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[<Spookuni>] Cheshify - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:51 pm
by Cheshify
BYOND account: Cheshify
Character name: Cera Beruse
Ban type: N/A
Ban length: N/A
Note reason: Warned - Arrested the clown over prints on a roundstart box of throwing gear on metastation, dragged them to reducation for torture and a random implant check. Rule six is quite clear about responding proportionally to the crimes of possible antagonists, and "took some things from a box of throwables" is not proportional to torture, random invasive surgery, and the implicit threat of death. You're not in security to collect all the valids on Manuel, please do not repeat this course of action.
Time note was placed: 2020-10-17 07:57:33
Server you were playing on when note was placed: Manuel
Round ID in which note was placed: 148474
Your side of the story: To put things very shortly, I was playing a detective, in character and out of character, I had full reason to believe a clown had purchased a box of throwable weapons with an uplink, or they had recieved the box from someone else. The clown had lied to me multiple times, leading to me thinking they could be a threat. I took them in for interrogation in the reeducation room, and shocked them a few times, breaking rule 6 in the process. I was preparing for what I believed to be a very warranted implant search before I tracking implanted them, when I was bwoinked. The admin in question, Spookuni, believed I was doing everything here maliciously, and that I was planning on murdering the clown, or debraining them or something else serious, which was not my intention. After a heated argument in a-help, I was left with a note on my account that I do not believe is indicative of the situation at hand. The note mistakenly implies that I was aware that throwing weapons were a roundstart spawn, which is not documented anywhere, and I had no knowledge of at all. Additionally, another mistake in the note is that what was being performed was a "random" implant search. As stated earlier, IC and OOC, I had full reason to believe this clown was an antagonist, and after they had lied IC more than once, it is more than reasonable to have them checked for implants to either assure or deny my suspicions. Finally, the implication that there was a threat of death was never my intent, as the clown was only brought to the reeducation center as a safe place with surgical equipment, seeing as security was painfully understaffed that shift.
Why you think the note should be removed
I believe this note should be either removed, or preferably, better edited to reflect the actual problem at hand "This player took an encounter with a suspected antagonist too far, and broke rule 6 in the process of doing so, and has been educated on the proper protocols while playing security." for example?

Re: [<Spookuni>] Cheshify - Note Appeal

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:58 am
by spookuni
Heya, thanks for making an appeal.
I've talked with the other Manuel-mins on adminbus and they agree with you that the note is overly harsh for an overreaction to an item spawn that is in the game as an intentional red herring, as such I've edited your note to "Warned - Arrested a suspected antagonist and over escalated their response out of proportion to their supposed crimes, please keep MRP rule six in mind when working with antagonists and possible antagonists on Manuel."
Have fun next time you decide to play!