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Space Story 13: The Sequel

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:59 pm
by MimicFaux
Donovan Huely
Chief Medical Officer

Sitting bored in his office, Donovan spun idly in circles in his chair waiting for some emergency to require his attention. It had been years since the bright-eyed Doctor Huely first came aboard. Years of idiots would slowly erode that cheery disposition to the pessimistic one he had now.

Nothing better to do, he'd pull open the desk drawer and glance at the crew monitor inside. "Better than usual..." roughly two thirds of the crew had their vital signs set to something beyond 'is alive'. Half of those had their locations being broadcast as well. It was never something he understood. He didn't care where you were, just that you were alive and productive. Space was dangerous enough as it was, and working on a research station that dealt with experimental substances and technology regularly made it all the more so.
'Help me, help you' had been his motto. Sometimes there's a hull breach, sometimes a pipe spews toxic gas in your face, or chemistry gets their beakers mixed up. Things happen, people get hurt.

Nothing frustrated the CMO more than people dying pointlessly. The old peeve irked, he kicked off his desk and rolled his chair over to the intercom.

"Attention crew, just a reminder to maximize those suit sensors."

He returned to the crew monitor. Two sensors flickered to full monitoring. Both belonging to his own medical staff. Sighing, he started spinning in his chair again. "At least it's something."

William Falüs

"Today's the day!" William buffed his gold ID with his sleeve and straightened his hat in the mirror.
Fresh from the academy and newly appointed as captain of the station Memphis 76, he was if nothing else eager. He'd spent the better part of the last ten minutes deciding between his formal or standard uniform. "S'all about first impressions.." he mused to himself, deciding to save the formal uniform for a more grand occasion. He quickly patted himself over, making a mental checklist. Straightened his uniform once more in the mirror and practised a salute following a curt nod with what he'd hoped was a stern face of approval. "Okay... deep breaths. First impressions are important."

Pausing by his office door he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply steeling his resolve. Stepping out the door and onto a banana peel, falling flat on his back.

[HONK!] "Heya captain phallus!"

"Hello clown."

Re: Space Story 13: The Sequel

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:02 pm
by MimicFaux
Lemme know what you folk think. Comments and criticisms welcome. If there's a curiosity for more, I'll keep making more.

Re: Space Story 13: The Sequel

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:06 pm
by BeeSting12
I started laughing in the middle of class because of the captain one and the twenty people closest to me gave me a weird look because this professor is boring. You're a good writer.

Re: Space Story 13: The Sequel

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:14 pm
by D&B
Good shit.

Also that captain is in for a ride.