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Banned by thunder 12345

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:17 am
by Xango
Byond account: Xango
Banning Admin: thunder 12345
Bantype (servers, temporary)
Ban reason and length: Killed two people in self defense. (2880 minutes) (wow that's like 48 hours or something)
Time ban was placed: two days ago

My side of the story:
I was banned today (two days ago)for killing the mime and the chef in self defense using the "god hand". I was gone for a while and my character was just sitting at the bar, when I came back I saw two people attacking me. I panicked and killed one of them I chased the other one and killed them too. After the admin talked to me I had to leave, I thought our discussion was done and I shut down my computer in a hurry. When I came back I saw that I was banned for 2880 minutes.

Why I think I should be unbanned:
I agree that I overdid it by killing those two but I panicked after seeing them attacking me. I was the chaplain and I thought those two were cultists or something. I didn't know how many times I was punched or lit on fire, all I saw was them attacking me and possibly trying to kill me.

Re: Banned by thunder 12345

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:32 am
by imblyings
lifted already