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[Leibniz] Greinwald Skogen - Perma Jobban (Heads of Staff)

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:02 am
by Morrrnot
Byond account: Morrrnot. Character Name: Greinwald Skogen (At this moment)
Banning admin:Leibniz
Ban reason: "Hiding in a locker and logging out after roundstart as the CMO". Length: Permanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone):2014-08-07 10:25:08 (Server time)
Your side of the story: None
Why you think you should be unbanned: Well, after playing for a bit longer on tg servers i understand that i am bound to this server and will play on it. So first of all, i apologies to every single player that may have gained worse experience of playing on this server because of my actions. I realized that any role and almost every round worth playing. I would have apologized to guy who didn't get the role because of me, but i got it by random. I am asking to lift my permajobban on Heads of Staff, i think i gathered enough experience at the game to play them.

Re: [Leibniz] Greinwald Skogen - Perma Jobban (Heads of Staf

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:38 pm
by leibniz
Okay, I'll unban you.

If you are playing as a head of staff and you have to leave, please adminhelp and maybe try to find a replacement if you can.