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Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:11 am
by onleavedontatme

Bottom post of the previous page:

I'm not really sure why people find the patreon so shocking. Making fun of people who take the game too seriously is pretty ingrained in our culture, from shit talking in OOC (to the point where we got a salt emoji) to admins mocking people with a dedicated forum (such as throwing security topics and shadowdimentio into the shed).

Disclaimer: I like Dante so I'm terribly biased, I'm sure you all know by now.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:15 am
by onleavedontatme
That being said I know straight up unbanning him would not be worth the trouble it would cause.

Another headmin raised the idea of doing what was done for paprika, where he'd have to play under another ckey and be OOC banned/not allowed to shit stir on the forums. If he really just wants to play that should work out fine for him, but if all he wants is the negative attention it wouldn't be much fun for him. Granted that might still cause drama, so we're gonna wait for MSO to weigh in before anything happens.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:53 am
by Ricotez
are you seriously considering to unban someone who has a patreon based on pissing people off?

like isn't there this whole "what does the server stand to gain" question that you admins like to ask? what does the server stand to gain from someone who accepts payment for pissing people off?

Dante is a person who revels in other people's hatred for him. it feeds blood directly into his dick. his patreon is like a fucking altar to his own murderboner. you can call it a joke but it's still a patreon and people have actually pledged real money on it.

what the fuck does the server stand to gain from unbanning him again so he can do the same shit again and get banned again? Dante will get his 25 patreon bucks for this month and the endless spiral spins another turn so we can go through it all again in a few months.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:15 am
by lollerderby
leave him in the trash where he belongs

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:30 am
by Poorman
To be perfectly honest, I absolutely hated Dante Smith when I started playing this game almost three or four years ago. I hated how he'd be so fucking brutal and insane whenever he'd wipe the station. Whenever he'd win, I'd feel so fucking angry, so fucking disgusted, but to be honest, it taught me lessons. When Dante would kill me, I'd learn from it. He was the apex, the absolute best spessman, and it made me try to be better at the game. Dante is what we all need: someone who is better at the game then we are, and the way he uses his abilities pisses everyone off because of how incompetent he makes us feel at the game. He's a natural valid seeker, an excellent player, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've seen him work, I've seen him destroy entire stations, and I can guarantee that this ban is just nothing more then a shitty excuse to get rid of him because of how good he is. I know, I was there, when he got banned for killing someone who had a syndie balloon. Back then, I felt secure that he was gone, but after it got appealed I was afraid. But he's never broken any rules. He's just played the hard antagonist, and people despise him for how good he is, how much better he is. Wherever Dante goes, he makes people mad, and I don't think that making people mad is grounds to ban someone from a game that he's done no wrong in.

I think that everyone who hates Dante needs to get over just how fucking salty they are that a better player came in and killed them. Fucking deal with it yourselves, instead of taking it out on the best player Space Station 13 has, or ever will see.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:17 am
by Hamfam77
I still haven't forgiven this pink-haired practicus for roundstart crowbarring me like four times in a row even when I tried to put my wew ladding past behind me. The name Serafall was forever tainted when he forced me to retaliate.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:11 am
by iamgoofball
Hamfam77 wrote:I still haven't forgiven this pink-haired practicus for roundstart crowbarring me like four times in a row even when I tried to put my wew ladding past behind me. The name Serafall was forever tainted when he forced me to retaliate.
has only 6~ posts or so, all in Ban Appeals, 4 of them in their own appeal
he's probably an alt of someone else
also i can't fuckin tell if this guy is trying to say dante is cool or whether dante was griefing them round start for 4 times in a row, gonna guess he's trying to say he's cool or some shit going by the rest of these surprise posters
Poorman wrote:I think that everyone who hates Dante needs to get over just how fucking salty they are that a better player came in and killed them. Fucking deal with it yourselves, instead of taking it out on the best player Space Station 13 has, or ever will see.
last post was in Early December of 2015, likely hasn't played and can probably be proven via the DB
captain sawrge wrote:he literally just used to play the game
the whole making people upset thing is because people got upset at him for fucking playing the game normally
has shitloads of alt accounts and ckeys, hasnt played in awhile, can probably be proven via the DB

I like how 3 people who have no linked ckey/don't play anymore/havent played since 2015 just show up out of the blue to defend their butt buddy from 2015 with the amazingly deep and complex reasoning of "ur just salty he's better then u ;)"

also yes it will show if you connect the next few days just to go "well i have actually been playing!!1!" we can still check the times you played before that

Dante probably told them to show up and start spouting this crap because he realized that he himself can't argue or debate out of the evidence I dropped. See: how they're trying to dismiss the Patreon's existence and the Rule 1/7 Violations and switch the topic to "ur just salty he's better than you".

Also, you still need to answer this post by Bob Dobbington, and your friends can't do that for you:
Bob Dobbington wrote:Alright, so goof just made a very convincing case that the rules you actually violated are rules 1&7, which are (briefly) don't be a dick and don't toe the line, respectively. You have a Patreon where you literally accept money for the stated purpose of violating rule 1, and you're on record in your previous appeal as willfully violating rule 7. What has changed such that we can be confident that, if unbanned, you would comply with rules 1&7?

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:18 am
by Jacough
Kor wrote:That being said I know straight up unbanning him would not be worth the trouble it would cause.

Another headmin raised the idea of doing what was done for paprika, where he'd have to play under another ckey and be OOC banned/not allowed to shit stir on the forums. If he really just wants to play that should work out fine for him, but if all he wants is the negative attention it wouldn't be much fun for him. Granted that might still cause drama, so we're gonna wait for MSO to weigh in before anything happens.
I seriously doubt he'd change his behavior just because he has to play under a different ckey. He's a sociopath who gets off to getting a rise out of people. If people really want him unbanned, maybe he should play on another server for a month or two and come back when he's got an admin from another server to vouch for him not being shit anymore.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:42 am
by captain sawrge
iamgoofball wrote:
Hamfam77 wrote:I still haven't forgiven this pink-haired practicus for roundstart crowbarring me like four times in a row even when I tried to put my wew ladding past behind me. The name Serafall was forever tainted when he forced me to retaliate.
has only 6~ posts or so, all in Ban Appeals, 4 of them in their own appeal
he's probably an alt of someone else
also i can't fuckin tell if this guy is trying to say dante is cool or whether dante was griefing them round start for 4 times in a row, gonna guess he's trying to say he's cool or some shit going by the rest of these surprise posters
Poorman wrote:I think that everyone who hates Dante needs to get over just how fucking salty they are that a better player came in and killed them. Fucking deal with it yourselves, instead of taking it out on the best player Space Station 13 has, or ever will see.
last post was in Early December of 2015, likely hasn't played and can probably be proven via the DB
captain sawrge wrote:he literally just used to play the game
the whole making people upset thing is because people got upset at him for fucking playing the game normally
has shitloads of alt accounts and ckeys, hasnt played in awhile, can probably be proven via the DB

I like how 3 people who have no linked ckey/don't play anymore/havent played since 2015 just show up out of the blue to defend their butt buddy from 2015 with the amazingly deep and complex reasoning of "ur just salty he's better then u ;)"

also yes it will show if you connect the next few days just to go "well i have actually been playing!!1!" we can still check the times you played before that

Dante probably told them to show up and start spouting this crap because he realized that he himself can't argue or debate out of the evidence I dropped. See: how they're trying to dismiss the Patreon's existence and the Rule 1/7 Violations and switch the topic to "ur just salty he's better than you".

Also, you still need to answer this post by Bob Dobbington, and your friends can't do that for you:
Bob Dobbington wrote:Alright, so goof just made a very convincing case that the rules you actually violated are rules 1&7, which are (briefly) don't be a dick and don't toe the line, respectively. You have a Patreon where you literally accept money for the stated purpose of violating rule 1, and you're on record in your previous appeal as willfully violating rule 7. What has changed such that we can be confident that, if unbanned, you would comply with rules 1&7?
Dante fucking hates me dude he wouldn't try asking me to back him up
He was a player from my time and I think I'm one of the better people to give an account of his character as opposed to you, who so clearly has a massive grudge that you've genuinely deluded yourself into thinking anyone supporting him is an alt. I've been posting for months on this forum so clearly that's not the case.
In closing, you genuinely are as stupid as I suspected and a joke patreon that came about from a game with actually no rules isn't very good proof against someone.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:11 pm
by onleavedontatme
Yeah this thread is pretty dumb, and I guess so am I for thinking it was ever gonna end another way.

Banning someone for "violating probation" after two years without anything more than a jobban is stupid though, especially when breaking out of the wizard mission was both undefined and policy and something I'd encouraged players to figure out.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:39 pm
by iamgoofball
honestly my whole piece is about the whole rule 1 dont be a dick thing, i could care less about the wizard thing that could of been easily fixed codeside

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:16 pm
by paprika
Dante makes 4/5 of his post about a throwaway round ban to try and divert your attention when that is not the reason he is permabanned

Dante uses the other fifth of his post to shill off his permaban on "that dirty mean misguided HG" even though way more people in the administration than HG knew Dante was an asshole on a permanent 2beard ban loop

Sawrge tries to gain relevancy and stick up for Dante acting like he knows anything about Dante and his whole argument hinges on the fact that nobody here played lifeweb

I did! Nobody liked Dante there either Sawrge you lying shitstain!

At least when I came crawling back I had the decency to have some shred of respect for the server's new post-scaredy authority instead of claiming I didn't do anything banworthy then saying you should unban me because HG banned me lol xD

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:23 pm
by Bob Dobbington
I don't think the wizard thing is relevant at all. I also don't think the high energy shitposting from the Zaross Internet Defense Force is relevant. EDIT: I don't think Dante's "probation" is relevant. The only questions that ARE relevant are 1) Was Zaross violating the rules (being a dick/toeing the line) at the time of his ban? and 2) If unbanned, would Zaross continue to violate those rules? Quite frankly your OOC behavior (snotty Patreon, constant ego shitposting) makes me a lot more inclined to think you're a phallus than anything you did ingame. It is entirely possible to murderbone the whole station, even multiple times, without being a dick. People do it every day. "Powergaming" is a meaningless term and in any event isn't against the rules. Bad RP isn't against the rules. Being a dick is against the rules. Toeing the line is against the rules. We ban people to stop them breaking the rules and unban them when we're satisfied (or at least willing to take the chance) that they will not break the rules again.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:03 pm
by Alex Crimson
Dante has a better capacity for RP than most muderboners. Its not like he always just wordlessly killed people. Hell, he left people alone if they were nice to him, which is more than i can say for most people who like to shit on the station. I doubt a certain Botanist that loves to make 100s of Kudzu/Killer Tomatoes to fuck over the entire station whilst ignoring their objective gives any consideration to letting people survive.

If i were an admin i would not unban him, a has not shown any reform. At the same time if i were an admin there would be a lot of other "Toe-liners" that i would like to ban. As a player, i think he should be given a chance seeing as how most people are just salty, and half of you have done just as much murderboning, but like Dantes apparently natural talent.

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:12 pm
by TerbusReturns
Kor wrote:Yeah this thread is pretty dumb, and I guess so am I for thinking it was ever gonna end another way.

Banning someone for "violating probation" after two years without anything more than a jobban is stupid though, especially when breaking out of the wizard mission was both undefined and policy and something I'd encouraged players to figure out.
Yeah breaking out of the wiznard academy through a hilarious and clever plan is 10/10 and maybe the funniest example of "if there's a murderbone there's a way"

how is this punished, wiznard rounds are shit anyway

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:41 pm
by Hamfam77
I'm not an alt

i have more posts than everyone on this forum combined if interzone didnt die

sawrge knows

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:29 am
by paprika
Bob Dobbington wrote:I don't think the wizard thing is relevant at all. I also don't think the high energy shitposting from the Zaross Internet Defense Force is relevant. EDIT: I don't think Dante's "probation" is relevant. The only questions that ARE relevant are 1) Was Zaross violating the rules (being a dick/toeing the line) at the time of his ban? and 2) If unbanned, would Zaross continue to violate those rules? Quite frankly your OOC behavior (snotty Patreon, constant ego shitposting) makes me a lot more inclined to think you're a phallus than anything you did ingame. It is entirely possible to murderbone the whole station, even multiple times, without being a dick. People do it every day. "Powergaming" is a meaningless term and in any event isn't against the rules. Bad RP isn't against the rules. Being a dick is against the rules. Toeing the line is against the rules. We ban people to stop them breaking the rules and unban them when we're satisfied (or at least willing to take the chance) that they will not break the rules again.
I really suggest Kor rereads this as it seems that Bob Dob is the first person to see this ban appeal for what it really is. I find it really fucking sad that Kor falls for Dante's 'lol its not a big deal' shtick and doesn't realize that you can find Dante amusing while recognizing that he has and always will be a negative influence and a complete shitheel along with the rest of the people trying to get him back on the server

Re: [HG/Shadowlight] Dante Smith - A good boy who dindu nuff

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:28 pm
by Shaps-cloud
Headmins have decided to deny this appeal.