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[Optimumtact] Ratman Jones - Unaware party to a death-squad.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 9:49 am
by Nukey

Code: Select all

Reason: Was part of a cargo deathsquad that tried to murder half the server
Byond name: Nukeey
Character name: Ratman Jones
Banning Admin: Optimumtact
Ban Length: One day
Server: Event
Time of ban: 08:39:00, 5/20/2019
Round ID: 108817

Hey guys, first time on the forums and first time getting a ban/remark when I honestly thought I was, well, one of the good guys, at least at first. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't write an appeal for a one day ban, but considering I was the middle of writing a response to the bwoink when the ban hit and was advised to come here by the admin who wrote the ban I figure this was at least worth the effort to write an appeal.

My side of the story: I was playing shaft-miner this particular round and was, for the most part, enjoying a chill shift, cargo was making a lot of money selling metals and everything seemed to be going okay. QM ordered a lot of guns (which I've gotten used to seeing), handed them out and it seemed like we were going to just do that cargonia meme I've gotten used to where we sit around with our toys and do nothing until the shuttle is called and we hit centcomm the best equipped for the post-round free for all. QM made a remark about being "a death-squad" before anything went down which looking back on I should have taken a bit more seriously, but at the time I thought was a joke. Then things, well, took a turn for the weird. The AI started telling us to deal with a HONK and a Durand, and we did so. I'm used to seeing robotics wreck the place at this point so I sorta thought we were dealing with a shitter. We also ended up killing two in the cargo bay, I showed up late to the first one and the second guy was a security officer - I don't know who opened fire first, but reflecting on it I suspect it was the rest of cargo.

I asked a couple questions to other techs and the QM, but didn't get any real answers.

Then things got bad. AI tells us to kill someone else, we start heading to medbay, and the rest of the team just opened fire once we got to the lobby. At this point I could tell I was on the wrong side, so ran off without firing a shot. Ended up pulling a lizard doctor who had been very friendly to me earlier in the round further into the medbay and used a survival medipen on him. I ended up getting killed by something that came out of xenobio later. As mentioned earlier, I got the bwoink and was in the middle of finishing my reply, which detailed all of this, and was banned before I could submit the reply. I suspect the ban might have been more or less blanket for all cargo but I'm unsure.

Anyway, I would like to point out for the sake of fairness that I am off a recent ban for wrongdoing that I admitted to. Under normal circumstances I would accept the ban and move on, after all it's just one day, but I do feel that lumping me in with the general shittery of cargo, especially the QM who admitted we were the bad guys in dead-chat, was a little bit unfair. I'll admit I probably should've realized something was very, very wrong, but with the AI telling us to handle people I sorta thought we were just being ghetto security rather than anything else and I am by my own admission not the best at critical thinking when it comes down to it. I'm more concerned about the admin-remark, since I'm aware that sticks with me.

Re: [Optimumtact] Ratman Jones - Unaware party to a death-squad.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 9:55 am
by oranges
Hello, thanks for appealing.

Taking into account what you said, im happy to lift this ban on you.

As I said to the other cargo tech who actually responded, while this was a pretty bad incident you were in some ways lead on by the AI.

That doesn't excuse the carnage caused on an extended round, but I appreciate that you can be caught up in events and get carried away.

I'll lift the ban and adjust the note.