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[blessedheretic] Flounder4338 - Banned for "Kill baiting"

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:56 am
by Flounder4338
You, or another user of this computer or connection (flounder4338) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: Kill baited as a security officer by harassing people. Did it several times in one round, please log onto the forum and explain yourself, this ban was applied by blessedheretic on 2014-10-20 5:45:36.
Username: Flounder4338
IC name: Clive Sumner
Banning admin: blessedheretic
Time: 2014-10-20 5:45:36. (as per ban message)

So I went up to the kitchen, where the chef had set out some food. For no particular reason I picked up one of the pieces of food and threw it at him, I then walked off. He later PDA messaged me telling me to eat the food, not throw it. So of course I continue to throw food at him. Eventually he climbs over the bench and stabs me with his knife, I run and he goes back to his kitchen. I continue to do this, and eventually I climb over the bench myself (there were already people doing that so I thought why not), where he chases me round with a knife, eventually maiming me to near death. I am then dragged away and healed, the shuttle has just arrived. I then see the chef being dragged cuffed to the shuttle by an officer, I throw a few more things at him. Somewhere along the line he gets out of the cuffs (don't know how, didn't see) and he chases me around with a knife, and I attempt to arrest him. Later, on the shuttle, I finally arrest him and that's that.

I can see one frowning upon this kind of behavior, but the fact of the matter is harassment isn't against the rules (not on the wiki version at least), or at the most maybe deserving of a temp ban, but I think an in-game punishment may be more adequate (demote, jail, etc.). As for the accusation of "kill baiting", I had not even come across the term until this, and I certainly didn't have any intention of him killing me (which he never really did). If the admins don't like me doing this, I will stop of course, I don't usually do this kind of thing anyways, I guess I was just in that kind of mood.

Re: [blessedheretic] Flounder4338 - Banned for "Kill baiting

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:54 am
by BlessedHeretic
Thank you for coming to the forum and explaining yourself. It's heavily frowned upon to harass people, especially for no reason to this extent. Climbing into his workplace and making him defend his workplace, and his job as you were literally interfering with his occupation is not ok. Your job as security is to make sure everything runs smoothly, causing issues is terrible.

For the record, he should not have been arrested at the end, you trespassed in his work place to cause trouble, due to your position on the station as a law enforcer no one is really going to doubt you when shit goes down, in this case that trust was horribly abused and the chef suffered. You will have a note against you for these actions.

Also, this is covered under rule 1. Don't be a dick. And I can't see how pissing off one particular player for no other reason than because you can is not a violation of this rule.

Your ban will be lifted shortly, tread carefully.