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[Imsxz] Shadowflame909 - Not actually IC in OOC

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:37 pm
by Shadowflame909
Byond account and character name: Shadowflame909, Owen Kimple.
Banning admin: Imsxz
Ban type (What are you banned from?): The Server (It has since expired though.)
Ban reason and length:
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 5/4/19 PST, 8:00 ish?
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I was a security officer during cult, I go to medbay maint and arrest this cultist who was killing a security officer. He yells at me, "I fucking hate valid hunters" and I quickly respond. "I'm not a valid hunt3r" since I was typing fast. Then I leave it at that and take him to sec. Imsxz bwoinks me by copy and pasting what I said. I tell them, "If this is about that meme ban quota that was being talked about in OOC earlier. You can leave me out of it because Valid aint Ic in ooc." They don't seem to care about what I have to say and give me this ban as a "Slap in the face". Now I am here to end this words whole career in being IC in OOC. Whilst removing this note in the process.
Why you think you should be unbanned: This word, in no way. Is in OOC. You may not think it now but upon the tiniest scrutiny. This whole thought process of 'Valid" being Ic in Ooc makes no damn sense. Let us begin.

1. This word "Valid" is placed upon existing game items. One of these items can be bought in the SecDrobe that sec officers spawn near. The Valid-Token. If this item exists in the game and can be bought. How the hell would saying it be OOC? That's like if the clown talked about having a bananium e-sword. But merely mentioning it was enough to send him to the ban zone. No. It is a term that exists in the "immersion" so mentioning it is not breaking the immersion.

2. This term literally comes from SS13. When you talk about an armed shooter in real life for us Americans, or an armed knife man for the rest of the world without guns. You don't say "Oh dang he's valid to arrest!" No. No one uses that in that context. Only ss13 players do it. When the captain buys a shit shuttle, you go "He's valid to kill!" When someone spouts Woody Got Wood over comms, you go "Ai he's non-human and he's valid to kill." It's literally a term that stems from the IC of ss13 and has no Real World Context. So It would not be, Ic in Ooc.

3. Might be my weakest argument, yet. I've literally already dealt with this same situation way back into my first year of playing /TG/. It was a clock cult round, I said Valid. Kevinz bwoinked me, I mentioned the antag token. Then it all fell apart when the term was literally being used and immersed into ss13. They let it go after that, and I haven't dealt with it since. Until now...

4. This word is so heavily used in the context of SS13. That it's used twice in the Headmin Rulings and is apart of the "Ss13" Terminology Wiki Page. The page where you learn the definition of what HoP, HoS, and Ic in Ooc. You also learn valid there as well! This word is so well-used in SS13. That it's legacy is something New Players should know!

Well. Imsxz, I hope this insight into this word changes your belief of if this world is really Ic in Ooc. Because there's no situation where you'd use it in the same context In Game, as you would in real life. The only way it'd be Ic In Ooc. If you were to go on OOC and shout "The clown is valid! He's a traitor!" You'd have bigger problems to worry about then Ic in Ooc. If not, well I just hope the headmins share the same opinion, that this word has too much In Context use and little out of character use.

Edit: I also think Imsxz should think twice about slapping people in the face with bans due to minor slip ups. I was shutting down this tiders argument, because he was calling me a valid hunter. When I was just doing my job as a security officer. Next thing I know, I get banned and my character gets deleted when the ban expires. Not very mondo cool.

Re: [Imsxz] Shadowflame909 - I'm about to end this notes whole career

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:43 pm
by imsxz
I didn't have anything to do with your character deleting.

I recall talking to the guy you were arresting too, I saw that he said it after I saw that you said it. Regardless, someone else saying it doesn't make it good.

I wouldn't have given you a 5 minute ban but you were so insistent that it wasn't OOC in IC, if you had accepted a warning I would have left it at a warning.

Re: [Imsxz] Shadowflame909 - I'm about to end this notes whole career

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:06 pm
by Shadowflame909
I was so insistent that it wasn't IC in OOC, because this wasn't the first time I've gotten bwoinked over this word. I was also trying to state precedent, but you seem to have taken it as defiance instead.

This word being used in this context has no meaning outside of ss13. So how could it be OOC to say?

Honestly, I was going through the headmin rulings page to find some more clear precedent for this. But it was just a bunch of edge cases.

I did find old headmins using the term "Valid" in a sense that could only be applied to IC situations though. Ic in Ooc needs a policy discussion for sure. Whichever way this thread goes.

Re: [Imsxz] Shadowflame909 - I'm about to end this notes whole career

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:46 pm
by imsxz
This is not the place for policy discussion, I've confirmed with others that your actions were indeed a violation of the rules, this appeal is denied.

Re: [Imsxz] Shadowflame909 - I'm about to end this notes whole career

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:52 pm
by Shadowflame909
Well, that's very shocking. If so many of the admins do agree with this. Then I hope the headmin review gives me a good insight into where my thought process went wrong by the rules.

Edit: Even though this situation wouldn't have come about. If I just didn't respond to the person I was arresting. I feel the need to clarify once more that, "valid" in the ss13 context. Does have a purpose to signify that you have a right to execute the captain/some shitter. If you get your hands on them. Because of whatever action they took to make them "valid".

This is what makes it different from saying, "It's revs" or "Don't look Up."

Re: [Imsxz] Shadowflame909 - Not actually IC in OOC

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 12:52 pm
by Arianya
This looks resolved (and imsxz has since retired so can't wrap this up themselves).