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[kinglouisxiv] Slurpieking11 Perma ban

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:22 pm
by rascal1002
Byond account and character name: Slurpieking11 Corvin Attano
Banning admin:kinglouisxiv
Ban reason and length: Inciting two communist revolutions. On top of all of my other shitlery. Forever.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-07-05 11:41 Sever time.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I used to be a really, really, really crappy player. I would always ruin rounds and grief and such. I have tried other servers. But honestly TG is the best. I have gotten better, I play more controlled, sane, and likeable characters. I try hard not to grief. All I want is a chance to come back onto TG for a little and prove my play style has changed. It has only been a few months since my ban, if you would wish to wait longer before letting me back. I understand fully, and will wait however long. ( I think the average time is like a year or something.)

Re: [kinglouisxiv] Slurpieking11 Perma ban

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:40 pm
by KingLouisXIV
I'm sorry for the incredibly long response time on this one. I haven't been active at all (which is starting to change) and I wasn't alerted to the request.

I'm not keen on lifting this, and I am not going to at this time. Wait until January 5th, 2015 and appeal again. It will help your case further if you manage to bring in some reputable references from other servers that can vouch for you reforming your playing style.

I'll call this resolved unless anybody else happens to have a say on the matter.