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FloranOtten-GeeseMother-waaaah my Christmas is ruined );

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:56 pm
by GeeseMother
BYOND account: GeeseMother
Character name: Curtas Brown
Ban type: Server
Ban length:31 days
Ban reason: sold people bomb implants, put one in a moth who was just attacking people for no reason and saying I have herpes and blew up some random clown and kill HoP with a meth bomb while the HoP was trying to kill them
Time ban was placed: 2019-12-16 20:37:53 EventHell
Round ID in which ban was placed: 125949
Why you think you should be unbanned: The HoP thing was not pre-planned. I made a bomb that I planned to use on the shuttle when it was the end of the round. The HoP was trying to kill me because I was telling him to stop killing golems an hit him on accident with a fire extinguisher. He was about to kill me with lethal shots from a E-gun but I threw my meth bomb at him cause I was going to take this fucker with me. You see it was a last resort. Now the next round i was bored and thought it would be fun seeing as there was so many clowns aboard to sell them bomb implants and see what happens. I did this and also helped the clowns get into armoury as it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. While at the armoury a moth came in, I thought nothing of them then they just activated a bunch of flash bangs over and over again which was quite annoying for me and the clowns. After all that I saw them hitting a clown so I took them and put a bomb in then and said "do not harm clowns" they said I have herpes and hit me then I locked them in the surgery room I told them to calm down and then the started breaking widows I had had enough and activated the grenade, little did I know that is was the wrong bomb and it made a bigger explosion than I thought it would. The clown I some how blew up, I still don't understand how I done that. Either we had the same frequency or maybe if a signaller you set up activates something is says you done it but I really don't know. all these event where not planned and I didn't mean for them to happen but I can see what I have done wrong and agree it was bad but please have a little Christmas spirit and give me a chance.
References of good conduct: I don't play on other servers.

Re: FloranOtten-GeeseMother-waaaah my Christmas is ruined );

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:49 pm
by FloranOtten

Re: FloranOtten-GeeseMother-waaaah my Christmas is ruined );

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:50 pm
by Thunder11
For future reference, the complete ban reason is
As a nonantagonist, destroyed a significant part of the escape hallway to kill the Head of Personell they were fighting with. In the next round, gave out meth implant grenades and signalled two, killing one person for "being an asshole", and claimed the other 'must have been on the same frequency', despite the two explosions happening at vastly different times. You have a note history a mile long, including another ban for the exact same reason. Please return when you're able to play the game fairly.

Re: FloranOtten-GeeseMother-waaaah my Christmas is ruined );

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 10:58 pm
by GeeseMother
my brain is a puddle