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[intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:13 pm
by Puke Chunks
Byond account Super Crayon
Character name: Puke Chunks
Banning admin: intigracy
Ban type: PermaBan
Ban reason and length: Image
Your side of the story: Seems about right. There was also an incident involving a shower, a few people and me, obese from eating the stations entire supply of raisins, covering myself in chocolate with a chocolate bar, though I think intigracy was fine with that since he didn't mention it.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I'm not gonna lie. I didn't find anything wrong with what I did then, nor do I over a year later. Just seems like a very silly thing to get upset about in a game where people get eaten, heads get caved in on the reg and people abuse the clown for sport. I can't lie and pretend I suddenly am disgusted with my past self. It would be insulting to all involved. Though I can agree to stop rubbing chocolate on myself, I agree it is a waste of good cocoa, I can also agree to stop blowing on the cargo techs exposed legs despite them wearing those lil short shorts, I agree to not rub my butt or any other body part on borgs without the borgs consent and written approval from all heads of staff including any and all admins present, and I agree not to complement my co workers in hopes of boosting morale and making nanotrasen proud while they offer me a cushy job in return.

I officially, sincerely apologize to all parties who I offended through my actions and behavior. I hope in the time I have been gone you have found it in your hearts to forgive me. If not, I pray you will eventually forgive me in time as I am sorry I hurt your feelings. If you still thirst for my blood, take it, I have nothing left to give.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:53 pm
by Vekter
Intigracy is no longer an admin, meaning this floats up to a headmin decision. I'll page one to the thread.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:49 pm
by scaredofshadows
Since the last time you played, we've banned ERP. Some of the things you've done in the past while not technically ERP would be creepy enough to net you a ban.

Can you handle playing without emoting rubbing your butt on things or other stupid shit?

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:53 pm
by Puke Chunks
I certainly can.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:21 pm
by Timbrewolf
No you can't. You'd been told to stop being a creep to people after such events as "impaling your ass" on another player's dick, rubbing your smegma on someone, and more.

You were told each time to cut it out and you kept doing it anyway.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:26 pm
by TheBibleMelts
The ass impalement was hands down the greatest thing that'd ever come from allowing ERP on /tg/, to be fair. I'd say give him another chance, it's not like his brand of "grief" can go undetected and under the radar like some permabanned dudes that get unbanned have.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:33 pm
by Puke Chunks
I don't really see the harm in giving me a chance. I either fuck up again and quickly and swiftly receive another permaban and you can be happy knowing you were right, or I don't fuck up and I play on the server and enjoy myself.

I've already apologized and said I wont do what I did, I don't know what more I can do or say to be honest. It's all down to being willing to give me a chance or not.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:44 pm
by Timbrewolf
But we already did that. We already told you to stop being a creep and you kept doing it anyway. Multiple times.

I don't think this time will be any different. Denied.

Re: [intigracy] Puke Chunks - Permaban

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:48 pm
by Puke Chunks
Is this because I made that joke about your beard?