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[TehSteveo] Farfadeau - Ban evasion (from jobbans) :/

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:53 pm
by Portal Vector
Byond account and character name:
1: portalvector, Shiro Wonderland
2: farfadeau, Isabella Fuites

Banning admin:
TehSteveo for "Ban Evasion"
Gouty for the most of my jobsbans.

Ban type (What are you banned from?):
For jobsbans, multiple reason (including doing shit when i'm not antag)

And ban evasion. (exact reason : Aftering being syspect here after being kind I decided to check the database; it appears you're ban evading from your main account "portalvector." You have several active jobbans, which you have been violating and have warned for here on this Ckey. As such, this is a permanent ban for ban evasion.

Ban reason and length:
permaban (inclucing jobsbans).

I don't know exactly about my jobsbans but here's is the exact reason of my ban : Aftering being suspect here after being kind I decided to check the database; it appears you're ban evading from your main account "portalvector." You have several active jobbans, which you have been violating and have warned for here on this Ckey. As such, this is a permanent ban for ban evasion.

Time ban was placed (including time zone):
2018-02-21, 15:57:26 (UTC+1 (belgium))

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil):
Probably Sybil, but i'm not sure.

Your side of the story:
After get banned,i get triggered, so, i have try to lie to TehSteveo (watch screenshots) with shitty excuses

(open in a new window screenshots)
1: ... scord1.png
2: ... scord2.png
3: ... scord3.png

Why you think you should be unbanned:
No real reason, i haven't being honest with /tg/admins and my bans, if i get unban (probably not), i would try to be a better player and being honest.

(sorry for my english, poke me on discord (farfadeau#7646) or comment here if you don't understand something).

(oh, i'm really sorry of the shit, i have done on /tg/)

Re: [TehSteveo] Farfadeau - Ban evasion (from jobbans) :/

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:12 pm
by CitrusGender
Yeah, I think you messed up here really badly portal. Usually, the evasion of a ban is often met with a permaban as such. Though, I have had some experiences with them ingame that have been mixed: I'm a bit worried about the 50 notes that you've gotten so far. With this additional ban added on top of all the previous offenses, how do we know you won't come back and just cause more trouble?

Additionally, Duncathan speaks French and he will be able to talk with you on discord/forum pms. You can message him if you feel more comfortable speaking French.

Re: [TehSteveo] Farfadeau - Ban evasion (from jobbans) :/

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:46 am
by TehSteveo
Thing is ban evasion generally is a big no-no. It really doesn't change the fact you're serverbanned or jobbanned. Especially when you were actively using your new ckey to evade the active jobbans. You received several notes regarding poor behavior in aspects of security, AI/Cyborg, and ghost roles, as well as IC in OOC on your new account. On your original portalvector account you've been warned then banned multiple times and then finally perma-jobbaned in regards to security, AI/cyborg, and ghost roles. If you were honestly evading to try to start over to prove you're better then there wouldn't been issues in regards to these playing these roles. At that point I'd probably consider being more lenient with a probation, but you obviously haven't learned; you are just evading because you want to play these roles without taking any lessons from the past.

As such I'm denying this appeal.

Re: [TehSteveo] Farfadeau - Ban evasion (from jobbans) :/

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:35 am
by Cobby
gonna consider this resolved.