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[ArcaneDefence] Error in admin tools?

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:01 am
by Eskjjlj
BYOND account: Eskjjlj
Character name: Charlotte Melinda
Ban type: Antag Ban
Ban length: 1 month
Ban reason: Connected to three different servers simultaneously with antagonist preferences enabled, hiding in maint/an escape pod. Player was completely unresponsive after attempting to talk to them.
Time ban was placed: 2020-12-27 22:47:31
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil/Sybil/Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 153033 (bagil), 153035 (Terry), 153034 (Sybil)

Your side of the story: I saw this list of assistant playtime that JaredFogle posted in Discord and noticed I made it to the fourth place. I also noticed the first player only had 500 hours more than me so I gave myself the objective of getting first place in assistant playtime.
I had a theory that being online on 3 servers at the same time would increase my playtime 3 times as fast so I joined on bagil/sybil/terry as assistant and hid in maint and on shuttles where I wouldn't get hit by radiation storms.
I stepped away from the computer for IRL reasons and when I came back I noticed ArcaneDefence banned me from all antag roles for a month. I told him that I had my antags disabled and was only farming for playtime and sent him screenshots of my preferences that show I had my antags disabled. However he told me my 'be_special' variable indicated I had all my antags enabled and banned me for it.

Ahelp log here :

Why you think you should be unbanned: As far as I know antag rolling is forbidden because playing the game only when antag is a dickish mentality which breaks rule 1 which is the reason why this rule was added "Regularly starting a round just to see if you are an antagonist (antag rolling) then exiting it (via any means) is not allowed. This also covers any attempts to maximize antagonist probability. "

And I have been here long enough to know that admins look for antag rollers and are very harsh with them so I wouldn't dare try to game the system to maximize my chances of getting antag. I was simply trying to get more playtime to rank first place as assistant. You can also take a look at my scrubby page and see that I played mainly on Terry before setting to myself the goal of becoming the first assistant and played normally without trying to maximize my chances of antag.

Moreover I did disable my antags before doing it to prevent any accidental antag rolling accusations. Here are screenshots of my game preferences as proof :
On bagil they appear as banned though.
I asked another admin on Terry to double-check after I was banned and they said
"In VV they are displayed as enabled, they are disabled according to your traitor preferences, but this may be due to the ban "
"If this needs to be brought up in the appeal, post-ban your preferences still display that you are signed up for 24 different antags and have midround antags enabled, I can confirm this is what is displayed in VV. "
So it seems the issue is that for some reason 'be_special' was not updated properly even though I disabled my antag preferences and even after my ban. Perhaps ArcaneDefence did not look at my traitor panel to see it was disabled but only at my VV? My guess is that there was an issue with the synchronization to the database which led to 'be_special' to not get updated properly in-game, perhaps due to the fact that I was online on multiple servers at once.

Here are the rounds where I used this technique :
Bagil : 153025, 153031, 153033
Sybil : 153026 (observed because the round was ending), 153029, 153032
Terry : 153027, 153030, 153035

For additional proof you can check href logs for those rounds (they are private unfortunately) and see that I did disable my antag preferences. It should look like this with "Revolutionary" swapped with the other types of antag :
HREF: Eskjjlj (usr:Eskjjlj[ (8,174,1)]) : _src_=prefs;preference=be_special;be_special_type=Revolutionary
So on all 3 servers the href logs should show me disabling my antag roles once and then not touching them ever again.

It seems like this ban was made due to a false positive with admins tools which is why I am kindly asking it for it to be lifted or at least edited to say that I was simply farming playtime. But as far as I knew farming playtime is not against the rules though if admins say so I will stop doing it.

Re: [ArcaneDefence] Error in admin tools?

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:07 am
by ArcaneDefence
Hi bud, thanks for appealing.
For the first bit, your link to your ticket doesn't help anyone that doesn't already have access to the ticket database. You have to publish that, and provide the unique link it gives you, as anything with /me/tickets will fail to work for anyone else.

The fact that you decided to do such blatant antag-rolling behavior combined with the fact that your be_special was a lengthy list at the time I had investigated you across multiple servers combined with your lack of a response to the admin pms is what led me to apply the ban in the first place. You were, to the fullest of my knowledge of the system, eligible to be picked as an antagonist from the moment you connected to that round.

From everything I have seen, the preferences update in real time to that var in your preferences datum attached to your client. The href logs align with that. I had seen no such attempt to disable your antag preferences in round 153033, they are apparent however in rounds 153025, 153027, and 153029. Thanks for sparing me some time in digging around for all those by posting associated round IDs.

What gets me about this situation the most is how between me applying the ban and you returning to ahelp and ask about the ban your be_special list was cleared as I would've expected them to be had you changed your preferences, but there was no reference to your preferences being saved during round 153033. This leads me to believe it was overwritten by some means in the system I'm not aware of.
I don't see them being altered in real time across servers, so I'm willing to lift this ban on the fact that you were clearly disabling them in rounds prior, despite them seemingly active at that moment.

Thank you for utterly wasting my time reading logs on a weekend because you want a stupid number to go up. Please make sure your prefs are disabled if you continue to do so.

Re: [ArcaneDefence] Error in admin tools?

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:25 am
by Eskjjlj
Thankies! This can be moved to resolved.