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[Doctor Brutality] Chrapacz2000 - Metacomms

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:53 pm
by chrapacz2000
BYOND account: Chrapacz2000
Character name: Charles Sauerkraut
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Metacomms with arulla, same IP, wordlessly met up in maint and converted them to the revolution. When asked if they knew Arulla constantly dodged the question.
Time ban was placed: 12:32:22 2020-03-01
Server you were playing on when banned: Event Hall
Round ID in which ban was placed: 131272
Your side of the story: i was talking indeed with my brother on discord while playing on server with him, same home same router so IP was same, i won't be making excuses
Why you think you should be unbanned: i could make few empty promisses like everyone does but i don't feel like lying today so i'll go straight ahead, i just wanted to hop on sometimes and play, see what changed and chill without shitting, admins may unban me or not i'm just trying to get as many unbans as i can so i can fix dumb errors of past. i grew up and moved on
Anything else we should know: i wrote junk quality appeal 1 year ago while being a salty retard so then i wrote pseudo normal one and got told to try again in 1 year so here i am but actually puting effort and not making excuses, i'm including screenshot of ban Image

Re: [Doctor Brutality] Chrapacz2000 - Metacomms

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:27 pm
by pugie
Hi, thanks for appealing! I am the banning admin.
Don't kid yourself, this appeal is a junky, low quality appeal too. However, it's been over a year and lifting the ban seems fair to me. Just read the rules and be good, if you can do that there won't be any issues here.
Have fun chief.