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[Exavere] Wig Beenus - banned for leaving during Ahelp

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:22 pm
by mrbigcog
BYOND account: MrBigCog
Character name: Wig Beenus
Ban type: Perma ban
Ban length: Perma
Ban reason: Awakened a killer tomato at emergency shuttle (106,57,2) - Created killer tomatos on the plasma shuttle causing a bunch of chaos, a plasma tile got hit with a laser and ignited the entire shuttle killing everyone. DC'd when Ahelped the next round about it
Time ban was placed: 14:47:55
Server you were playing on when banned: Event Hall
Round ID in which ban was placed: ID#130285
Your side of the story: We dropped tomatos without really thinking about it, we through they would just get bopped and that would be the end of it. i thought they would just be a minor onnayance and i didnt even understand why the ship blew up. i feel bad about as i imagine it ruined everyones round but i honestly thought it would just be a bit of a laugh. I didnt know about Ahelp and i DC'd straight after the round to go do real life stuff.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I dont think i should be insta unbanned but atleast opening a dialogue between us would be great.
References of good conduct: Ive been mostly well behaved im pretty new to SS13 but im sat on the wiki daily trying my absolute best to learn botany and engineering, you will see in most of my engineering chat logs im jut trying to help people. also i do my best in botany but dean is a bad man and bullys me :D

Re: [Exavere] Wig Beenus - banned for leaving during Ahelp

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:14 pm
by Exavere
Sup newbro, glad to see you making an appeal on the matter.

I had to move this to the forums since you DC'd after I PM'd you about the matter, It most likely would've only been a note/day ban given you're decently new to the game. Considering it's been a day I am going to be un-banning you as of this moment. Next time you receive a Admin PM (Recognizable by hearing a BWOINK) make sure you respond, because if you DC we gotta bring it to the forums.

For future reference to the Killer Tomatoes incident, I recommend not using any kind of grenade, mass chaos weapon, or attacking anyone with no reason in general on the shuttle until the round ends, unless of course you're an antag. After you get that popup it's free game.

Also to note, make sure you change your in character name to fit our naming policy. If you do not, and you're continuously warned to do so, it'll lead to an appearance ban. You won't be able to choose your own name.

With all of that in mind, I consider this appeal accepted and resolved unless a Headmin overrules me directly. See you in game.