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Syndi Motivation

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:39 pm
by Pybro
As the shift begins, you remember back to the drum circle under the oaks on Plorfex 9. Jazzy tunes float from a sitar. A Yogi dances to the rhythms in the background. An Orangutang, it's intelligence uplifted through surgery and meditation, uses a hooka while a crowd of bears lazily eat raisins, "Alright, like, remember maaaaan, we're sending you in to like, [objective]. Hurt all those Capitalist fur wearers as much as you, like, like, maaaan", your handler said. But his tone quickly turned stern, even under the shade of the great banyan tree you could see the seriousness on his face, "But make sure NOT to hurt the pets or monkeys, like, okay, maaaan?". The soothing beats faded as you fell asleep, and your handler said, "Oh, and, y'know, [escape objective]".


As a crew member passes you, you glance at their right hand. It makes you think of your handler, and the hook he waved around as he explained your mission. Down in the dark cargo hold of the space flyte, "Matey, you understand we be sendin' you into dangerous territory, arrr? These Nanotrasen landlubbers, not to be trusted, arrr. Murders! Rapists! Genocidal, they are! Every space dollar you make them lose is a dollar goin' to the families of all the pirates and colonists who they've killed! Arr, make no mistake, arrrs is a righteous mission, which is why we're havin' you [objective]! After you rob those poop deck swabbers blind, [escape objective]! Ahoy!"

Not even the mental reconditioning you went through could make you forget your hatred of Nanotrasen and their Communist Oppression. Your handler pointed at you sternly as he told you the details, pointing the only light in the room right in your face to obscure your vision of the stripe hatted man, "Get in. [objective]. Murder everyone in the process. You aren't there to have fun. You're there to kill and [objective]. Every last Nanotrasen dog left alive is one more mutt standing between humanity and freedom. What are you looking at me for? Go out and kill. Remember, if you fuck up, we'll nuke your family. HOORAH!"


...And Ofjfpl-quIQQiddp did say, "FLORJQHIGHGJG(sound of a truck backfiring)KQKkajoZZPssss? JQFGJGGHHAA(distant wrench noises)! OAKojsghghgIIIII(sound of an alien chuckling)", and so too shall we Floxizpkyqurrrtrtra. And as the almighty did qggiDDDqijgmzkz, must we not qjqjqjjqjqjQQQQQjjjjj as the most gracious (swan honking) of planet (the faint sound of a watermelon dropped from tall building), must you too qloririfkfkfkfkfkfkFFFFKKKKK. You, acolyte, must QQQIQIQIQQKQKQIQKQ(the sound made by the last grain of rice as in one's bowl as it is picked up by a forklift)KQIQkkkkQQQQQKKK; your right of passage into the brotherhood of the most (sound of an obese squirrel crying) shall be to [objective]. Trust none but the enlightened (noise made by a dying centipede) on your (the word "mission" made by inhaling rather than exhaling). [escape objective] and collect your (sound of breakfast cereal being crushed by starfish) to join the ranks of the OGLUYGKhbnmqjnKhqklqkjpqkwnkjdndMADFHADVDWWWhqjkqjq. As the great QJOfndlqqQJQKKkaksjdfkasSDFfakfk did say, the rising of the...

You met the handler in an old Waffdonalds. He worked the fryers from the shadows, as he told you your objectives. "[objective]. I know you aren't a clown, but try to make it funny. Those commies deserve every ounce of humiliation they get. Get out by [escape objective]. And remember: Funny", as you turned to leave your foot squished into a banana peel. You fell backwards, and everything went dark. You awoke on the shuttle, heading to Space Station 13.

It was dark. The rain fell on the city streets like a drunk husband on his tramp wife. A cat yowled in the background as the hover cars whizzed by. The handler had wanted to meet here. You didn't like this job, but money didn't grow on trees and you lived nowhere near anything green. You entered the alley, swallowed up by the dark. A man in a stylish coat and trilby stepped forth from around the corner, envelope in hand. He walked past, sliding it into yours, taking a puff on his cigarette as he walked by. He rounded the corner into the shadows. You didn't dare follow, you had a job to do. As you walked out of the alley, you cracked open the envelope: 1. [objective], 2. [escape objective].
I made these ages ago for fun. Another thread in this section motivated me to finally do the writefagging and post them

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:45 pm
by paprika
>gorlex marauders isn't a guy with a viking helmet and an axe

They are big boss' outer haven personified, it only makes sense that they would be a wild band of mercs!

Also NT is capitalist megacorp as fuck, not commies.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:50 pm
by Pybro
No according to, which is what I based this all off of. Vikings are cool too though.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:59 pm
by paprika
Who the fuck wrote that awful page, nanotrasen literally fights communist russians why would they be communists, at best they're ex mega chinese/united states megacorp with chinese roots but even then the chinese megacorps are very capitalistic.

Awful wiki page, 0/10, purge immediately.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:05 pm
by Scones
paprika wrote:Who the fuck wrote that awful page, nanotrasen literally fights communist russians why would they be communists, at best they're ex mega chinese/united states megacorp with chinese roots but even then the chinese megacorps are very capitalistic.

Awful wiki page, 0/10, purge immediately.

Backstory wiki has good tidbits but needs some overhaul. Maybe we can make this thread discussion and coordination for said rewriting?

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:32 pm
by paprika
We've had a billion threads on it but I don't know how to edit wikis.

Bay uses a 'chinese and american supercorps end up ruling the world and expanding into space for colonization/to get away from the nuked-to-fuck earth' IIRC and one of said corporations happens to be NT, the one that initially discovered and subsequently started banking on plasma. A lot of characters on bay are chinese and the character I used to play there was also asian. It makes a lot of sense if you believe in a retro future kind of scenario, but NT is certainly not communist if any other hints of lore are to be believed. All in all, I think lore is good for roleplay, but getting TOO hasty and setting everything down in stone besides a few things that are critical to character roleplay is not such a good idea.

Bay's 'sol common' language is a mix between english and mandarin, IIRC, which i thought was neat.

If you're going to look to anywhere to steal lore from, look to bay, they have a pretty solid lore foundation on their server for the syndicate and what not.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:30 am
by TZK13
A lot of people seem to think Nanotrasen is communist just because the employees on one of their space stations don't utilize currency for the goods and services provided on the station which is ridiculous.

As for the different Syndicate organizations I've always liked the idea of Cybersun Industries having superior mind-altering technology compared to Nanotrasen which is why loyalty implants are ineffective against traitors and why they have an instantaneous and non-implanting method of converting people to a revolution with a mere flash (Doesn't really make sense why all flashes including ones provided to security are able to do it in a headrev's hands though, maybe the headrevs are implanted with something that changes the electromagnetic radiation of the flash or some shit???).

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:28 am
by paprika
Headrevs are likely able to modify flashes in some way to brainwash people. I wish they got a pen implanting device instead of a flash honestly, it would be a lot stealthier.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:00 am
by Steelpoint
Our lore is clearly fragmented with multiple people having their own idea of where to take it, yet no one finished it.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:00 am
by WeeYakk
Stop it. That's not how communism works.
paprika wrote:Bay uses a 'chinese and american supercorps end up ruling the world and expanding into space for colonization/to get away from the nuked-to-fuck earth' IIRC and one of said corporations happens to be NT, the one that initially discovered and subsequently started banking on plasma.
ACTUALLY on Bay Sol Central is the main governing body of humanity. Earth becomes a war torn, resource dry, hell hole so over the centuries everyone just starts fucking off into space. Mars is the capital of humanity and despite all the trans-stellar corporations like NT having their own armadas and stuff they still for some reason answer to Sol central, so saying supercorps end up ruling the world isn't entirely true. IIRC there was one planet NT de-facto "owned" but it may have been retconned.

Bay has more flushed out cat lore than lore on stuff like NT and humanity though so yeah.
paprika wrote:A lot of characters on bay are chinese and the character I used to play there was also asian.

That was just us, the gay dude who got married, and the one lady with the robit leg. Bay has more honkies and furries than chines. :(

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:01 am
by Scones
paprika wrote:We've had a billion threads on it but I don't know how to edit wikis.
Steelpoint wrote:Our lore is clearly fragmented with multiple people having their own idea of where to take it, yet no one finished it.
Well, let's finish it, or at least get some agreed-upon clarity. I'm not too bad with wikis.

What's our consensus on the status of humanity (Disregarding the past - Looking at their current condition)? Spread across the stars with megacorporations oftentimes being the only reliable centers of power?

The way I've personally handled it ICly is that those who don't live on corporate-owned megastations live on border worlds that are little more than glorified agricultural/mining colonies. Most human life is in some way connected to some large business.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:03 am
by paprika
WeeYakk wrote:
paprika wrote:A lot of characters on bay are chinese and the character I used to play there was also asian.

That was just us, the gay dude who got married, and the one lady with the robit leg. Bay has more honkies and furries than chines. :(
Shut up nobody here actually plays bay and I want to see more asians on sybil

TOPIC: let's form an official lore council or an IRC channel or something and sperg about it for a while and write up a page to go along with the one that steelpoint wrote earlier about lizards and shit rather than just ranting on the forums.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:06 am
by Scones
paprika wrote: TOPIC: let's form an official lore council or an IRC channel or something and sperg about it for a while and write up a page to go along with the one that steelpoint wrote earlier about lizards and shit rather than just ranting on the forums.
I'm down. What's the plan? Or rather, where are we to plan further.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:52 am
by TZK13
I'm not sure how I feel about setting out the exact lore behind things that aren't directly involved in the day to day operations of a Nanotrasen space station. Like the lore behind how Nanotrasen came to be and how the Syndicate operates is cool but I'm not so fond of dictating what happened to Earth and such.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:22 am
by paprika
I used to hold that opinion but it starts to suffocate roleplay if you leave EVERYTHING up to ambiguity. You have to plant SOME kind of a seed for roleplayers to work off of, man!

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:52 am
by TZK13
I suppose, I'm just worried it'd cause needless bickering between people who want a more lighthearted universe and people who want the edgiverse considering that sort of thing infests a lot of topics already like the choice of clothing for security.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:29 am
by WeeYakk
TZK13 wrote:people who want a more lighthearted universe and people who want the edgiverse
Why not both? Through the magic of GRIMDERP

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:28 am
by Scones
WeeYakk wrote: GRIMDERP
Sounds about right.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:54 am
by Steelpoint
We're in a situation where people rely more on headcanon for roleplay than actual established canon, forgetting the oft brought up Nanotrasen being Communist line, things like what humanity is, the status of Earth, is there a government and everything in between are things mostly left up to the imagination.

E: On topic, I think the Gorlax should have either military helmets/gas masks or Viking helmets as pap suggested.

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:14 am
by Scones
Steelpoint wrote: E: On topic, I think the Gorlax should have either military helmets/gas masks or Viking helmets as pap suggested.
When I think Gorlax Maruaders, I think Barret, the first boss from DE:HR. Big guy with military-grade augments but a distinctive piercing that adds a certain barbaric look

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:34 pm
by Ricotez
I've said this countless times, but there is a reason why the backstory is vague at best. It lets everyone do whatever they want. I have a whole headcanon for the Syndicate (Cybersun Industries is their leader but merely supplies the other organizations with supplies and they hardly ever send operatives themselves) but that's just what it is: a headcanon.

All power to the headcanon.


Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:17 am
by Aleph
Cecily wrote:
Steelpoint wrote: E: On topic, I think the Gorlax should have either military helmets/gas masks or Viking helmets as pap suggested.
When I think Gorlax Maruaders, I think Barret, the first boss from DE:HR. Big guy with military-grade augments but a distinctive piercing that adds a certain barbaric look
I thought they were like the low-tech space suits and chemical propelent guns of old before the ops got hardsuits

And isn't Nanotrasen just a corporate state that has the same things as communism like ownership of everything?

Re: Syndi Motivation

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:42 am
by cedarbridge
paprika wrote:Headrevs are likely able to modify flashes in some way to brainwash people. I wish they got a pen implanting device instead of a flash honestly, it would be a lot stealthier.
SS13 is fairly low-res so there's a lot of mechanical minutiae that goes on that nobody actually sees on screen. Windows pop into existence after a few seconds, consoles materialize out of the ether, etc. We can imagine then that the headrevs are doing all of this through a similar level of slight of hand.