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[feemjmeem] Radio Ban Appeal/ feemjmeem ban 10/10/2017

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:48 am
by Radioactive Mush
Title/subject: Ban Appeal
feemjmeem ban - on Radio and Diamond

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: Radioactive Mush _ Sunny Rickard
Banning admin: feemjmeem
Ban type (What are you banned from?): perma
Ban reason and length:

You have been banned by feemjmeem.
Reason: Metafriending ban copied from DiamondSentinel. Their ban is as follows: "As Asimov AI, requested Tyrant lawset literally six times during early round with no threats. Allowed an individual playing from the same IP address, who they were just warned not to metagame with in the prior round, into the upload to make the change after prompting them to change the laws. Called out "CAPTAIN THIS IS HARM" ICly twice before allowing the change anyway. When asked about it, stated "it wasn't harmful," which is in contrast to their IC call-out that it was harmful (despite their failure to prevent it from happening). Silicon ban escalated to permaban due to likely metafriending, explain yourself on the forums."

Time ban was placed (including time zone): ~8pm Mountain time

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil

Your side of the story: I signed on as Captain, walked around a bit, and then decided to upload some laws to the AI since I used to play AI a lot, and always hated getting those damn door requests. I swing in, see what boards are around. Notice all the cool law boards are there, so I ask the AI what it wants if it wants anything. AI mentions Tyrant is cool, but also harmful (that may have been because I uploaded a law saying executions are non harmful. Someone mentioned syndies running around in the round start). I give it Tyrant after a few fumbles (not used to uploading laws). Ask the AI to broadcast laws over comms. After a minute or so I find a board labeled 'protect station' and upload that instead. Leave the core and help out some person who lost their ID via HoP position. Get hit with the ban next second.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Uploading laws is within Captain's authority. And the entire rest of the population on our server has done way worse for memes than have a shitty lawset for 2 minutes. Earlier accusations of metacomming due to a shared IP were sent to me from the admin, I spoke to diamond about it and he said he was the AI, so I see where the thought comes from. However I had no knowledge of this at the time, nor had I committed any meta actions had I known. Additionally, I think a chance to justify my actions or at least a question or two before banning me is proper procedure. Ping me if you need any extra details or explanation regarding the ban appeal please.

Re: [feemjmeem] Radio Ban Appeal/ feemjmeem ban 10/10/2017

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:54 am
by feem
I feel like you were kinda thrown under the bus here. I don't think you knew you were playing with the other player, but I have a feeling they did know. We'll lift your ban and the IP ban.

In the future, if you're playing with other people from the same IP, try to take efforts to reduce the likelihood that your characters will interact.