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[MrAlphonzo] Simone Scott - unreasonable ban

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:13 am
by WG_BigSaucy
Byond account and character name: WG_BigSaucy, Simone Scott

Banning admin: MrAlphonzo

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server Ban

Ban reason and length: Is not appropriate, 3 days

Time ban was placed (including time zone): ~8:30 AST

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil

Your side of the story: i tried my first round as the chaplain, and thought that taking the round to be a living shitpost was going to be fine. at one point i went to med and walked to someone on the stasis with someone working on there and said "let's rape this bitch" followed by "haha just kidding" which immediately got the attention of the admin.

Why you think you should be unbanned: firstly i want to say the admin wasn't very cool and was kind of rude saying "i'm wondering how a person who has been playing since last year would think it's appropriate to say this" and blatantly saying one line text and just not communicating with me. i accept that what i said was on the line of violating rule 8 but with only 2 warnings and playing since last year a 3 day ban seems totally extreme. I love the game and would never want to make other players feel bad, so hopefully this gets overturned into a warning at the least.

Thanks for reading this and hopefully i hear back soon.

Re: [MrAlphonzo] Simone Scott - unreasonable ban

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:58 am
by bobbahbrown
This ban occurred at approximately 23:40 UTC on 2019-07-01 on round 112113 on Bagil. (src, statbus, scrubby)

Re: [MrAlphonzo] Simone Scott - unreasonable ban

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:39 am
by MrAlphonzo
I'm denying this.

What you did was not just toeing the line of breaking rule 8, and the fact that you consistently downplayed what you did as a joke made me less and less inclined to go easy on you.

And yes, I checked on the person those messages were directed towards.

They were not happy.

Re: [MrAlphonzo] Simone Scott - unreasonable ban

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 4:46 am
by wesoda25
About a year ago I was banned for “being creepy” which basically boiled down to me calling my friend something and also me saying I was being raped (which is why I mention it, similar circumstances). Ban appeal here: ... 17#p425517. If you don’t feel like reading it, the ban was successfully appealed with full note removal later down the line.

Owegno, a headmin at the time, said this, which I think is relevant in this case:
You may have a personal zero tolerance policy but last I checked this server doesn't. Please give me an example of precedent for this sudden shift in policy Nabski because it looks like you're making up your own rules.
I won’t bother elaborating further since it’d probably turn into a peanut post, but I think you can see the similarities between that appeal and this one.

Re: [MrAlphonzo] Simone Scott - unreasonable ban

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:24 am
by Owegno
I'm not a headmin anymore so what I say isn't policy anymore. However your rule 8 ban and this rule 8 ban are very different due to the context of these comments. I'll break down my views on them.

In Wesoda's ban he made sexual joke comment at his friend as well as some other jokey meme comments. This is not bannable in my mind. Reading porn over the radio is currently allowed so sexual jokes should be allowed.

In WG_BigSaucy's ban he made a threat of raping someone and then said loljk. This was towards a completely random person and not one of his friends. The fact the other person wasn't happy about it instantly puts this as sexual harassment instead of a sexual joke. This joke is also far creepier than "MIKE IS A CUMSLUT" As I mention in Wesoda's thread unwanted creepiness is one of the things I personally rule 8 ban for.

Context is key. I have a lot of thoughts towards how rule 8 is right now and there are things I would change but this ban is good.

Re: [MrAlphonzo] Simone Scott - unreasonable ban

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:41 am
by Hulkamania
A small ban for saying creepy sexually charged remarks is justified. You said something inappropriate to the point where an admin had to get involved and made the other party uncomfortable.

You should now be aware of how seriously these things are handled, and won't continue to do them in the future.