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[Armuhlenn] Nilons ~ FUCK/note appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:06 am
by Nilons
Byond account and character name: Nilons/Ostrava Of Nanotrasen

Banning admin: Frog

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Serberbia

Ban reason and length: Ick in discord 5 mins

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 3am EST

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil

Your side of the story: Teleporter got deconned by the RD for crystals at roundstart and I wanted to go on space adventures so I was putting it back together, it was being finicky and I had ahelped 2 rounds previous when an admin had been on how to fix the no station power message I got from the console but no one answered. This happened again so I asked in discord in a way that did not belay that it was current round. Asking how to fix the teleporter error. Meaning that any onlooking player who could mystically use the knowledge that Im retarded and cant set up teleporters to ruin everyones round could still come to the conclusion I was talking about the round 2 rounds ago. Shadowlight and Karp started joking about Ick and I laughed and stopped asking about it then Frog came on and banned me for ick in discord.

Why you think you should be unbanned: How is the knowledge that im retarded and cant set up a teleporter going to help anyone do anything in the round, as well as the fact that anyone who could've used that info could've come to the conclusion I was talking about previous rounds. If admins don't want to answer questions when they're online they shouldn't ban when I ask different admins outside of the game and i want this note off my history ill fucking appeal a 5 min ban see if i wont

Edit: Me and armhulenn are cool but precedent needs to be set over whether its bannable to ask questions about game mechanics in discord

Re: [Armuhlenn] Nilons ~ FUCK/note appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:11 am
by oranges
what the fuck is ic in discord? this is an unofficial discord and asking for gameplay help in it is not something you could even be banned for? dude asked how to cosntruct a teleporter, if no admins had been on it would have passed completely unnoticed

most notably these admins refused to ban me for the same thing seconds later in an act of staggering hipocrisy.

edit:anon3 amendment wahtever

Re: [Armuhlenn] Nilons ~ FUCK/note appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:11 am
by Armhulen
lifted and removed note, the bone to pick is not with me but with shadowlight i think

Re: [Armuhlenn] Nilons ~ FUCK/note appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:40 pm
by Armhulen
i was on adminbus and shadowlight told me to!! i was not the shooter nor was i the gun!

well maybe i was the gun a little but still