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[<NecromancerAnne>] <YuiY1997> - Misunderstanding with explosives

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:33 am
by YuiY1997
BYOND account: <YuiY1997>
Character name: <Diana Ulery>
Ban type: <Server>
Ban length: <Permanent>
Ban reason: <Baited security into shooting them after setting off several explosives. This caused a grenade in-hand to explode, detonating the grenades on their person and killing several people. They were a non-antag and logged off when questioned. Come to the forums to explain this further.>
Time ban was placed: <2019-09-04 08:10:24>
Server you were playing on when banned: <Sybil>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <#117805>
Your side of the story: <I didn't set off multiple explosives. I set off one before I entered the shuttle at the security guard. I did not provoke them, he was (randomly) shooting down the hallway. I remember during the round someone even said he was shooting down the hallways randomly. He shot at me before I threw my grenade. If I Wanted to grief, I had many, many more grenades I could have used and probably destroyed all of departures AND the shuttle. When I re-entered the shuttle I was cornered by the same officer who shot me, in the medical wing of the shuttle. I didn't know weapons could even detonate chemical grenades. I was very surprised when one grenade blew a 5x5 hole in the hull of the shuttle. I'm not sure why the security officer attacked me in the first place, people seem to have thought I was an antag before I even entered the shuttle. I hadn't realized I was being contacted by an admin, I was tired, so I closed the game thinking it wouldn't be an issue.
Why you think you should be unbanned: <I'm pretty sure this was a misunderstanding. I definitely didn't intentionally kill everyone on the shuttle. It was caused by a miscommunication on security's end and my lack of knowledge on interactions between laser rifles and explosives.>
References of good conduct: <I play a lot on bagil and sybil. I like to play medical mostly, I'm not sure if that really helps but I havent gotten in real trouble before outside of like my first couple days playing the game. I just unlocked captain today so I was kind of sad that I got banned after only doing two shifts as captain...>

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] <YuiY1997> - Misunderstanding with explosives

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 4:53 am
by NecromancerAnne
Hello, and thank you for appealing.

What ended up happening was that your grenade was set off in your hand by the laser gun shooting it. This is a purely random occurance and happens when any projectile would hit you while you have an explosive in-hand. This includes c4 and the like.

What happened also was that every grenade on your person detonated when your grenade detonated. Explosions can detonate grenades prematurely, so what happened here was that even though the individual grenades were quite weak, barely even able to break floor tiles let alone breach, they all stacked together when they exploded to increase the severity of the detonation, taking it from a mild explosive to one that vapourized everything in a perfect 3x3 square and killing people around the detonation.

This killed a number of people and left the shuttle a mess. We don't take too well to those who bomb as a nonantag and especially those who bomb the shuttle. You also logged immediately after being questioned, so that left me without much recourse other than to place a permanent ban until you came here to explain yourself and so we can complete the ticket.

You have received previous warnings about explosives and being careful in their use. That said, this was an accidental detonation so I am willing to look past that but do need to wonder why you were using grenades in the first place in a conflict with security. I suppose given he was using lethals it does beg the question how well he was actually doing his job.

I feel like I should give you a chance here and simply reduce this to a note. Try and avoid grenades in the future for resolving coflict, and if security is acting like that then you should ahelp it before making yourself either valid or worse by trying to resolve an issue like that yourself. Especially with explosives.

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] <YuiY1997> - Misunderstanding with explosives

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:11 am
by YuiY1997
Yeah, I'll work on more non-lethal grenade mixes. Thanks for your understanding.

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] <YuiY1997> - Misunderstanding with explosives

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:59 pm
by Booktower
So they were carrying around grenades and one of them randomly got set off? That doesn't seem like a rule violation to me, given that they didn't do anything to set them off and it was just bad luck.

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] <YuiY1997> - Misunderstanding with explosives

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 1:52 am
by Hulkamania
This appeal has been resolved and I'll be locking it.

Although the grenade setting off was accidental, they were being used as ammunition in a fight against security which is why you were hit to begin with. I don't see an issue with this being just a note given their previous history, and YuiY1997 has admitted they're willing to work on it.