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[Dr. Aura] Doctor Brutality - Rule 1 Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:12 pm
by pugie
BYOND account: Doctor Brutality
Character name: Edgar Pope
Ban type: Note
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Warned for murder - As non-antag HoS, executed a scientest who the AI let into upload roundstart. Admittedly their concerns were in the right place, but still spoke to them about round removal and rule 1, which they said they'd avoid stepping on in the future.
Time ban was placed: 2020-07-02 19:21:54
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 140980
Your side of the story: I had just left brig shortly after round start, AI had copypasted the entire wikipedia CBT article into common. Immediately I see a scientist being let into upload by AI, whom I swiftly arrest. I search him in reeducation and he has a freeform board so I executed him. After this Dr Aura PM'd me asking what had happened, at which point I gave my reasons (trespassing into AI upload, uploading a spam law, freeform board in backpack, all this coming right off a shift as well where AI was being spammed with law changes the entire round). They ask me if I was aware it was a greenshift, I say no because it's Dynamic which is always announced as blue. Succeeding this I was told to be more mindful of round removal & I was told I should 10 minute brig people instead & that round removal is for big things.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Honestly I wasn't too bothered about this note, it's not entirely inaccurate but I have been told that I should probably appeal it. After sleeping on the topic I've decided that I'd ideally have this note removed, or at the last altered to mention the fact he had a freeform board in his backpack. Freeform modules are extremely dangerous as evident by the fact antagonists usually use them over hacked boards to onehuman the AI, he wasn't meant to be in upload in the first place and he could have uploaded several secret & dangerous laws that could not be stated. Dr Aura says that round removal should be used for "big things", but to me I feel that trespassing into the AI upload and uploading custom laws without any prior permission from a Head of Staff is the epitome of "big things". It's the station AI, you don't fuck with it and expect to not get dunked, especially not with a freeform module. A good rogue AI can easily trash a station beyond any form of repair. I believe "act like an antag get treated like one" applies here, I wasn't being overzealous in my judgement, he was in an area roundstart which I feel makes you more valid practically than rushing Cap's Office or HoP's, this isn't mentioned on the rules page however so maybe doesn't apply, but it is the AI upload for Christ's sake.
References of good conduct: I'm an admin and I'd never ban for this I've gone around 7 months without a negative note, and that was from a ban which the admin actually removed without me having to appeal, my security behaviour has almost always been in the boundary of the rules.

Re: [Dr. Aura] Doctor Brutality - Rule 1 Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:17 pm
by NecromancerAnne
Since we treat those who upload laws as being responsible for the behaviour of AI, this means the uploader is responsible for any copypasta as a result of that upload.

As per Rule 1 Precedent 2
Spamming any channel is not allowed, this goes for radio spam, AI vox announcement spam, paper at camera spam and other forms of spam. Non-antagonists doing so may not defend themselves and may suffer from IC or OOC consequences. Antagonists can to a certain extent, moreso with reading things like WGW over the radio, but may be told by admins to stop if it becomes excessive. Spamming can result from in-game admin intervention ending in you dying, to admin warnings, to bans for excessive or repeated spamming.
Essentially this alone is enough justification for this note to be worthless and inaccurate and should be removed. The person was valid for round removal. In fact, you should have spoken with the scientist instead of Edgar.
TALLZOMBIE12345/Peyton Brooks used 'Freeform' AI Module on tarlockgod/(CONTROL) from AI Upload Chamber (100,151,2). The law specified Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at
Since if Edgar had probable suspicion that the scientist uploaded the law (you can check the board actually if it wasn't set to something new), then the fact it was a freeform and not purge is a good suspicion that the person going in was not really doing so in good faith.

More importantly, the one in the wrong here was TALLZOMBIE, but you instead you focus on his killer for some reason. Do you have brainworms or are you actually protecting someone who literally was in the wrong, by definition of the rules, and punishing someone who did the right thing?

More importantly, how can he know it is a green shift in a permanent dynamic server? There is always going to be potentially antags added at some point or with high likelihood, so assuming it is a greenshift when the round tells you otherwise is extremely presumptuous of Edgar's ability yo predict a random number generator when given false positives by the game itself.

Re: [Dr. Aura] Doctor Brutality - Rule 1 Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:25 pm
by saprasam
NecromancerAnne wrote: More importantly, how can he know it is a green shift in a permanent dynamic server? There is always going to be potentially antags added at some point or with high likelihood, so assuming it is a greenshift when the round tells you otherwise is extremely presumptuous of Edgar's ability yo predict a random number generator when given false positives by the game itself.
does this count as peanut posting?
you can find out what the threat level is on dynamic by reading the announcement when it goes to level blue, with Peaceful Waypoint being the lowest possible (0 to 19 threat, mostly too low to spawn 1 antag) but not many people are able to know this

Re: [Dr. Aura] Doctor Brutality - Rule 1 Note Appeal

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:26 pm
by TarlockGod
I was the AI that round, and i didnt "spam" the CBT thing. IIRC I announced it once becasue "haha funny meme" and just ignored law 4 after that. After the announcement, I ignored a law 2 request to post the entire Wikipedia CBT article.

Technically i didnt have to post the CBT copypasta, so i would say the "spam" is more on me than the scientist.

On a sidenote, i can understand Edgars worry about lawfuckery, since I(as AI) got 31 law changes the shift before.

Re: [Dr. Aura] Doctor Brutality - Rule 1 Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:19 am
by Dr. Aura
Upon reflection, and given the analysis, I've found the note redundant and needless. I will be removing it at nearest convenience, and all can consider this appeal approved.