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justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:30 pm
by FatCat919
Byond account and character name:FatCat FatCat Steele
Banning admin: justicegoat
Ban type (What are you banned from?): metagaming
Ban reason and length: " come back when you are ready to take rule two seriously , you have already ben warned for metagamign with SpaceSeal/(Albert Hunt) PERM BAN
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 10-11 Central time zone on a Saturday
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): sybil
Your side of the story: i was in a discord call with my friend, SpaceSeal/Albert Hunt, i was basicly banned for this, my friend wanted me to find him, and then find a window to break so we can starve the entire station of oxygen. then some guy comes up, and i start fighting him, as my friend is still breaking the windows,he knocked me out, so i told my friend in discord to go attack him (honestly i dont feel like thats realy metagaming if we are still in his view range, AND if i yelled in chat he could hear me
Why you think you should be unbanned: I havent read the rules at the time of ban, but now i have read all rules, and like the ban reason says, i will actualy take rule two seriously *i would atleast like to be unbanned, and have a time, such as 30 days or something than stay perm*

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:27 am
by JusticeGoat
I would be alright for reducing this ban from permanent, to 14 days for you and your friend. Since this is your second time being caught for metacomms next time this will be a lot longer, not reading the rules is no excuse.

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:19 am
by lntigracy
FatCat919 wrote:honestly i dont feel like thats realy metagaming if we are still in his view range, AND if i yelled in chat he could hear me
I think you missed this part mr admin

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:42 am
by subject217
FatCat919 wrote:honestly i dont feel like thats realy metagaming if we are still in his view range, AND if i yelled in chat he could hear me
I will clarify this. First off, the ban is for metacomms, which is somewhat different from metagaming. Furthermore, communicating in ANY OOC form while the round is ongoing about that round is metacomms, and is against the rules. If you could have done it IC, DO IT IC. It's quite hard to believe that you are "here to take rule 2 seriously", when you explicitly ignored a direct warning by an admin about metacomms, and still fail to understand why what you did was wrong after purportedly reading the rules and appealing.

Explicitly: No, you cannot sit in Discord voice chat with your friend while the both of you play.

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:17 pm
by FatCat919
well i was banned for it, so thats what i put :/

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:16 pm
by Krusvik
For the record, I don't believe your ban sentence should be reduced. I think you took the second chance we gave you and spat in our face. JusticeGoat wants to place their faith in you, so please don't take their trust for granted. Do the right thing.

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:10 pm
by JusticeGoat
While i may of been very lenient this time its because i have the best hopes that you and your friend can rejoin the community and follow the rules. Hope you realize that if any other admin caught this you would have remained banned.

Re: justicegoat FatCat919 Here to take rule 2 seriously

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:28 am
by Cobby
If you unbanned him resolve the appeal nibba