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[NecromancerAnne] Deepwoods - 500 Word Essay

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:17 am
by Deepwoods
BYOND account: Deepwoods
Character name: William Moore
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 7 days
Ban reason: Reason: Another instance of IC OOC. Your repeat offenses have resulted in exhausting any remaining good faith shown towards you. Except for the one offer that I have made for you to show your regret by writing me a 500 word essay on what you did wrong, citing the rules in our rule page that you broken and promise not to do this again, at which point I\'ll immediately lift the ban. Take it or leave it.
Time ban was placed: 2019-11-05 02:35:46
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 122429
Your side of the story: There was an argument going on in DEAD chat. People were saying the AI should be banned for violating Rule 2. Frustrated at the growing attack on the person playing the AI, I stated that maybe the Clown Car (the focal point of the shift) should be removed from the game. Except I pressed O instead of T. This came off as me bitching, and people in turn responded in OOC by stating that maybe something I love (augmentation) should be removed from the game. I then tried to add context to avoid the perception that I was just angrily bitching out of nowhere because I had died to to the Clown Car (I didn't really care), but this was in OOC. And you don't put IC context in OOC. And I screwed up there.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a goof on my part, I try not to be a shit player most of the time, and this experience has cemented my understanding of the rule in question to where I hopefully won't make future mistakes along the same vein.
References of good conduct: I get so into doing tasks in Medical and Robotics that I often miss what's actually happening in the shift proper. I freely offer augmentation or experimental surgeries to any who ask for them. I use Space Law to check Security when they're going mad with power. I keep the pharmacy stocked with Inacusiate, Pentetic, and various healing chems of every stripe when I'm on the dispenser.

Now, for the condition of my parole;

Having been offered the opportunity to write a five hundred word essay on the concept that it is wrong to say things relating to in-character happenings within the out-of-character channel in order to circumvent or otherwise alleviate the conditions relating to a week long involuntary vacation from the server, I have decided to accept the terms of this offer and venture forth here-in. The rule is simple. Rule three, "Do not say in character (IC) things in the out of character (OOC) chat channel." It is a simple concept, and regardless of intent I broke said rule yet again via a disclosure that was unintentional in its breach and violation yet never-the-less occurred and violated said simple rule. I accidentally stated something in the out-of-character (OOC) chat instead of the DEAD chat via a slip of the finger based on muscle memory confusing DEAD for end-of-round, resulting in me pressing "O" instead of "T" prior to typing. I then further dug a hole in responding to those responding to my totally out-of-context statement that appeared to be wild and unfounded bitching via attempting to establish context. This was done in OOC as per to respond to the responded, and was an error on my part. Yet in the moment I didn't even consider it to be a breach of any in-character information that could be confidential. Yet there-in lies my great fault. It doesn't matter the slightest as to whether or not it was information that would be exclusive or universally known by all participants in the current shift. It was in-character information. And thus the response meant to establish context by which to save face doomed me with regard to violating Rule 3. And given my history, I cannot blame Anne for disbelieving my claim of ignorance. Yet in the moment, and I swear to this, I was ignorant by my own candid obliviousness. I am desperate to escape the reputation of complaining, and that was the only thought on my mind. To counter-act the initial misfired statement's reflection on me via adding context. Yet still and again, that was the mistake where-in I violated the rules of the server.
My experience with this game over the last few weeks has been mixed. It has been, in a true sense, teething. I have been desperate to gain competence so as to become an asset to those I'm playing with rather than a detriment, and in this I've had several speed-bumps. I've played too many shifts, often one shift too many where-in I've found myself in trouble. I've broken several rules and been banned several times for breaking them. Yet I have not ignored the lessons being imparted, and I do regret the times when I've deliberately acted against the spirit of the game. Each redirection by admin has been taken seriously, even if I was annoyed in the moment. I do not consider myself above the rules, nor do I consider the rules beneath me. I do not strive to circumvent or cheat the rules. And in this I relate a continuing promise to take criticism and redirection and use it towards better complying to the rules of the game so as to ensure that the nature of the game is not simply not compromised, but actively preserved. Because I understand that relating information, no matter how trivial or how universal you may consider it, does compromise the nature of the game. Even if everyone has a reason to know. Even if you assume that everyone was there as it happened. Even if you can confirm that. In-character actions are not to be universally disclosed on the global channel. Help with mechanics or gameplay features is fine, but in-character information needs to be kept in-character until the end of the shift.

Due to the nature of things, I also violated Rule 7. "If you regularly come close to breaking the rules without actually breaking them, it will be treated as the rules being broken." There's not much to be added with regard to that. It speaks for itself fairly directly. I also want to apologize to Anne for breaking Rule 1 in our discussion. I took things personally. I'm glad I didn't type anything directly vitriolic, but I still am sorry for that.

Re: [NecromancerAnne] Deepwoods - 500 Word Essay

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:35 am
by NecromancerAnne
Cool, thanks for posting this, you're unbanned. Please don't do this again.