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Note Appeal : Delaron

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:44 pm
by delaron
Notes for delaron:

23-Aug-2014 | Banned for 1440 minutes - As a scientist, blew up a borg for "being pushy". What the borg was trying to do all along is get a cell upgrade, however. ~creationpro
23-Aug-2014 | Banned from Scientist - As a scientist, blew up a borg for "being pushy". What the borg was trying to do all along is get a cell upgrade, however. ~creationpro
23-Aug-2014 | Banned from Research Director - As a scientist, blew up a borg for "being pushy". What the borg was trying to do all along is get a cell upgrade, however. ~creationpro
23-Aug-2014 | Banned from Roboticist - As a scientist, blew up a borg for "being pushy". What the borg was trying to do all along is get a cell upgrade, however. ~creationpro

I specifically stated the borg in question was moving tools all over and beeping over and over ignoring my order to stop both activities. After refusing to stop it was concluded the borg was either rogue or busted and with help from the RD we blew the borg. THis may have been a bit meta int he fact we all knew the borg player was doing this to purposefully annoy us. So I understand the blowing a borg is not the first solution, lock down is preferred. Furthermore I do try to make sure I dont take players of of the round.

29-Aug-2014 | Banned from Chemist - Sets off mutagen smoke in the bar claiming to be an accident, also use the server's wiki instead of some unrelated website for chemistry recipes that don't exist. ~saegrimr

-Funny enough i was still new to the server and was using goon chem wiki to try and figure out chem. I went to place the beaker in my hand into my bag and instead put it into my other beaker. It was an honest mistake and I tried to thoroughly explain the entire situation.

25-Nov-2014 | Banned from AI, Cyborg - Stated the onehuman law, obeyed the orders of nonhumans which lead to trouble for the onehuman, stated the location of the onehuman. ~leibniz

- This was overturned as I explained the issue was a massive amount of law changes and resets. I missed the updated law and quickly tried to cover for the one human. The ban was lifted after appealed.

01-Dec-2014 | Accidentally stated a law that clearly stated to not be. Might of been an interface issue. ~blessedheretic

-Was an interface issue as i clicked to make it say no and the system was hanging and double clicked and then clicked yes. This was in no way shape of form a malice action and I even quickly told the ahelp team about it.

07-Jan-2015 | Warned for attacking somebody with a syringe gun for being associate with a "lynch mob" that had attacked somebody previously \ ~cedarbridge

-This was full self defense after getting my shit kicked in by the anti lizard racists. I literally healed a lizard and got my shit pushed in by 4 dudes. I went to the library to tell them it wasnt cool and to stop and they chased me around. Towards the end of the round they came at me again and I shot one with syringe gun to get them to back off.

23-Jan-2015 | Spaced the janitors cart FNR. Janitor was given permission to beat them up. Future instances of this should result in a ban. ~quartzcrystal
- This was because the janitor was purposefully slipping up medbay. Cleaning floors with no dirt/blood over and over. I literally was not told about this warning either.

03-Feb-2015 | Syringe gunned someone for killing Pun Pun, giving them a lethal dose of chloral hydrate, then pumping someone full of sleep toxin. Medical doctor pseudo-security. Not fun for anyone. ~bluespace

-Okay this is the one I really wanted to address. What isnt mentioned here is the fact the player killed pun pun and was running around naked while dragging the corpse making a bloody mess. When confronted to stop all requests were ignored. Later he was fucking around in medical and at this point we come to terms sec wasnt doing anything so we would deliver him to sec. I shot him and straight jacketed him then brought him to security. Once I realized it was a lethal dose I brought him back to medical and kept him alive withe the help of another medic. After fully healed up the other medic then brought him back to security. I know feel as if I was baited into all this as I would like to point out some posts from the player I choral hydrated.

Falamazeer wrote:
So please overturn, so I can wash ian and run about like a mini antag douchewaggon. ... 813#p64813 ... 813#p64795

This couple with how much over the top ahelp complaining makes me feel like he was looking to cause an issue and get someone reported.

Re: Note Appeal : Delaron

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:57 am
by Falamazeer
I had decided not to make an FNR about this, As it wasn't worth the hassle,
Everything in your description is a blatant lie, And I will summarize it with logs to punctuate my point. You filthy fucking liar.

It was round start and I was: Ziggy Two-Shoes has punched Pun Pun!
While you were: [Common] Daisy Holmes says, "I'm a botanist, I won't be executing anyone. Can you let me through to Chem, AI, no chemist and I need mutagen"

Yeah, I was neked, Fucking around running a dead bloody pun pun around for the mess, and the joy of it all, It's a shitty behavior, But it's not like I do it every fucking round ever, And I'd just got off a very disapointing captains round, and wanted to have a little retarded fun. Not against the rules.

You chased me, for you valids, and eventually you or someone took my dead monkey and I ran off, A minute later I see this:
Nars-Ev is trying to perform CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Richard Freeman is trying to perform CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Richard Freeman is trying to perform CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Richard Freeman performs CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Richard Freeman is trying to perform CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Nars-Ev performs CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Richard Freeman performs CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Richard Freeman is trying to perform CPR on Rowan Bowchiew!
Mojo has HONKED Rowan Bowchiew in the head with the bike horn!

And drag the poor sap to the cryo tank, while I'm trying to cryo my nearly dead charge, you shoot me, twice.
I was not fucking around in medbay, I was saving lives.

Torpedo Stevens fires the syringe gun!
Ziggy Two-Shoes is hit by a syringe in the chest!
[Common] Hugs-and-Kisses hisses, "Try me."
Ziggy Two-Shoes has grabbed Rowan Bowchiew passively!
[Common] Daisy Holmes says, "Both times, the area looked empty, and then they ran in from a corridor afterward"
Torpedo Stevens puts the syringe gun into the backpack.
Torpedo Stevens fires the syringe gun!
Ziggy Two-Shoes is hit by a syringe in the chest!
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Dude"

I was trying to tell you I was trying to save someone, but then:
... You can almost hear someone talking ...

So you started dragging me to sec, while I stood up every three seconds and tried to run back to medbay, screaming MEDICINE! everytime I stood up, I have no logs of that, as I couldn't hear myself, but the speach-bubble appeared, so I know you heard me.
After that, I died

Then, a friendly medical doctor took me from you and ran me to cryo, where he tried to save my life, and zappedme. and then I WATCHED you take the beaker from cryo, and leave me froze crit for well over twelve minutes.

After I ahelped and you were MADE to fix this, you again tried to have me brigged, and if not for a fire exit door, you would have succeeded.

You are a godamn liar, and you deserve a joban until you realize you are NOT the fucking hero this station deserves, You inturupted an assistant who was performing vital medical necessities, to get your valids on. It says it as soon as you log on, that you cannot kill pet killers, So you are also iliterate, and while I may disagree, and I expect to get dunked for it, I do not in fact, expect to get chloraled to death by an inept absent chemist, then frozen in stasis so you can feel like a big hero.

I'd also like to point out you lying to admins, because large beakers are bugged, the cryo tank uses small, and you had no reason to be clicking around in there except to freeze me.

tl;dr You are a validhunting shitwagon, You murdered me against the rules, Lied in adminpms, then did everything in your power to prevent my return, and when forced to allow me back, you tried to haul me to sec in a godamn straightjacket, even though I was well into twenty minutes of "time served" by that point, And then lied trying to get your only reprimand overturned, a note, which mimics one just above it, proving how much of a shitler you were and remain to be.

Re: Note Appeal : Delaron

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:36 am
by Falamazeer
Oh, and as far as ban baiting goes, You were a chemist, And if you were doing your godamn job, instead of chasing me, This would have been an all IC issue, Security was after me, Because that's their fucking job, And a little vigilantism is to be expected, but two syringes against a non moving target who is pushing a gasping man into crit, is deliberate overdosing, Followed by throwing me into a sleeper and dosing me EVEN MORE, That's murder, And I can even understand that, it's against the rules, but I wouldn't have Ahelped it. but then you disabled cryo, and left me to ROT.
And that's bullshit, followed by even more bullshit of lying in Ahelps, lying here, and trying to make me look like the shit in this situation.

The gall of trying to get a note overturned, when you got lucky not to get a well deserved ban, and were told as much is disgusting.
Ban him, Ban him straight to hell.

Re: Note Appeal : Delaron

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:18 am
by Timbrewolf
All of these notes are for things you did, though. These are all accurate records of your activity.

"Well I can explain this" or "I apologized for that" and whatnot don't remove the notes.

If you constantly are killing people even with perfectly great reasons we still want to keep a record of it.

Like even this:
25-Nov-2014 | Banned from AI, Cyborg - Stated the onehuman law, obeyed the orders of nonhumans which lead to trouble for the onehuman, stated the location of the onehuman. ~leibniz
Though the ban was later overturned because you explained how it happened, apologized for it, and made still did it. The event still happened and we want to keep a record of it. So god forbid in the future when it happens again we know it wasn't the first time. I don't think you understand the proper function of notes. You serve your time or make up for doing something, we still want to keep a record that the thing happened.

None of these notes appear to be mistakes. These all refer to you and things you did. I wouldn't recommend anyone remove any of them.

Regarding you killing the guy for killing Pun Pun? It appears Bluespace handled it. I would agree he handled it the right way.

Falamazeer: you're acting like a moron so you got treated like one. If I was the janitor I'd be praying to the gods to give you all kinds of brain damage or just hunting you down and killing you myself. If you want to do shit like that pray and ask for a bucket of paint or something. While you did get killed you also got brought back into the round eventually. Maybe you shouldn't be so enthusiastic about killing people's pets?

Delaron: you earned that warning for responding with lethal force in a situation that didn't dictate it and then continuing to antagonize the player after the fact. That you claim you "din do nuffin" has me second guessing that maybe Bluespace should've given you some length of ban.