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[FatalX1 ] <cruz howe> - dayban for lethals on captain

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:18 pm
by Slingring
BYOND account: bigdestyn

Character name: cruz howe

Ban type: dayban

Ban length: 1 day

Ban reason: Overescalation and borderline grief, was trespassing on the bridge as MD, captain tries to disable him, responds by emptying an energy gun on lethal setting at the Captain, unacceptable, stop the grief before you get permabanned

Server you were playing on when banned: event hall

Round ID in which ban was placed: 133395.

Your side of the story: used hand tele to enter bridge. went on comms console and made one announcement. (cap still had his id in console) captain walks out and starts firing disabler shots. i grab my lethals and target his arm so he cant shoot anymore. Captain goes full lethal and empties full rnd on me towards chest when he runs out of ammo he grabs sabre and stabs me to death amputating my head.

Why you think you should be unbanned: was trying to aggressively disable the captain for trying to stun me. Captain went full lethals and murdered me throwing me in crit and amputating my head along with a security officer that had a esword. anyways i dont think i deserve a ban for the cap going full lethals when i attempt to disable his arm via mangling it. i shouldve just accepted the crime and not fought back. energy gun was from dead security in abandoned surgery in medbay same with hand tele. im sorry for my actions

References of good conduct: none

Re: [FatalX1 ] <cruz howe> - dayban for lethals on captain

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:19 pm
by Fatal

Re: [FatalX1 ] <cruz howe> - dayban for lethals on captain

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:52 pm
by XivilaiAnaxes
Why would you use lethal mode when disable acts faster?

Re: [FatalX1 ] <cruz howe> - dayban for lethals on captain

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:53 pm
by Fatal
Alright round is over

There's not really a lot to say here, you were on the bridge, messing with the comms console which was still logged in

The Captain sees you and tries to disable you, using his energy gun
You pull out your energy gun, and switch it to lethal force, and empty it at the Captain, and hit him roughly 5 times

The Captain, quite rightly so, during the fight, pulls out his antique laser gun, which is lethal only, after emptying his own energy gun at you, chases you down, and kills you

You had adequate means to defend yourself non-lethally to a non-lethal attack and used a lethal force instead, from the rules:

Exceptions: Security is expected not to retaliate with random abuse or violence unless the person in question is otherwise eligible for execution. You can't kill or maim security for trying to arrest you for legitimate reasons.

As far as I'm concerned, the Captain using disabler shots on an intruder in the bridge falls under that

This is denied