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[Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 3:49 pm
by JGlitch404
Byond account and character name: JGlitch. Lil Mac (I was the mime)
Banning admin: Prenderwast
Ban type (What are you banned from?): server
Ban reason and length: As a mime, went around punching people with boxing gloves. After getting killed for it and cloned, grabbed a disabler and spaced some of the people that had attacked them. Don\'t space people for retaliating in a fight you started.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 17:35 GMT+2
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Terry
Your side of the story: I was a boxer, with boxing gloves. I didnt steal anything, I didnt kill anyone, I didnt even harm them (boxing gloves do 0 brute damage) I just found someone, pointed at them and start a fight, who exactly? Assistants that werent doing anything, looked bored. Some sec officers that were even okay with this (I never got arrested in this round, not even once) and, of course, the clown.
But then, there just needs to be those lil murderboners with a bloodlust. They completely ignored that I had gloves of boxing, and when I did the usual thing to one guy, they ganged up on me and killed me, stripped me of everything, stole my shit and left me there, cool.
I reported this, but Prenderwast didnt care, he said that welp, I'm punching people? Then its okay if they kill you, being a boxer is not a good gimmick if you want to stay alive. You know what? Fair, so I let it go.
When after 10 fucking minutes I got found by someone, I got cloned, wich takes a long time, too, and cryo'd. When I FINALLY got out I went to dorms to get another pair of gloves, I encounter one of them, he just had to GLOAT over the fact he robusted me! Hitting me twice on the head with a toolbox and saying ''Just walk away buddy''. I thought that well, he should fucking die right there and then. And after a fight, I killed him and spaced him, because I thought it was fucking fair.
I encountered another attacker, one of the three that killed and looted me, when I questioned him about it, he said that I deserved it, that I was punching him and that I should deal with it. When I told him that I had gloves he fucking says that he didnt care about that and that my gloves were in the satchel they left behind. So I guessed that if its okay for him to kill me for such a shitty fucking reason then it'll be okay for me to kill him as well, and so I did! I did and then I threw him out of an airlock.
And the third guy? Same fucking thing, but this time a miner with laser weapons caught me when I was going to space him and shot me dead...
And that's when Prenderwast bowinked me, of course.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Its a two day ban, its not a big deal, but I dont care. It is NOT deserved. What happened here? It's what should've happened. Three shitters got what they deserved after fucking up someone that was being as harmless as a clown with a soap. Other crewmembers shoved me around and maybe punched me once or twice, but people found what I did entertaining, and as a mime, isnt this my job?
This was proper escalation, I took revenge over not only getting killed, but laughed at. Of course, when I got killed by that miner they showed their shitter behaviour in deadchat, ''get fucked'' ''cry'' ''lol you deserved it cry'' and shitty comments like that. Now. Did I get mad over the whole situation? Of fucking course I do. Because once again, I try to do something harmless and I get fucked, and when I get revenge, turns out that I'm being the bad guy here.

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 5:01 pm
by penterwast
The boxing gloves do stamina damage and can knock people unconscious, so they are not harmless. You got lynched after running around punching random people with them for around half an hour, and you were not prevented from being cloned. This ban is for spacing two people who posed zero threat to you (The second and third ones you mentioned). You disabled them and dragged them to space, 10+ minutes after you had been cloned and without them having done anything else to you during that time. The situation had de-escalated with these two, so it's not valid escalation to jump to permanent round removal like this. I don't see a reason to change this ban.

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 5:04 pm
by JGlitch404
A ban is not deserved because I bet my left nut they didnt get any kind of punishment or even a bwoink about killing me for hitting them with boxing gloves. They could've called security, they were right there. They could've disarmed me. They could've done many things. ''The situation had de-escalated with these two''. NO. Why? Because they stole my shit, and they didnt knock me down or critted me. They KILLED me.

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 5:23 pm
by penterwast
JGlitch404 wrote:A ban is not deserved because I bet my left nut they didnt get any kind of punishment or even a bwoink about killing me for hitting them with boxing gloves. They could've called security, they were right there. They could've disarmed me. They could've done many things. ''The situation had de-escalated with these two''. NO. Why? Because they stole my shit, and they didnt knock me down or critted me. They KILLED me.
By de-escalated, I meant that the conflict was over. You had been killed for unprovoked attacks on the crew, and got cloned afterward. These two were not still coming after you, and yet you went straight to permanent round removal, after a considerable amount of time had passed without further conflict.

In any case, after looking over the logs again I see no reasons to modify this ban, so for my part this appeal is denied.

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 6:40 pm
by JGlitch404
So I guess I should be killing the clown each time he pies me? I mean it deals no damage but it deals a mood penalty, wich if stacked with a slip, a shove into a shower and stuff like that could lead to cause allucinations. So... With your logic. If you get punched three times with boxing gloves you are allowed to kill that person and that person isnt allowed to kill you if you are not going after them, and furthermore, if you are just a bypasser and see someone punching someone else with boxing gloves you are allowed to aid the murder of said person, because of course, it was an unprovoked attack!
I got cloned afterwards, yes, but not by them, as I said, I had to wait 10 minutes until someone found me. Had not that happen, I may as well had been spaced.
My conclussion is that a ban is always a last resort, of course I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, you have enough experience to be an admintrainer after all, but if they didnt get punished for what happened, I shouldnt either.

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 6:42 pm
by JGlitch404
In addition! MAYBE the spacing was a bit too far... But that can be said for them as well, maybe killing me and leaving me there was a bit too far for getting punched by boxing gloves...? I mean, I got found afterwards, so it does not matter at all in the end, does it? Oh, and they got found out as well! So, why does it matter?

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 10:46 am
by JGlitch404
My ban has expired, or its close to doing so. But I'm still not done.
This wasnt fair, as they didnt get punished for what they did, yet I'm the one that took the punishment for that whole interaction, interaction that I did not seek, at all.
I tend to lose my nerves, yes, and throwing them off an airlock well, maybe was a bit too much, but as I stated in previous replies, they did something that was a bit too much, too, if they would've just critted me and brought me to medbay, or even called security, that would've been okay, but as I said and as you perfectly know, they didnt, I got killed, stripped of all my stuff and left there depending only on my luck, wich came only after 10 minutes of my rotting corpse staying there for someone having the thought of cloning me.
What would've been fair? Everyone involved in that situation should've been punished, not only me, so I think its only fair we scratch this bullshit out of my admin remarks, as its the only thing that you could do (because giving them a 2 day ban NOW its impossible) and just hope this mistake that you've done wont repeat itself ever again, either you punish everyone that fucked up in that situation, or you dont punish anyone at all, because the ''you got cloned'' argument would only work if they were the ones that cloned me.

That's all.

Re: [Prenderwast] JGlitch - Taking revenge for shitty escalation is not ok?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 6:00 pm
by penterwast
I have already given my ruling on this and I don't think there is further constructive discussion to be had, so I will lock this. If the headmins wish to overrule they may.