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[CreationPro] SuicideZ - Killing HoP

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:48 pm
by SuicideZ
Byond account and character name: SuicideZ, Lars Ake
Banning admin: CreationPro
Ban reason and length: Attempted killing of a security officer, helped killing the HoP. Length of 24 hours.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-05-03 06:45:21
Your side of the story:

I was running away from security as the QM and ran towards primary tool storage. When I got there I started hiding in a locker. Shortly after getting into the locker some assistant and the HoP came, the assistant hit the HoP over the head with a bottle of alcohol and then set him on fire. Then i got out and a sec officer came from the hallway. I stunned the sec officer with the disabler i had. (got it from cargo, HoS left it to me because I ordered him 2 crates). I then said "KILL HIM" to the assistant. he didn't do this and I got arrested by other security staff.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

I got a message from CreationPro, he asked me what happened and I admitted I told the assistant to kill the sec officer. I said I messed up in the heat of the moment and shouldn't have asked to kill the sec officer. He then banned me for 2 hours, and said I was lucky the security officer didn't get killed or the ban would be longer. I understand why I got banned and think it is fair.
But when I joined to check if my ban was over yet I saw that the ban was upped to 24 hours because I helped kill the HoP. This just isn't true, sure I didn't try to save him but I didn't in any way help kill the HoP. So I'm just wondering what is going on, I don't mind being banned for something I did do, but this just isn't something I did.

Re: [CreationPro] SuicideZ - Killing HoP

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:49 pm
by CreationPro
Right, the HoP reported being attacked by you, and there's that line: [06:34:46]ATTACK: Lars Ake shot Joseph Murray with The disabler beam.
Can you explain that? Can't say that was a stray shot because you shot many people that round.

Edit: relevant parts of the log.
[06:18:04]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:05]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:06]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:09]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:10]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:11]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:11]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:12]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam
[06:18:12]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seven Dollar Sanchez with The disabler beam</font
[06:18:59]ATTACK: Thomas Ralen shot Lars Ake(suicidez) with The electrode
[06:19:05]ATTACK: Thomas Ralen handcuffed Lars Ake(suicidez)
[06:22:26]ATTACK: Thomas Ralen hit Lars Ake(suicidez) with The toolbelt
[06:27:19]ATTACK: Saul Goodman(denzonl) hit Lars Ake(suicidez) with The improvised explosive
[06:29:27]ATTACK: Sweeny Thyme flashed Lars Ake(suicidez) with flash
[06:31:59]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seth Macintyre with The bolt
[06:32:01]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seth Macintyre with The bolt
[06:32:56]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) grabbed Unknown passively
[06:34:06]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:07]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:08]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:09]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:09]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:10]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:10]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:13]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:14]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:14]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:15]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:15]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam</font
[06:34:16]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:17]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Thomas Ralen with The disabler beam
[06:34:28]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Seth Macintyre with The disabler beam
[06:34:30]ATTACK: Seth Macintyre shot Lars Ake(suicidez) with The electrode
[06:34:46]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Joseph Murray(looping) with The disabler beam
[06:36:47]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Danny Sweeney with The disabler beam
[06:36:47]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Danny Sweeney with The disabler beam
[06:36:48]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Danny Sweeney with The disabler beam
[06:36:50]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Danny Sweeney with The disabler beam
[06:37:02]ATTACK: Lars Ake(suicidez) shot Danny Sweeney with The disabler beam
[06:37:36]ATTACK: Danny Sweeney disarmed Lars Ake(suicidez)
[06:37:37]ATTACK: Danny Sweeney disarmed Lars Ake(suicidez)
[06:37:39]ATTACK: Danny Sweeney disarmed Lars Ake(suicidez)
[06:38:08]ATTACK: Sweeny Thyme shot Lars Ake(suicidez) with The electrode
[06:38:13]ATTACK: Sweeny Thyme handcuffed Lars Ake(suicidez)

Re: [CreationPro] SuicideZ - Killing HoP

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 2:08 pm
by SuicideZ
To be completely honest, I don't remember exactly what happened.

I think I shot the HoP once because he was with the original security crew I was running away from, but the 1 disabler shot couldn't have stunned/disabled him. If I really did try to stun/disable him I would have hit him multiple times, like I did with others.

The HoP only dropped on the ground the moment the assistant hit him with a bottle and I certainly didn't ignite him. Only after this happened I got the idea to do have the same done to the security officer I then stunned. But that was what the original 2 hour ban was for.

Re: [CreationPro] SuicideZ - Killing HoP

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 2:21 pm
by CreationPro
All right, after having a talk with the HoP, it seems you weren't *actively* trying to kill him. You were standing by while the antag mime was killing him, and then proceeded to shoot the sec guard. (Which is what the ban was for initially).
I will be lifting that one, but, please, do not aid antagonists without a good reason.

Re: [CreationPro] SuicideZ - Killing HoP

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 2:22 pm
by SuicideZ
Thank you, I will be more careful in the future.