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[<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:57 pm
by adrianflyx
BYOND account: <adrianflyx>
Character name: <Dorian Banks>
Ban type: <Server/Role/OOC/etc>
Ban length: <Permanent, 5 days, etc>
Ban reason: <At round start, turned SM emitters on, didn\'t setup any of the rest of the engine then imediatly went AFK in a locker. Obvious troll is obvious.>
Time ban was placed: <Around 18:20 UTC time.>
Server you were playing on when banned: <Server name, eg, Bagil/Sybil/Terry/Event Hall>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <122333>
Your side of the story: <I spawned in as a Station Engineer, proceeded to gear myself up and then went to turn on the emitters so that the SM will generate power, i turned them on so that nobody would have to, after that i needed to have a chat with my girlfriend, which is the reason i hid in the locker and went AFK, i come back to a permanent ban, which is an obvious exaggeration..>
Why you think you should be unbanned: <I turned on the emitters, which should be turned on considering there was a full set of engineers when the round started so there was plenty of people to maintain the SM, i understand that i could have let somebody else do it if i knew that i was going AFK, but i didn't know that, my reason for going AFK was urgent and came out of nowhere, so i quickly hopped into a locker and locked myself in so no greytider would steal my ID or proceed to throw me into a disposal.>
References of good conduct: <i've only been playing on Fulpstation, TG and Beestation as of lately.>

Re: [<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:12 pm
by OhChildflayer
Just an FYI: If you don't respond when the admin tries to message you about something, they'll often give you a permaban just so you'll come to the forum and explain. It is not necessarily a reflection of how severe they think your fuck up was.

Re: [<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:45 pm
by capn_monkeypaw
It's also worth mentioning that turning on the emitters before setting up the SM cooling loop is just about the worst possible thing you can do as an engineer at roundstart.

It is in no way helpful and can be only interpreted as evidence of one of two things: blind incompetence or deliberate sabotage.

Re: [<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:40 pm
by peoplearestrange
Hi there, you know whats not a great way to start a ban appeal? A title like that!

Anyway moving forward, as others have said I did indeed perma you because I wanted to get you to explain the situation. Turning on the emitters with no cooling loop VERY quickly will cause the SM to delaminate, though you'd know this if you'd read the wiki. It was only actually rectified by another engineer who happened to notice it a few minutes later after the core was almost at 60%.
I gave you a good few minutes to reply and given you'd locked yourself in a locker and gone afk it appeared to me to be a griefing tactic.

Two things you need to understand, if you're going to go AFK don't start a process that can spiral out of control and ASSUME that someone else will fix it. Not only is it a dick move it also makes you look like a griefer.
If you understand what you've done wrong I'll be willing to reduce the ban. Given your previous record, incredibly disrespectful and aggressive attitude, I must warn you that you are treading on extremely thin ice... you keep this up and I won't be surprised if another admin straight up rule 0 perma's you. Take this as a warning.

Re: [<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:02 pm
by adrianflyx
I understand your frustration, and i understand my mistake here.

regarding the title, it's a joke obviously, i thought nobody would be offended since a similar title is even present as a title example "[petethegoat] blindinggriffin - bullshit ban"

i seek forgiveness and ask for a complete un-ban, i will love you big time if you decide so.

Re: [<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:11 pm
by peoplearestrange
This isn't a joke, this is an ban appeal.

Either way, I'll reduce your ban to a day given no one actually got hurt.

Re: [<Peoplearestrange>] <Dorian Banks> - Typical shit administrator ban

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:22 pm
by Hulkamania
Side note: we don't ask that you behave politely to administrators but at least avoiding outright insulting them when asking for a ban is probably a good idea.