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[RaveRadbury] YuiY1997 - Metacomms permaban

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:51 am
by YuiY1997
BYOND account: YuiY1997
Character name:Weiss Iams
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: "Metacomms. Also some Ick Ock on a community discord. Was Forthcoming and honest when asked about it."
Time ban was placed: 2020-07-06 01:27:43
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: #141246
Your side of the story: The ban was not for the round I was banned on, but after a round where I had attempted to contact a player (Kether Mavet) to break me out of a bluespace bodybag when I was suffocating. I had also been ICK OCKing most of the round when I was salting over a Captain. I knew at the time the behavior was unacceptable but did it anyways.
Why you think you should be unbanned: To start out with I'd like to apologize to the community of Manuel, who I wronged despite them always being supportive. Metacomming is arguably the worst offense you can commit solely because it damages the integrity of the game for everyone on a fundamental level. I regret having damaged the community in the way I have. Not just through this one act, but with the sizable pile of notes I had amassed over the months. The truth is, I saw ss13 as a game about winning, I bent the rules to make things go my way all the time and at the end of the day, that isn't fair. Continually I would get notes and blame the admin giving them without taking a moment of self reflection. After being banned, I realized how much the Manuel community came to resent me for my behavior, and then I realized it was me that was the problem. I mostly went to HRP servers after, I learned to contribute to a community through roleplaying, actually do something constructive, I started seeing ss13 as more collaborative theater than I did a game to win or lose. I've really been trying to work on myself before I made the appeal. I originally didn't intend to appeal until a year after the ban was placed, but after a good friend of mine (Rhials Duffy) said I should now I thought it would be best. I know my behavior at the time was inexcusable, which is why I'm not trying to make excuses, but instead I want to make a promise that if I am unbanned I'll do something for the community that I miss desperately, because they always cared for me when I was too much of a jerk to appreciate it or give anything back to the community. I understand the nature of the offense I committed makes it difficult to believe I'm going to be honest, but I really hope that I'm able to show that I'm able to add to the community with what I've been doing in the 6 months since I've been banned.
References of good conduct: I have a reference from Vesta of Orion (Hestia Reboot), a Senior Admin there Avignis ♡#9999 on discord said they would vouch for me, the quality of my roleplaying, and my growth as a player the past few months. Sojourn’s Headmin, Kaz said he would vouch for me as well.

Re: [RaveRadbury] YuiY1997 - Metacomms permaban

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 11:33 pm
by RaveRadbury
Hey Yuiy, thanks for taking the time to write out an appeal.
It's great to see that you've chosen to address your notes beyond the perma, very cool that you have grown and improved since the ban.

A technicality worth noting is that the servers you are providing vouches from aren't in the hostbus so do not fall under the standards we have for server vouchers. Having that said, I didn't request that you return with a vouch so your appeal here does not hinge on it. Seeing as you went through the trouble of acquiring them I have decided to honor their offers and contacted them.

I'll be lifting this ban. Please note that since your ban a system has been added that tracks the amount of living hours that have passed since the last note/ban, so the notes that you acquired before the ban will still be weighing on any future issues should they occur.

Re: [RaveRadbury] YuiY1997 - Metacomms permaban

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:31 am
by YuiY1997
I also have a preemtive stickyban from owegno. I thought that was redundant though since permabans are by nature sticky. Is this a move to make it so I'm appealing through him? I'm assuming I'll have to make a separate appeal.

Re: [RaveRadbury] YuiY1997 - Metacomms permaban

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:33 am
by Owegno
I was sent evidence of you threatening to evade the ban so I placed a stickyban pre-emptively. It's been lifted as the ban is still Rave's.

Re: [RaveRadbury] YuiY1997 - Metacomms permaban

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:43 am
by YuiY1997
Preem, thanks for the lift. I'll make sure you don't (immediately) regret it.