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quartzcrystal Jack Rustle - day ban, Sec jobban

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:36 pm
by Hellafied
Byond account and character name: xx_hellafied_xx Jack Rustle

Banning admin: quartzcrystal

Ban reason and length: Kill-baited the QM by killing his dog. Killed the QM. Lack of knowledge about the rules does not exempt you from them. Day ban. Sec jobban.

Time ban was placed (including time zone):2014-10-13 00:23:48 (Central) ((i think))

Your side of the story: I was the HoS and it was a tator round, security was doing a pretty good job at keeping order an hour into the round. On Security channel someone asked about the wanted level on the QM, so i went to investigate, once i entered, i went into the sec officer in cargo, charged my stuff, QM (with wanted level) walked across the hall, i tazed and cuffed, he complained about already being brigged, so i searched him, and found nothing, then left. I shot his dog upon exit. I went back to the brig, i was about to go into my officer, when i see him in the doorway (hed followed me) He tazed me, and shot me with his gun. Once i stood up, i retaliated, i shot him with my laser cannon, and we had a battle, Security won. I sent his body to be cloned soon after the fight.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I had no intent to kill-bait the Qm. I did not even know what that was. It was an hour into the round (at least) and i was bored. And normaly when you kill an animal, you hear 'NOOOOO' All over the radio, and its pretty entertaining for me to hear them cry. As i said though, i had no intent for the QM to follow me.

Re: quartzcrystal Jack Rustle - day ban, Sec jobban

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:05 pm
by cedarbridge
Warden here. The QM was detained yelling that you'd killed his dog. As I'm moving to remove him (and I remember stunning you at least once in the attempt) you move in and kill him while he's cuffed on the ground. Security was successful in detaining somebody fighting in the sec break room, but no, your sec force was not there to help you murder the QM after you killed their dog.

Re: quartzcrystal Jack Rustle - day ban, Sec jobban

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:22 pm
by QuartzCrystal
Your actions were adminhelp'd not only by the QM you killed but also by two other players (cedarbridge was one of them if I remember correctly).

The fact that numerous players all saw fault with your actions, and the fact you have admin notes and a ban history going back to December 2013 makes this look even worse. Just because you perhaps didn't know what "kill baiting" exactly means doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to look at your actions and realize you were being a huge dick. You abused your position of power and I see no reason to allow you to return to play security in any form in the immediate future.

Re: quartzcrystal Jack Rustle - day ban, Sec jobban

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:40 pm
by Antonkr
You are a sec officer, not ATF. Retaliating by killing someone after they taze you for killing their dog is shit, and pretty obviously bannable.