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[technoalchemist] FonedSky - 2 year old ban

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:18 pm
by Fonedsky
Byond account and character name: FonedSky, William Wallace right now (don't remember what my character name was at the time)
Banning admin: technoalchemist
Ban type (What are you banned from?): All team antagonists with the exception of these added after the ban.
Ban reason and length: During nuke ops, spent a large sum of his team's TC, and took the pod down to the captain's office alonee. Accomplished pretty much nothing. Clearly does not understand teamwork.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2016-02-04 07:11:47 server time, taken from Admin Remarks command.
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil, taken from Admin Remarks command.
Your side of the story: Frankly, I don't remember much of this at all. It has been some time. From what I do remember (I was a lizardman, took the pod, fought some people, didn't even kill the HoP), I don't have much of an excuse either, I'll admit. It was certainly a shitty thing to do, and I remember being upset because the team leader didn't want to declare war - obviously, that's really childish of me.

Why you think you should be unbanned: It has been two years. I'm not quite comfortable for being booted out of the round for long stretches of time everytime I'm in a round with a conversion antagonist. People think, people change. At the time, and for the many years before that where I racked up note after note, I was seriously depressed. I utilized SS13 as an escape, and when it failed to "entertain" I would resort to shitlery to get myself engaged. That ain't right to do. But I sought help. I read books, found people, tried my best to change. Removed the pessimism and cynicism that dominated my life. I moderate a Discord server with 1,500 people now (the Kemono Friends server - yeah, anime dude, judge me all you want, it doesn't matter). I have friends.

Of course, I also understand that, even in 2016, I was guilty of a looooot of shitlery. My previous, and only permaban, could only be appealed with someone else vouching for me. But as with all other ban appeals here, you'll have to put in the faith that I've changed. If that's not enough for you, I'll agree with any other terms you have to set for me, I'm not at all opposed to that. I won't be appealing the engineering jobban I have now, as I think it's a bit too recent and frankly, as I don't play engineering much anymore, doesn't affect my experience with the game. Additionally, I was recommended to do this by another admin (Nervere) who said that my notes were ancient - hence why you're reading this by yours truly right now.
I love this game, and I'd love to have a proper time in /tg/station again! You'll have my cooperation, and I understand any hesitation due to my past, conflicting history with the moderation of the server.

Re: [technoalchemist] FonedSky - 2 year old ban

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 5:15 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
A very heart touching appeal, I'm glad that you've grown as a person and I'm sure you'll get unbanned swiftly by the FAIR and ACCOMODATING admins. Good luck <3.

Re: [technoalchemist] FonedSky - 2 year old ban

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 6:20 pm
by Nabski
So that's your blessing on this right?

Re: [technoalchemist] FonedSky - 2 year old ban

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 6:23 pm
by TechnoAlchemist

Re: [technoalchemist] FonedSky - 2 year old ban

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:43 pm
by Cobby
The more recent set will have to be a separate appeal (i'm sure you know that I just like to state the obvious so I feel important) but you're unbanned from team antag (if not gimme a call @ 1-800-COBBLES) :)