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[Imsxz] crimsonviper013 - Very valid and deserved ban for calling warden a weeb

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:18 am
by crimsonviper013
BYOND account: crimsonviper013
Character name: Daniel Keem
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Need to rewrite this shit because byond is gay and you cant copy text in it: Minutes after previous note was applied, he told the same warden to kill themselves and that they would be banned. I dont believe you are fit to play on /tg/, appeal when youve cooled down and believe you can play the game without being such a toxic individual to other players. I dont mean this as an insult (Note: he definetly means it as an insult), but perhaps seek irl help if you find something is causing alot of stress and frustration in your life. (Note: Perhaps a femoid warden with neon colored weeb hair who arrests me after I defend myself after it disables me for calling it a weeb?) Getting another server to vouch for you for your good behaviour would go a very long way in making a good appeal in the future.
Time ban was placed: <Try to get this from the server when you get the ban reason. If it was a note, the note has a timestamp. If it was a server ban, it will also have a timestamp. Both of these times are in UTC.>
Server you were playing on when banned: Every single fucking one of them
Round ID in which ban was placed: 123017
Your side of the story: I was playing as a Chief Engineer that round. An annoying greytide kept fucking with me so I decided to ask HOP for an AA card so I could get myself a disabler to defend myself from the greytider. I walked into the armory, took my disabler and as I was walking out, I saw a mildly homosexual looking femoid warden with neon red weaboo hair. I remarked "weeb" as I was walking away. The warden got extremely butthurt about this and leg sweeped me, took my telescopic button, struck me with it and didnt return it. "tHatS for wEeB", it said. I then attempted to stun it and punch it back, only for this waste of carbon to leg sweep me again an attempt to arrest me. I escaped into HoS office with my AA card, took the big fuck off laser gun and shot the warden trough the glass in self-defense. A ligger shitsec waked by and without any context of what had happened was instantly simping for the femoid warden and arrested me. Sadly, he did not get any e-girl feet pics after doing this. I was on the comms with the AI for this entire occurance. I told the warden to fucking kill itsself in extreme frustration with this retarded situation I was in. I also PMed the jannies about this. The AI set me free from the cell after I put a piece of paper on the camera saying "help me get out of here". The AI complied as I had AA and was a higher authority than the shitsec who had arrested me. After that, the jannie banned me for "bEiNG mUH tOXiC" as his soy was leaking. Then, I fucked off for a few months and played on different servers until I ran out of servers I wasnt banned in for being a gamer and having extremely funny remarks containing gamer words that the jannies were triggered by.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I believe any person with a triple digit IQ can see why this ban is completely bullshit. Sadly, not many players on /transgender/Station 13 have such a high IQ.

Re: [Imsxz] crimsonviper013 - Very valid and deserved ban for calling warden a weeb

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 1:35 pm
by Timonk
happened in round 123017 (scrubby) and he was actually named Chris Walker. Daniel Keem is the full name of Keemstar (which he also used). im also 90% sure there was no Ligger officer on the Security Team(unless Lua IX is one).

ho boy here i go log diving again

as far as i can see, any combat against greytiders was instigated by you or you being slipped and the one you wanted to "vibe check" was Talia Robinson, whom you havent interacted with combat wise either.

you didnt only say "weeb". you said:
03:22:39 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Also kys weeb hairstyle" (107, 169, 2) Brig Control
03:22:43 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "And dont power trip" (107, 169, 2) Brig Control
03:22:48 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Like you always do" (107, 169, 2) Brig Control

after which they finally flashed you.

after a bunch of combat, you get presumably dragged towards a Jail Cell, all while saying
03:23:31 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Bisma Baroque power-tripping" (99, 168, 2) Brig
03:23:37 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "AI, set her to arrest" (98, 168, 2) Brig
03:23:48 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Little whore" (98, 173, 2) Brig
03:24:02 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "nah you cant" (97, 162, 2) Brig
03:24:04 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "power tripping" (97, 162, 2) Brig
03:24:10 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "She arrested me" (97, 162, 2) Brig
03:24:15 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "For calling her a weeb" (97, 162, 2) Brig
03:24:21 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "AI, vibe check her" (97, 162, 2) Brig
03:24:25 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "And demote her" (97, 162, 2) Brig
03:24:40 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Should watch out" (98, 163, 2) Brig
03:24:44 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "For security bots" (98, 163, 2) Brig
03:24:50 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "You little whore" (98, 163, 2) Brig
03:24:57 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Go back to tumblr" (98, 163, 2) Brig
03:25:00 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Get off this game" (98, 163, 2) Brig
03:25:01 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Slut" (98, 163, 2) Brig
this is getting too much work for such a clear case for me, so ill just TL;DR the logs

basically he calls the warden more obscenities, tries to hire AI(03:27:49 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "Harm Bisma Baroque in any way you can") to kill warden, shoots at the warden, tries to command the officer around and gets permabrigged. At this point he reached the reach of his vocabulary and proceeds to call the warden a weeb while he gets permad until he is banned.

looking at the ban appeal, i'd say that I believe any person with a triple digit IQ can see why this ban is completely justified. Luckily, we can keep this mongoloid off our Servers.

at last, i want to show off one of my favourite quotes
03:30:41 SAY CrimsonViper013/(Chris Walker) "You know you are getting banned for this right?" (86, 184, 2) Prison Wing

(im also pretty sure from being a regular terry player that this behaviour from him isnt an exeption)

Edit: i didnt review what the warden said but im pretty sure they didnt drop nearly as much gems as him

Re: [Imsxz] crimsonviper013 - Very valid and deserved ban for calling warden a weeb

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:32 pm
by imsxz

warden did great, i remember because i directly thanked them for being such a champ about it. this appeal is denied, go back to 4chan autist etc etc

Re: [Imsxz] crimsonviper013 - Very valid and deserved ban for calling warden a weeb

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:54 pm
by Hulkamania
Nothing in this appeal, the logs, or the note applied to the ban gives me any faith that you would improve our server by being in it. I stand with imsxz's decision.