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KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:30 am
by KillToSurvive
2018-11-04 04:01:50
Warned- acting seriously shitty as security, perma-ing people after they already served their prison time, arresting people for following him, etc. He apologized and said that he would act different next time

perma-ing people after they already served their prison time <<< Something I didn't even do, read below for more information.
arresting people for following him <<< Something I didn't even do, read below for more information.

Round ID: 96547

It was a chaotic round and there were so many greytiders and people I arrested I lost count. Now let me clarify the notes, because I think this is invalid and I didn't do anything wrong.

"Perma-ing people after they already served their prison time"
I have never in that round perma'd anyone after they got out of their cell when they have done their time, that seems ridiculously stupid for anyone to do and I don't know why SpyroShark wrote that there. If anyone did go back to prison it's likely for another crime they had committed, and if they served a timed sentence and the next time they were arrested and perma'd by me or any other officer, was of a crime of high caliber that justifies perma.

"Arresting people for following him"
I didn't arrest a SINGLE person that was following me for no reason. When i was in the ahelp convo with SpyroShark I stated some of the reasons why I WOULD suspect someone or even arrest them if needed. Here are some of the qualifying factors if i randomly stun anyone in the halls and arrest/search them: (Illegal weaponry, people that were brigged in the past, people that follow me for no reason suspiciously, or people that try to slip me)

Illegal weaponry that is obviously visible: Arrest, quite obvious.
People that were brigged in the past: If i see them doing something suspicious, i cuff them and search them, if they're clean I let them go.
People that follow me: SpyroShark SPECIFICALLY stated that I arrested people that followed me, which I didn't do a single instance in the round, only stated that as a reason why I would have someone in cuffs for a search. An arrest is possible if they have syndicate/illegal items. If they are clean they are let go immediately.
People that try to slip me: Straight forward arrest.

I apologized to the admin for permaing people without asking the warden first, though the people I perma'd did obvious crime that is justified for perma and I did ask the warden for approval for perma sentences at the start of the shift, but towards the end it started getting too chaotic and the warden wasn't around. The HoS Domingo Cortez was SSD in the armory the whole time which i ahelped for a ghost to take control of the HoS, I'm not sure if the HoS became controlled by a new ghost, as far as memory serves my ahelp went unnoticed and the HoS continued being SSD at the armory. So there was basically no way for me to get permission from the warden since he wasn't around and the HoS was SSD.

I don't want this note on my records as it was truly a chaotic round and SpyroShark claimed that I'm arresting "randomly". Yet the amount of greytide fuckery that round was unreal, the arrests weren't random. Also, this happened on 80 players, hence my claim of unreal amounts of greytide fuckery because of 80 players.

Playing sec on highpop isn't a walk in the park and I feel like this note is unfair because SpyroShark didn't look into anything and just wrote it out of the conclusion he came to.

Re: KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:39 am
by Spyroshark
Alright, I can see that part of the note was not accurate. The part about "arresting people for following you" wasn't something that actually happened, that's my bad.
However, I had heard complaints from the warden and said prisoner that round that you had put him in perma despite the warden asking you not to, and from what I can tell from the logs this is accurate.
I'm fine with editing your note to be more accurate, and sorry for getting some of it wrong. It seems that you did perma the guy that the warden told you not to, so I'm leaving that part of the note in.

Re: KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:02 am
by KillToSurvive
I perma'd a guy named lynch (Wasn't quite sure if warden wanted him perma'd). Which warden let go later and i found him running around in sec hall, just exiting perma, still *arrest* status, i had no idea why he was out and since his status was still set to arrest I assumed he broke out, so i stunned him and cuffed him and took him back to perma lobby and waited for the warden to confirm that he was being let go, which he was, so i released him.

(As far as I can recall when i confirmed with the warden that he was being released, the warden came to perma, i handed Lynch over to the warden and then i left, i didn't uncuff lynch or anything, i just handed him over to the warden and went on to patrol since a whole ton of greytiding was happening)

Later in the round the same guy "Lynch" got arrested and perma'd by "Im-A-Lizard" for attempted murder apparently. I don't deserve a dirty note for this. Legit did nothing.

This is a bunch of confusion and it was resolved and the prisoner was let go. Do i seriously deserve a note for this? It was a chaotic round my man.

I understand that the round was most likely a big clusterfuck of logs and there's a ton of stuff to go through to get to the bottom of this, but I genuinely didn't do anything wrong on my part.

Re: KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:12 am
by Spyroshark
It's pretty late right now for me, but I'll look at the logs again tomorrow. Quite a lot happened that round, so I might just be missing some context to it.

Re: KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:14 am
by KillToSurvive
Ok sounds good, and to clarify ur new note:

Warned- as security, was perma-ing someone after the warden was telling them not to. They said they would not in the future.

The warden didn't really tell me wether to perma him or not as far as I remember and I was confused due to all the greytiding going on, but the person ended up getting released, the previous reply explains it all.

Thanks for taking your time to review my appeal.

Re: KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:06 pm
by Spyroshark
Alright, after looking over it again I think that I may of jumped the gun a little on the note. It's a bit difficult to tell exactly what happened in the logs, but I think that I got some of the facts wrong about what happened. I'm not really sure if you deserved the note, and you didn't seem to have any bad intentions, so I'm just going to remove it. Sorry, this one's my bad.

Re: KillToSurvive Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:25 pm
by KillToSurvive
Thank you for taking your time to review this note and also thank you for removing it, cheers! :)