again, after seeing the large orb of Leviathan swallow Med bay and seeing Him slaughter many
in His wake. The Blade quivered, but it did not speak.. Finally, Judas sprayed the blade with the Blessed waters of
Leviathan and tried once more. The Blade quivered violently and then ceased. It then spoke..

"There are many Heretics on this station... Find them.. and Bring honor to my name!"

It was the first time in Judas' life that he heard his God actually speak to him. He was speechless.
"I will bring Honor to you, Leviathan!" He cried. Judas dubbed the blade the "Tongue of Leviathan"
and began to show the crew how Leviathan spoke to him. By then, the station was in Chaos. The AI
was supposed to be a rogue (Foul HERETIC!), A virus lurked on station making people rush to Medbay,
and the Clown was dicking around as usual. Judas healed many by smacking them with his holy tome
constantly to fully heal them. It was then Judas began to return to his Chapel when a Grey Tide viciously
beat down a poor soul in Evac.

"A HERETIC!" Judas cried as his Possessed sword sliced into the Grey Tide's flesh and rendered it into
a pile of gibs and blood. The Tongue of Leviathan had been newly accustomed to the blood of Heresy
and it was Satisfied. With a final smack of his Tome on the rotting flesh pile, Judas took off to his chapel.
Evac shuttle had been called, and people were flooding Evac. It was then someone on the Comms spoke.

"Hey all, There's Pizza in the Chapel, Come eat your fill!"

Judas was outraged.
"How Dare they fill my Chapel with the Flesh of ZA?!" he screamed as he ran to his altar and saw Assistants opening
boxes of the Heretic pie. It's circular shape, its thick grease leaking onto the Altar that Judas blessed many times that
day, every detail of the disgusting offer made Judas' blood boil. He slammed the "Tongue of Leviathan" down on the
altar with such anger that the Circular heretic flesh of Za Cut into triangular slices. Judas took a breath and looked down
at the triangular slices, looking like Teeth of his Beloved God.
"YES!" Judas replied "Eat of this new sacrifice and see the Glory of Leviathan"
The assistants stared, stupefied and grateful of the mad Chaplain's ramblings and began to eat. He took no bite of the newly
graced food, since Judas only hungered to cure the Heretic problem of the station.

Grabbing his tome, he rushed outside the Chapel, ready to beat Heretics with it's power when he saw a magnificent sight.
It was a large purple Space carp, and it was swimming around Evac. However it wasn't any ordinary space carp. It was a
sentient Space Carp.

"IT'S HIM! LEVIATHAN HAS GRACED US WITH HIS PRESENCE!" Judas cried and ran towards the Space carp. The carp looked at
him with dull eyes, but to Judas, it looked of pure gold.
"oh ey there bud" The Carp spoke. It was talking to an assistant near Evac, it's thick voice gracing the ears of Judas with each
word. The Assistant was injured, and did not want to live on. He asked the space carp to kill him so then he could be free.
"well sure bud. hope you got worms" Judas was Mystified, his ultimate sacrifice laid before him. He stuck the assistant with his sword
alongside the Space carp until it became a feast and proper sacrifice for the magnificent fish.

Judas was overwhelmed with happiness as Evac shuttle docked the station. As he followed his God into the shuttle, he began to shout and leap,
showing off that his God was Real. While many of the crew ignored his ramblings, many were staring at the Space carp with jealous eyes, including
a Plasteel Golem who was freshly made. It wandered over to the Space carp and began taunting the carp with words only Judas saw as pure, unadulterated,
"The Leviathan is my dick" the Golem chirped, taking it's slow hands and smacking Judas' God right in the face. Judas threw himself at the Golem, smacking it
with his sword with all of his might. As the Golem fought back, "Leviathan" began chomping on the golem. Security, seeing this outburst, tazed the golem into
submission. Seeing this was his chance to flee, Judas ran with his God behind him, feeling at ease. His God was finally here, ready to provide him with Paradise.

With one last action, Judas took his sword and looked at the Space carp one last time.
"This is for you, Leviathan! ALL GLORY TO YOU!"
With a sickening crack, Judas split his skull open with the sword in a small corner of the Evac shuttle. He died at ease, happy that his God finally answered him.

Re: The Story of Judas Lionhart; Holy hand of Leviathan

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:52 pm
by bman
i recommend posting this to stories of awesome in general chat