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[Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Looking to make a fresh start

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:42 pm
by Y0SH1M4S73R
BYOND account: Y0SH1_M4S73R
Character Name: Speaks-Her-Mind
Banning Admin: Shaps
Ban Type: Character Customization, Operative, (Narsian) Cultist, Revolutionary, Gangster
Ban Reason:
As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging.
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban placed on: 2015-11-29 20:55:43.
My side of the story: I did, in fact, have an awful attitude when it came to antag roles and begging. This incident was the straw that broke the camel's back. I honestly got too attached to the character of Speaks-Her-Mind, and felt that RNG rarely did her justice. I was also desperate to be the center of something when I was an antag, typically through admin fuckery.
Why I think I should be unbanned: I thoroughly regret everything that led up to my ban. In the year and a half I have been away from the game, I have come to learn that you shouldn't ask for things you don't deserve just because of RNG or the realities of existence not working out in your favor - when life gives you lemons, don't ask for limes instead. Given how long I've been away from the game, it would also be nice to be granted a fresh start, where I can play the game without the specter of my round coming to a screeching halt because of conversion.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Looking to make a fresh start

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:01 am
by Shaps-cloud
I guess so, can someone unban them for me tia?

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Looking to make a fresh start

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:10 am
by lzimann
I lifted the team antag bans. The appearence ban was applied by Shadowlight213, so I'll direct him to this thread.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Looking to make a fresh start

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:22 am
by Shadowlight213
Ok. I looked over the identity ban reason and thought about this for a while. While it was sorta requested as a result of, I'm kinda split on unbanning, as your attachment was a major issue.
However, you've played for a bit since coming back just fine, so I'm going to trust you're over it. In that case I see no harm in lifting it.

Tldr: Appearance ban lifted.