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BanID #32477

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:30 am
by AwesomePoncho
[daturix] AwesomePoncho- sec jobban

Byond account and character name: AwesomePoncho, Albus Montgomery

Banning admin: daturix

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Permanent Ban. Banned from everything, really.

Ban reason and length: Metacomunications with Cradleofwar, wordlessly hitting eachother and refusal to respond to ahelps. Dragged eachother around and tried to grief parts of the station.

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2017-11-19 07:59:37

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil

Your side of the story: It is true that I was metagamining but it was merely to teach Cradleofwar the basics of the hand system, I have done this before 5 times with other friends, unfortunately this was the first time my retarded partner got any notoriety. I did not grief, nor did he. Cradle of war was just using a crowbar around flipping the floor tiles. Once again, I did not grief and it was not my friend's goal as we both understand the RP element of the game, and my friend did not think it would be too bad of a thing (Even tho I told him to stop a couple of times). About the ahelps, usually there is a sound notification when a admin talks to me and I did not hear any this time. As I was explaining gamplay details to my buddy I was not paying attention to the chat.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Because I was banned because someone else was poping floor tiles. I understand that the ban gives me 6 months till appeal but I dont think the situation deserves a full on permanent ban. While I do apologize about the not so subtle metagaminig, I only do it to introduce friends, and always pick irrelevant jobs to do it. I dont metagame with them past 1 round. Excuses aside, I really do enjoy the tgstation servers, while I am not that senior of a player I really love the game. I hope this is something that can be fixed. Thank you for your time.

Re: BanID #32477

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:53 am
by Alipheese
For the situation of teaching a new player, it is IMPERATIVE that you tell the admins that you are doing so. Else these issues arise and this happens. While cradleofwar was attacking machines in dorms, attacking you, ripping up tiles, attacking windows and doors and no response from either of you its an issue.

I saw this coming and I want to make this very clear. Metagaming and metacomms are bad. You have shown prior instances of this happening and from this you didn't alert you were doing this and makes me very cautious of you and your friend.

While you seem to be remorseful and show that you understand the rules on it I want it to be made clear, don't be repeating this behavior of metacomms, use solely game chat and this issue goes away entirely.

I'll lift this but you two will be watched for any further rule breaking. Play nice.