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[Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:23 am
by confused rock
BYOND account: The unloved rock
Character name: Is-A-Lizard
Ban type: Note
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason:During confirmed cult round, lethaled a hulk into crit soon after mindshield implanting them and confirming they were non-cult. The reason being because they wanted to remove them from the HoS office and they were smashing a locker for security gear to fight the cult. The hulk was buckled to a chair where they succumbed before receiving medical care, subsequently the body was thrown out of the brig instead of making further effort to revive them.
Time ban was placed: 2019-10-11 02:27:16
Server you were playing on when banned: Basil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 121145
Your side of the story: It was a generic hectic cult round, but it was a long time before we even learned of a cult. In the time before that, the hulk assistant, Deana, I shot had caused many issues, some of which listed here in order of occurence:

-stealing things like a captain's headset and likely id as well (mostly using headset to taunt security over radio), running into brig to shove people. looting CE as well
-"allowing" cargo to have guns
-threatening to laser me on sight
-most notably, kidnapping the head of personnel, putting on a hardsuit, and dragging them to the departures airlock(literally into the airlock). I never saw what came out of it, but I believe the HOP survived.

Around this time, cult was called. I never left brig but always heard Deana's hulk screams over radio. When she had arrived at brig, I made it clear she wasn't allowed in. When she asked for a mindshield, I relented and went and grabbed one. immediately after implanting her, she started smashing lockers. I shot her (my aim was poor) and cuffed her immediately after she went down. I buckle her to a chair momentarily while I let a doctor out of brig, took about 15 seconds. I go back to the chair, fireman carry her to brig medbay, and try to fix her. She was evidently already dead, and I check the medical scan.
You analyze Deana Whittler's vitals.
Analyzing results for Deana Whittler:
Overall status: Deceased
Severe tissue damage detected.
Severe oxygen deprivation detected.
Subject has the following physiological traits: Family Heirloom, Alcohol Tolerance, Musician, Depression.
Damage: Brute-Burn-Toxin-Suffocation
Specifics: 108.2-0.5-0-99.0667
Chest: 5-0.1
Head: 72.3-0.1
Left arm: 11.9-0.1
Right arm: 9-0.1
Right leg: 10-0.1
Mildly Damaged Organs: heart
Severely Damaged Organs:
Non-Functional Organs:
Species: Human
Body temperature: 28 °C (82.4 °F)
Time of Death: 19:03:15
Subject died 26.5 seconds ago, defibrillation may be possible!
Subject is bleeding!
Blood level 90 %, 508.941 cl, type: A+
With only 108.2 damage I know she's succumbed. From there, I think it was her decision to die, and as warden I can't risk leaving brig or someone will rob it. I toss the body out the front door so someone can clone it, like the doctor I just let out.
Krusvik brought up two of my notes, one from last december. I don't find them particularly relevant- they're the only notes I really have from that period, one is for a fight I got into as a medical doctor (which I've considered appealing as well) the other being almost a year old at this point and being for not even bringing someone to critical condition.
That's about it.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't usually appeal notes, but I think this one is absurdly harsh. It goes against most rulings I've seen in the past and I need to at least know if this is normal now. I have two main issues here:

1. Her actions before the cult came absolutely justified her death- she's threatened to kill me and kidnapped heads of staff. If this were done in an extended round, would she be innocent? No, and especially not when dynamic exists now. The mindshield implant I gave her is irrelevant in regards to the actions she performed as a nonantag. She acted like an antag, and was treated like one- at least, that's what I'd say if her death was intended.

most importantly,
2.Her death was entirely her fault- for most people this would've resulted in her being batonned and thrown out of brig, but it was her choice to become a hulk that forced me to use lethal force, and it was Entirely her choice to die. She succumbed very quickly after dying, and I had no reason not to treat it as her giving up on the round. Krusvik says I left her unattended in a chair (which was the case for all of 15 seconds, which she was in softcrit for at least part of- she was conscious for as long as I saw her.), but what does that matter? it was her choice to force me to crit her, and her choice to give up immediately after being critted. I was always under the impression that someone succumbing is responsible for their death.
Without mutadone, I used my only option to stop her from smashing things in brig. I then helped her reasonably quickly, and she would've been up again in less than a minute had she waited. My only other option this situation was to let her do what she wanted.
Finally, under what obligation was I to help her get cloned? As the one responsible for her death? If I am held solely responsible for her succumbing (which I above all think I am not) Then I see the concern, but I couldn't possibly risk going to medbay if that could let the cult break into brig. As in escalation policy:
"If you are the instigator in a conflict and end up killing or severely impairing the round of the person you are fighting, you should make a reasonable effort to return them to life at least once or make amends"
I believe me bringing them to the brig medbay was the most reasonable effort I could've made with the issues that could arise abandoning my post. But that's if you refer to me as the instigator.
I don't think that's important, though. She gave me no alternative to subdue her besides lethal force in becoming a hulk, and I provided expedient medical attention. This wasn't enough for her, as she succumbed immediately. If she gave me no alternatives besides her death, was I supposed to ignore her because we were on the same team in the space man game (despite us having been on the same "team" throughout the round and her threatening to kill me and kidnapping people throughout, and there was still some chance she was an antag.) And did I 'execute' her if my intent and effect was not lethal, and she effectively killed herself? And if I did, was it unjustified?

I think I'm being punished for the assistant's decision to start conflict while effectively choosing death if any attempt to subdue them is made. Her mindshield is entirely irrelevant- all it did was confirm that she wasn't a cultist, but in fact it would've mattered more if she was a cultsit. The mindshield working meant that she WASN'T a cultist while threatening my life and kidnapping heads of staff.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:38 am
by skoglol
I'd like to point out that mindshield does not deconvert or do anything at all really to cultists. They only protect against conversion, forcing a sacrifice (soulstone with your shade in it) instead.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:18 pm
by deedubya
they wanted to remove them from the HoS office and they were smashing a locker for security gear
Considering this is from the actual ban's probably prudent to mention that if you're trying to rob the fucking armory/brig, you're 100% valid to security. Having potentially revealed the round type is not grounds to suddenly disregard the rules. Even on war ops or a confirmed conversion round, if security wishes to keep you out of their equipment supplies, they're fully within their right to do so.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:55 pm
by confused rock
I didn’t mention that because I wasn’t trying to “valid” them. Though they had been asked to leave, I was subduing them by the only available means (due to their decision to start a fight as hulk) and they decided to prematurely commit suicide, which I am being punished for. Even if this were a case of them punching their way into brig or some other crime I still feel I didn’t execute them by any meaning of the word. People have been killed for less than I critted them for, it is their responsibility for being critted as a hulk (I absolutely would’ve just stunned them if they were human), and their death is entirely their decision in succumbing from softcrit so quickly. There’s nothing wrong with treating succumbing as a denial to play the round and I was already trying to fix her before I realised she did.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:14 pm
by Istoprocent1
Rule 1 Precedent 6.

You may defend your workplace from trespassers who damage or steal property within that space with significantly greater force than elsewhere. If someone is severely disruptive and returns after ejected, this opens them up to "fun" of the creative workplace death variety.

Rule 4. Lone antagonists can do whatever they want.

Short of metagaming/comms, bug/exploit abuse, erotic/creepy stuff, OOC in IC or IC in OOC, and spawn-camping arrivals. Team antagonists can do whatever they want as per lone antagonists, as long as it doesn’t harm their team. Non-antagonists can do whatever they want to antagonists as per lone antagonists, but non-antagonists are not allowed to pre-emptively search for, hinder or otherwise seek conflict with antagonists without reasonable prior cause. Non-antags acting like an antag can be treated as an antag.

Security Precedents & Policies

2. Rule 4 of the main rules also apply to security. Security are not exceptions to the rule where non-antagonists can do anything they want, as per rule 4, to antagonists.

3. The 'act like an antag, get treated like one' part of Rule 4 of the main rules also apply to security. Stunning an officer repeatedly, using lethal or restricted weapons on them, disrupting the arrests or sentences of dangerous criminals, or damaging the brig, are examples of behaviour that may make you valid for security under Rule 4. Make sure players deserve it when you treat them as an antag, when in doubt, err on the side of caution as poor behaviour on the part of security will not be tolerated.

6. While it is up to the discretion of the security player, lethal force may be used on a mob of players trying to force entry into the brig. Additionally, lethal force may be used immediately on anyone trying to enter the armory, is in the armory, or is leaving it

Warden was in his full right to deal with the tider who acted like an antag. Aside from that one could argue that Deana Whittler was going against some rules herself:

Rule 1 Precedent 4.

Unprovoked grief (occasionally known as greytiding), repeated cases of minor unprovoked grief, and unprovoked grief targeted towards specific players or groups (i.e. metagrudging) fall under rule 1. Admins may follow up on grief with allowing the affected parties to ignore normal escalation policy or measures such as warnings or bans.
01:42:09 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [window] with hulk powers (67, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:10 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [grille] with hulk powers (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:11 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [window] with hulk powers (68, 80, 2) Virology
01:42:12 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [grille] with hulk powers (68, 81, 2) Virology
01:42:13 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [archives] with hulk powers (69, 81, 2) Virology
01:42:14 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Orshen/(Katelynn Dryfus) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 73.8) (70, 81, 2) Virology
01:42:15 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 78.1) (70, 81, 2) Virology
01:42:20 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 66.1) (72, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:21 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 51.1) (72, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:22 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 39.6) (72, 83, 2) Virology
01:42:23 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 27.1) (72, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:24 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 3.4) (72, 81, 2) Virology
01:42:25 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -8.2) (72, 81, 2) Virology
01:42:26 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 55.2) (72, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:27 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 42.2) (72, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:28 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 30.4) (72, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:31 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 17.4) (71, 84, 2) Virology
01:42:32 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 5.9) (71, 84, 2) Virology
01:42:33 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched VerifyVenuzY/(Ryan Creamer) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -6.2) (71, 84, 2) Virology
01:42:35 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [pylon] with hulk powers (71, 82, 2) Virology
01:42:41 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [�Virology vent pump #3] with hulk powers (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:43 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -13.8) (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:44 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -26.5) (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:45 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -39.3) (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:46 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -51.3) (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:42:47 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Vyckzish/(Osmium XC) with hulk powers (NEWHP: -64.2) (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:43:19 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [airlock] with hulk powers (72, 80, 2) Virology
01:43:20 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [airlock] with hulk powers (72, 80, 2) Virology
01:43:21 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [airlock] with hulk powers (72, 80, 2) Virology
01:43:22 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wired airlock assembly] with hulk powers (72, 80, 2) Virology
01:43:24 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [daemon forge] with hulk powers (72, 76, 2) Virology
01:43:25 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [archives] with hulk powers (72, 76, 2) Virology
01:43:27 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [altar] with hulk powers (73, 76, 2) Virology
01:43:30 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [pylon] with hulk powers (71, 76, 2) Virology
01:43:32 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [altar] with hulk powers (72, 79, 2) Virology
01:43:50 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [�Virology vent pump #3] with hulk powers (68, 79, 2) Virology
01:45:51 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Virology Access] with hulk powers (85, 82, 2) Medbay Aft
01:46:09 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Medbay Maintenance] with hulk powers (78, 104, 2) Surgery
01:46:10 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Medbay Maintenance] with hulk powers (78, 104, 2) Surgery
01:46:11 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [plating] with hulk powers (78, 104, 2) Surgery
01:46:17 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [grille] with hulk powers (70, 101, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:18 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [The Gobetting Barmaid] with hulk powers (69, 100, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:22 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wall] with hulk powers (66, 104, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:23 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [plating] with hulk powers (66, 104, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:25 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wall] with hulk powers (66, 106, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:26 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wall] with hulk powers (66, 106, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:27 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wall] with hulk powers (66, 106, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:28 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [plating] with hulk powers (66, 106, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:31 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Storage Room] with hulk powers (67, 110, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:32 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Storage Room] with hulk powers (67, 110, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:34 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Storage Room] with hulk powers (67, 110, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:35 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wired maintenance airlock assembly] with hulk powers (67, 110, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:41 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Vacant Office Maintenance] with hulk powers (61, 118, 2) Port Maintenance
01:46:42 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Vacant Office Maintenance] with hulk powers (61, 118, 2) Port Maintenance
01:46:43 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Vacant Office Maintenance] with hulk powers (61, 118, 2) Port Maintenance
01:46:44 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wired maintenance airlock assembly] with hulk powers (61, 118, 2) Port Maintenance
01:46:55 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [mech bay power control console] with hulk powers (71, 112, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:57 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [counterfeit exosuit fabricator] with hulk powers (73, 109, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:58 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [closet] with hulk powers (75, 109, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:46:59 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [closet] with hulk powers (75, 109, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:47:02 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [mech bay power control console] with hulk powers (71, 112, 2) Port Quarter Maintenance
01:47:40 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Secure Storage Room] with hulk powers (75, 174, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:47:41 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Secure Storage Room] with hulk powers (75, 174, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:47:42 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Secure Storage Room] with hulk powers (75, 174, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:47:43 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wired maintenance airlock assembly] with hulk powers (75, 174, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:47:55 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched Gothel/(Garren Porter II) with hulk powers (NEWHP: 77.5) (83, 168, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:48:14 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [disposal pipe] with hulk powers (91, 172, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:48:16 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Brig Infirmary Maintenance] with hulk powers (91, 172, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:48:17 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Brig Infirmary Maintenance] with hulk powers (91, 172, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:48:18 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [Brig Infirmary Maintenance] with hulk powers (91, 172, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:48:19 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [wired maintenance airlock assembly] with hulk powers (91, 172, 2) Port Bow Maintenance
01:49:14 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [security officer's locker] with hulk powers (120, 175, 2) Security Office
01:49:15 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [security officer's locker] with hulk powers (120, 175, 2) Security Office

01:49:06 ATTACK The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) has implanted ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) with a mindshield implant (NEWHP: 74.3) (117, 180, 2) Head of Security's Office
01:49:14 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [security officer's locker] with hulk powers (120, 175, 2) Security Office
01:49:15 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) has punched [security officer's locker] with hulk powers (120, 175, 2) Security Office

Gets implanted, starts immediately breaking property inside the brig.

Rule 7.

If you regularly come close to breaking the rules without actually breaking them, it will be treated as the rules being broken. Repeated instances of the same rules being broken may be met with harsher consequences. Baiting people into situations where you can report them to admins will be dealt with harshly.

01:49:35 ATTACK The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) has handcuffed ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) (NEWHP: -0.9) (116, 174, 2) Security Office
01:49:59 ATTACK ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) Has succumbed to death while in soft critical with -1.6 points of health! (118, 170, 2) Security Office

Edit: Edited the peanut part out, remember that this is not the place to give your opinion regarding a ban or note.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:41 am
by Krusvik
A few things.

Deana never allowed Cargo to have Guns, the yells you heard was Deana fighting cult in Viro. Deana never once threated to laser you, and when asked to leave when she went into the brig she did. The only thing she said to you was:

SAY: ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) "is-a-lizard more like its-a-retard" (Central Primary Hallway (114, 144, 2))

You were being a jerk to people in the Brig. Your appeal paints in you an innocent light, but we were watching you. Deana never hulked the Brig once either, not until she attacked a Sec Locker twice for gear after you mindshielded her.

2019-10-11 01:48:28.059] SAY: ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) "gib" (Retards (106, 167, 2))
[2019-10-11 01:48:32.611] SAY: The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) "deana" (Retards (108, 165, 2))
[2019-10-11 01:48:33.154] SAY: ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) "mindhsield" (Retards (106, 167, 2))
[2019-10-11 01:48:35.144] SAY: The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) "get out now before I buckshot you" (Retards (108, 165, 2))

[2019-10-11 01:48:38.063] SAY: ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) "I WANT TO KILL CULT!!!" (Retards (106, 167, 2))
[2019-10-11 01:48:42.532] SAY: The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) "fine one minshield" (Retards (108, 165, 2))

After this, you mindshield her, and were fully aware she was not a cultist.

[2019-10-11 01:49:14.042] SAY: ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) "HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGH!" FORCED by hulk (Security Office (120, 175, 2))
[2019-10-11 01:49:15.139] SAY: ShibaInuLord/(Deana Whittler) "RAAAAAAAARGH!" FORCED by hulk (Security Office (120, 175, 2))

She attacks locker twice, gets shot with buckshot.

If you check the game logs, you will find Deana was Hulking in Maintenance near Viro, and at Viro's cult base. Her greytide was saying dumb stuff (never threatened to shoot anyone that I saw)renaming station areas to dumb stuff, kidnapping HoP. Running into escape airlock and then running back inside immediately afterward, releasing them in the chapel.

You also say this "mindshield incident" happened way before knowledge of the cult, but Deana went to the Brig for a mindshield because of the cult; people were yelling about cult in comms before that.

Finally, "this happened before cult was announced"

[2019-10-11 01:40:22.457] SAY: The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) "GET TO VIROLOGY" (Security Office (122, 174, 2))
2019-10-11 01:40:25.733] SAY: The unloved rock/(Is-A-Lizard) "WHERE A CULT IS ACTUALLY KILLIN PEOPLE" (Security Office (122, 174, 2))

8 minutes before Deana was even fighting the cult, before Deana even went to get a mindshield.

Lastly, the only reason I started watching (which I informed you) is that after a minor spat with the AI you cut all cameras in the brig, then started arguing with the AI to the point I got asked to watch you for shittery. You tiptoed all round, and as an admin I personally disagree with how you conduct yourself as a player in a security position. It was a difficult decision to press this issue into a note, but I stand by it as a marker for your consistent borderline behavior.

I'll allow the headmins to resolve this.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:50 am
by NoxVS
Krusvik wrote:After this, you mindshield her, and were fully aware she was not a cultist.
Mindshields DO NOT confirm that someone isn't a cultist. A mindshield prevents the user from being converted but doesn't deconvert. Holy water is required to deconvert cultists, with mindshields having 0 effect on them

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:24 pm
by confused rock
Why're you putting "mindshield incident" and "this happened before cult was announced" in quotes, when those exact quotes don't exist? that just makes things confusing. Yes, she started smashing lockers after we discovered a cult. she was causing issues. I'm not going to talk about the ai incident more than it started shocking doors and there's only one way to resolve that, because that's not the subject of this appeal. Either way, I don't need omnipotence to figure out that someone kidnapping the HOP is causing trouble. I don't think you have any better a grasp of the events that actually happened than I did.
And Nox, as I said earlier, I don't care whether she was a cultist or not. Her actions would've forced me to act even if this was extended. To me the main issue here is:

-person starts smashing security lockers when they should be gtfoing
-they are a hulk, meaning the only way to stop them is to crit them
-I crit them, and try to fix them as my intent is not murder
-they immediately commit suicide, and I am being treated as if that suicide was a murder on my part.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:08 am
by deedubya
To clarify, I wasn't suggesting that you were even attempting to valid the person. However, you would have been fully in the right if you had done so. If anything, you attempting to heal them was an unnecessary good faith action on your part that should be painting you in a more positive light. There are several precedents that show that the situation as described by both admin and player completely invalidates the ban reason given.
The 'act like an antag, get treated like one' part of Rule 4 of the main rules also apply to security. Stunning an officer repeatedly, using lethal or restricted weapons on them, disrupting the arrests or sentences of dangerous criminals, or damaging the brig, are examples of behaviour that may make you valid for security under Rule 4.

While it is up to the discretion of the security player, lethal force may be used on a mob of players trying to force entry into the brig. Additionally, lethal force may be used immediately on anyone trying to enter the armory, is in the armory, or is leaving it.
Further, according to the admin log provided, the "victim" was asked to leave the brig before they were fired upon, and warned that lethal force would be used if they didn't comply.
You may defend your workplace from trespassers who damage or steal property within that space with significantly greater force than elsewhere. If someone is severely disruptive and returns after ejected, this opens them up to "fun" of the creative workplace death variety.
Additionally, although this one's a bit shaky, possession of a captain's headset(and possibly spare ID) without being a captain themselves also makes you valid under the following precedent. However, this one is hard to prove given the situation, and being valided for having a headset that may have been given to you or out in the open would be a bit shitty. I wouldn't blame someone for assuming that a hulk disregarding security orders and breaking lockers may have done the same to the captain's office earlier in the round, however.
Players who attempt to break into the captain's office, head of personnel's office, or the bridge at or near roundstart for no legitimate reason put themselves at risk for being legitimately killed by the captain, heads of staff, or security.
Finally, one last point. I know I'm using Space Law in an appeal, but it is a point to be raised that possession of items from the captain's office falls under Grand Theft, which makes you eligible for perma, borging, or execution, at the officer's discretion. This should be mostly irrelevant though, as space law isn't actual policy, and there's plenty of actual policy as stated above to prove that the ban is invalid given the reasoning and circumstances.

Re: [Krusvik] The unloved Rock - Lethaling hulk Note Appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:21 pm
by Hulkamania
This appeal has multiple layers that need to be addressed. If any one of these things were not true, perhaps the note would have grounds for removal but lets look specifically at the note itself.
During confirmed cult round, lethaled a hulk into crit soon after mindshield implanting them and confirming they were non-cult. The reason being because they wanted to remove them from the HoS office and they were smashing a locker for security gear to fight the cult. The hulk was buckled to a chair where they succumbed before receiving medical care, subsequently the body was thrown out of the brig instead of making further effort to revive them.
As the snippets Krusvik has posted show, you were in fact aware that this was a cult round and you did mindshield this individual. While a mindshield itself does not mean someone is not a cultist, I seriously doubt you would've given them one to begin with if you thought they weren't loyal.

Secondly, this is not about you lethaling a hulk for breaking into a place, context is important. This is about you more or less deputizing a hulk then taking them down when they were trying to gather gear. Again, this is actually a reasonable response to a hulk breaking things without permission but if they had permission or not is somewhat open to interpretation. We move on to..

The note includes that you not only let them succumb before they received aid, but made no effort to revive them or help them in any way. This is an individual you have shown to have every reason to suspect is loyal to the crew (because you mindshielded them) and were aware of the situation regarding cultists in the area (because you announced that they were yourself, well before the incident occurred)

The note is not about lethaling a hulk down, the note is about you yourself claiming them to be loyal (which they were) then lethaling them down and not providing aid. This is also not a ban for said action, but a note for you to be considerate of these sorts of situations in the future.

I see no reason to overturn this ruling.